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her head back and up; trying to catch her breath。

   〃Too fine to leave Guenhwyvar out of it!〃 Drizzt clarified happily。

   Catti…brie's smile was wide when she looked down to see Drizzt take the onyx panther figurine out of his backpack。 It was among the most beautiful of artworks Catti…brie had ever seen; perfectly detailed to show the muscled flanks and the true; insightful expression of the great cat。 As perfect as it was; though; the figurine paled beside the magnificent creature that it allowed Drizzt to summon。

   The drow reverently placed the item on the ground before him。 〃e to me; Guenhwyvar;〃 he called softly。 Apparently the panther was eager to return; for a gray mist swirled about the item almost immediately; gradually taking shape and solidifying。

   Guenhwyvar came to the Material Plane with ears straight up; relaxed; as though the cat understood from the inflections of Drizzt's call that there was no emergency; that she was being summoned merely for panionship。

   〃We are racing to Settlestone;〃 Drizzt explained。 〃Do you think you can keep pace?〃

   The panther understood。 A single spring from powerful hind legs sent Guenhwyvar soaring over Catti…brie's head; across the twenty…foot expanse to the top of the rock slab she and Drizzt had just crossed。 The cat hit the rock's flat top; backpedaled; and spun to face the duo。 Then for no other reason than to give praise to the day; Guenhwyvar reared and stood tall in the air; a sight that sent her friends' hearts racing。 Guenhwyvar was six hundred pounds; twice the size of an ordinary panther; with a head almost as wide as Drizzt's shoulders; a paw that could cover a man's face; and spectacular; shining green eyes that revealed an intelligence far beyond what an animal should possess。 Guenhwyvar was the most loyal of panions; an unjudging friend; and every time Drizzt or Catti…brie; or Bruenor or Regis; looked at the cat; their lives were made just a bit warmer。

   〃Me thinking's that we should get a head start;〃 Catti…brie whispered mischievously。

   Drizzt gave a slight; inconspicuous nod; and they broke together; running full…out down the trail。 A few seconds later they heard Guenhwyvar roar behind them; still from atop the slab of rock。 The trail was relatively clear and Drizzt sprinted out ahead of Catti…brie; though the woman; young and strong; with a heart that would have been more appropriate in the chest of a sturdy dwarf; could not be shaken。

   〃Ye're not to beat me!〃 she cried; to which Drizzt laughed。 His mirth disappeared as he rounded a bend to find that stubborn and daring Catti…brie had taken a somewhat treacherous shortcut; light…skipping over a patch of broken and uneven stones; to take an unexpected lead。

   Suddenly this was more than a friendly petition。 Drizzt lowered his head and ran full…out; careening down the uneven ground so recklessly that he was barely able to avoid smacking face first into a tree。 Catti…brie paced him; step for step; and kept her lead。

   Guenhwyvar roared again; still from the slab; they knew; and they knew; too; that they were being mocked。

   Sure enough; barely a few seconds later; a black streak rebounded off a wall of stone to Drizzt's side; crossing level with the drow's head。 Guenhwyvar cut back across the trail between the two panions; and passed Catti…brie so quickly and so silently that she hardly realized she was no longer leading。

   Sometime later; Guenhwyvar let her get ahead again; then Drizzt took a treacherous shortcut and slipped into the front梠nly to be passed again by the panther。 So it went; with petitive Drizzt and Catti…brie working hard; and Guenhwyvar merely hard at play。

   The three were exhausted梐t least Drizzt and Catti…brie were; Guenhwyvar wasn't even breathing hard梬hen they broke for lunch on a small clearing; protected from the wind by a high wall on the north and east; and dropping off fast in a sheer cliff to the south。 Several rocks dotted the clearing; perfect stools for the tired panions。 A grouping of stones was set in the middle as a fire pit; for this was a usual campsite of the oft…wandering drow。

   Catti…brie relaxed while Drizzt brought up a small fire。 Far below she could see the gray plumes of smoke rising lazily into the clear air from the houses of Settlestone。 It was a sobering sight; for it reminded the young woman; who had spent the morning at such a pace; of the gravity of her mission and of the situation。 How many runs might she and Drizzt and Guenhwyvar share if the dark elves came calling?

   Those plumes of smoke also reminded Catti…brie of the man who had brought the tough barbarians to this place from Icewind Dale; the man who was to have been her husband。 Wulfgar had died trying to save her; had died in the grasp of a yochlol; a handmaiden of evil Lloth。 Both Catti…brie and Drizzt had to bear some responsibility for that loss; yet it wasn't guilt that pained the young woman now; or that pained Drizzt。 He; too; had noticed the smoke and had taken a break from his fire…tending to watch and contemplate。

   The panions did not smile now; for simple loss; because they had taken so many runs just like this one; except that Wulfgar had raced beside them; his long strides making up for the fact that he could not squeeze through breaks that his two smaller panions could pass at full speed。

   〃I wish。。。〃 Catti…brie said; and the words resonated in the ears of the similarly wishing dark elf。

   〃Our war; if it es; would be better fought with Wulfgar; son of Beornegar; leading the men of Settlestone;〃 Drizzt agreed; and what both he and Catti…brie silently thought was that all their lives would be better if Wulfgar were alive。

   There。 Drizzt had said it openly; and there was no more to say。 They ate their lunch silently。 Even Guenhwyvar lay very still and made not a sound。

   Catti…brie's mind drifted from her friends; back to Icewind Dale; to the rocky mountain; Kelvin's Cairn; dotting the otherwise flat tundra。 It was so similar to this very place。 Colder; perhaps; but the air held the same crispness; the same clear; vital texture。 How far she and her friends; Drizzt and Guenhwyvar; Bruenor and Regis; and; of course; Wulfgar; had e from that place! And in so short a time! A frenzy of adventures; a lifetime of excitement and thrills and good deeds。 Together they were an unbeatable force。

   So they had thought。

   Catti…brie had seen the emotions of a lifetime; indeed; and she was barely into her twenties。 She had run fast through life; like her run down the mountain trails; free and high…spirited; skipping without care; feeling immortal。


Chapter 4


   〃A conspiracy?〃 the drow's fingers flashed; using the silent hand code of the dark elves; its movements so intricate and varied that nearly every connotation of every word in the drow language could be represented。 Jarlaxle replied with a slight shake of his head。 He sighed and seemed sincerely perplexed梐 sight not often seen梐nd motioned for his cohort to follow him to a more secure area。

   They crossed the wide; winding avenues of Menzoberranzan; flat; clear areas between the towering stalagmite mounds that served as homes to the various drow families。 Those mounds; and a fair number of long stalactites leering down from the huge cavern's ceiling; were hollowed out and sculpted with sweeping balconies and walkways。 The clusters within each family pound were often joined by high bridges; most shaped to resemble spiderwebs。 And on all the houses; especially those of the older and more established families; the most wondrous designs were highlighted by glowing faerie fire; purple and blue; sometimes outlined in red and; not so often; in green。 Menzoberranzan was the most spectacular of cities; breathtaking; surreal; and an ignorant visitor (who would not be ignorant; or likely even alive; for long!) would never guess that the artisans of such beauty were among the most malicious of Toril's races。

   Jarlaxle moved without a whisper down the darker; tighter avenues surrounding the lesser houses。 His focus was ahead and to the sides; his keen eye (and his eye patch was over his right eye at the time) discerning the slightest of movements in the most distant shadows。

   The mercenary leader's surprise was plete when he glanced back at his panion and found; not M'tarl; the lieutenant of Bregan D'aerthe he had set out with; but another; very powerful; drow。

   Jarlaxle was rarely without a quick response; but the specter of Gromph Baenre; Matron Baenre's elderboy; the archmage of Menzoberranzan; standing so unexpectedly beside him; surely stole his wit。

   〃I trust that M'tarl will be returned to me when you are finished;〃 Jarlaxle said; quickly regaining his seldom…lost posure。

   Without a word; the archmage waved his arm; and a shimmering green globe appeared in the air; several feet from the floor。 A thin silver cord hung down from it; its visible end barely brushing the stone floor。

   Jarlaxle shrugged and took up the cord; and as soon as he touched it; he was drawn upward into the globe; into the extradimensional space beyond the shimmering portal。

   The casting was impressive; Jarlaxle decided; for he found within not the usual empty space created by such an evocation; but a lushly furnished sitting room; plete with a zombielike servant that offered him a drink of fine wine before he ever sat down。 Jarlaxle took a moment to allow his vision to shift into the normal spectrum of light; for the place was bathed in a soft blue glow。 This was not unusual for wizards; even drow wizards accustomed to the lightless ways of the Underdark; for one could not read scrolls or spellbooks without light!

   〃He will be returned if he can survive where I put him long enough for us to plete our conversation;〃 Gromph replied。 The wizard seemed not too concerned; as he; too; came into the extradimensional pocket。 The mighty Baenre closed his eyes and whispered a word; and his piwafwi cloak and other unremarkable attire transformed。 Now he looked the part of his prestigious station。 His flowing robe showed many pockets and was emblazoned with sigils and runes of power。 As with the house structures; faerie fire 
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