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   〃You expected it;〃 K'yorl said accusingly。

   That was true enough桱arlaxle had wondered why the Oblodrans had waited this long with all the other houses so vulnerable?but he would not concede the point。

   〃Where in this does Bregan D'aerthe stand?〃 K'yorl demanded。

   Jarlaxle got the feeling that any answer he gave would be moot; since K'yorl was probably going to tell him exactly where Bregan D'aerthe stood。 〃With the victors;〃 he said cryptically and casually。

   K'yorl smiled in salute to his cleverness。 〃I will be the victor;〃 she assured him。 〃It will be over quickly; this very day; and with few drow dead。〃

   Jarlaxle doubted that。 House Oblodra had never shown any regard for life; be it drow or otherwise。 The drow numbers within the third house were small mainly because the wild clan members killed as often as they bred。 They were renowned for a game that they played; a challenge of the highest stakes called Khaless?ironically; the drow word for trust。 A globe of darkness and magical silence would be hung in the air above the deepest point in the chasm called the Clawrift。 The peting dark elves would then levitate into the globe and; there; unable to see or hear; it would bee a challenge of simple and pure courage。

   The first one to e out of the globe and back to secure footing was the loser; so the trick was to remain in the globe until the very last second of the levitation enchantment。

   More often than not; both stubborn petitors would wait too long and would plunge to their demise。

   Now K'yorl; merciless and ultimately wicked; was trying to assure Jarlaxle that the drow losses would be kept at a minimum。 By whose standard? the mercenary wondered; and if the answer was K'yorl's; then likely half the city would be dead before the end of the day。

   There was little Jarlaxle could do about that; he realized。 He and Bregan D'aerthe were as dependent on magic as any other dark elf camps; and without it he couldn't even keep K'yorl out of his private chamber梕ven his private thoughts!

   〃This day;〃 K'yorl said again; grimly。 〃And when it is done; I will call for you; and you will e。〃

   Jarlaxle didn't nod; didn't answer at all。 He didn't have to。 He could feel the mental intrusion again; and knew that K'yorl understood him。 He hated her; and hated what she was about to do; but Jarlaxle was ever pragmatic; and if things went as K'yorl predicted; then he would indeed go to her call。

   She smiled again and faded away。 Then; like a ghost; she simply walked through Jarlaxle's stone wall。

   Jarlaxle rested back in his chair; his fingers tapping nervously together。 He had never felt so vulnerable; or so caught in the middle of an uncontrollable situation。 He could get word to Matron Baenre; of course; but to what gain? Even House Baenre; so vast and proud; could not stand against K'yorl when her magic worked and theirs did not。 Likely; Matron Baenre would be dead soon; and all her family with her; and then where would the mercenary hide?

   He would not hide; of course。 He would go to K'yorl's call。

   Jarlaxle understood why K'yorl had paid him the visit and why it was important to her; who seemed to have everything in her favor; to enlist him in her court。 He and his band were the only drow in Menzoberranzan with any true ties outside the city; a crucial factor for anyone aspiring to the position of first matron mother梟ot that anyone other than Matron Baenre had aspired to that coveted position in close to a thousand years。

   Jarlaxle's fingers continued tapping。 Perhaps it was time for a change; he thought。 He quickly dismissed that hopeful notion; for even if he was right; this change did not seem for the better。 Apparently; though; K'yorl believed that the situation with conventional magic was a temporary thing; else she would not have been so interested in enlisting Bregan D'aerthe。

   Jarlaxle had to believe; had to pray; that she was right; especially if her coup succeeded (and the mercenary had no reason to believe it would not)。 He would not survive long; he realized; if First Matron Mother K'yorl; a drow he hated above all others; could enter his thoughts at will。


   She was too beautiful to be drow; seemed the perfection of drow features to any; male or female; who looked at her。 It was this beauty alone that held in check the deadly lances and crossbows of the House Baenre guard and made Berg'inyon Baenre; after one glance at her; bid her enter the pound。

   The magical fence wasn't working and there were no conventional gates in the perimeter of the Baenre household。 Normally; the spiderweb of the fence would spiral out; opening a wide hole on mand; but now Berg'inyon had to ask the drow to climb over。

   She said not a word; but simply approached the fence。 Spiral wide it did; one last gasp of magic before this creature; the avatar of the goddess who had created it。

   Berg'inyon led the way; though he knew beyond doubt that this one needed no guidance。 He understood that she was heading for the chapel梠f course she would be heading for the chapel!梥o he instructed some of his soldiers to find the matron mother。

   Sos'Umptu met them at the door of the chapel; the place that was in her care。 She protested for an instant; but just for an instant。

   Berg'inyon had never seen his devoted sister so flustered; had never seen her jaw go slack for lack of strength。 She fell away from them; to her knees。

   The beautiful drow walked past her without a word。 She turned sharply桽os'Umptu gasped梐nd put her glare over Berg'inyon as he continued to follow。

   〃You are just a male;〃 Sos'Umptu whispered in explanation。 〃Be gone from this holy place。〃

   Berg'inyon was too stricken to reply; to even sort out how he felt at that moment。 He never turned his back; just gave a series of ridiculous bows; and verily fell through the chapel's door; back out into the courtyard。

   Both Bladen'Kerst and Quenthel were out there; but the rest of the group that had gathered in response to the whispered rumors had wisely been dispersed by the sisters。

   〃Go back to your post;〃 Bladen'Kerst snarled at Berg'inyon。 〃Nothing has happened!〃 It wasn't so much a statement as a mand。

   〃Nothing has happened;〃 Berg'inyon echoed; and that became the order of the day; and a wise one; Berg'inyon immediately realized。 This was Lloth herself; or some close minion。 He knew this in his heart。

   He knew it; and the soldiers would whisper it; but their enemies must not learn of this!

   Berg'inyon scrambled across the courtyard; passed the word; the mand that 〃nothing had happened。〃 He took up a post that allowed him an overview of the chapel and was surprised to see that his ambitious sisters dared not enter; but rather paced about the main entrance nervously。

   Sos'Umptu came out as well and joined their parade。 No words were openly exchanged桞erg'inyon didn't even notice any flashes of the silent hand code梐s Matron Baenre hustled across the courtyard。 She passed by her daughters and scurried into the chapel; and the pacing outside began anew。

   For Matron Baenre it was the answer to her prayers and the realization of her nightmares all at once。 She knew immediately who and what it was that sat before her on the central dais。 She knew; and she believed。

   〃If I am the offending person; then I offer myself。。。〃 she began humbly; falling to her knees as she spoke。

   〃Wael!〃 the avatar snapped at her; the drow word for fool; and Baenre hid her face in her hands with shame。

   〃Usstan'sargh wael!〃 the beautiful drow went on; calling Matron Baenre an arrogant fool。 Baenre trembled at the verbal attack; thought for a moment that she had sunk lower than her worst fears; that her goddess had e personally for no better reason than to shame her to death。 Images of her tortured body being dragged through the winding avenues of Menzoberranzan flashed in her mind; thoughts of herself as the epitome of a fallen drow leader。

   Yet thoughts such as that were exactly what this creature who was more than a drow had just berated her about; Matron Baenre suddenly realized。 She dared look up。

   〃Do not place so much importance on yourself;〃 the avatar said calmly。

   Matron Baenre allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief。 Then this wasn't about her; she understood。 All of this; the failure of magic and prayer; was beyond her; beyond all the mortal realms。

   〃K'yorl has erred;〃 the avatar went on; reminding Baenre that while these catastrophic events might be above her; their ramifications most certainly were not。

   〃She has dared to believe that she can win without your favor;〃 Matron Baenre reasoned; and her surprise was total when the avatar scoffed at the notion。

   〃She could destroy you with a thought。〃

   Matron Baenre shuddered and lowered her head once more。

   〃But she has erred on the side of caution;〃 the avatar went on。 〃She delayed her attack; and now; when she decided that the advantage was indeed hers to hold; she has allowed a personal feud to delay her most important strike even longer。〃

   〃Then the powers have returned!〃 Baenre gasped。 〃You are returned。〃

   〃Wael!〃 the frustrated avatar screamed。 〃Did you think I would not return?〃 Matron Baenre fell flat to the floor and groveled with all her heart。

   〃The Time of Troubles will end;〃 the avatar said a moment later; calm once more。 〃And you will know what you must do when all is as it should be。〃

   Baenre looked up just long enough to see the avatar's narrow…eyed glare full upon her。 〃Do you think I am so resourceless?〃 the beautiful drow asked。

   A horrified expression; purely sincere; crossed Baenre's face; and she began to numbly shake her head back and forth; denying she had ever lost faith。

   Again; she lay flat out; groveling; and stopped her prayers only when something hard hit the floor beside her head。 She dared to look up; to find a lump of yellow stone; sulphur; lying beside her。

   〃You must fend off K'yorl for a short while;〃 the avatar explained。 〃Go join the matron mothers and your eldest daughter and son in the meeting room。 Stoke the flames and allow those I have enlisted to e through to your side。 
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