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   K'yorl felt her entire body stretching down from the tower; reaching for the sulphur and the gate。 She should have been already dead; she knew she should have already died under the tremendous pressure。

   Matron Baenre held her hand steady; but could not help closing her eyes; as K'yorl's weirdly elongated form suddenly flew from the top of the broken tower; soaring straight for her。

   Several drow; Berg'inyon included; screamed; others gasped again; and still others called to the glory of Lloth; as K'yorl; stretched and narrowed so that she resembled a living spear; entered the sulphur; the gate that would take her to the Abyss; to Errtu; Lloth's appointed agent of torture。

   Behind K'yorl came the fiends; with a tremendous fanfare; roaring and loosing bolts of lightning against the Oblodran pound; igniting balls of exploding fire and other blinding displays of their power。 pelled by Errtu; they stretched and thinned and flew into the sulphur; and Matron Baenre held on against her terror; transforming it into a sensation of sheer power。

   In a few moments; all the fiends; even the greatest tanar'ri; were gone。 Matron Baenre felt their presence still; transformed somehow within the sulphur。

   Suddenly; it was quiet once more。 Many dark elves looked to each other; wondering if the punishment was plete; wondering if House Oblodra would be allowed to survive under a new leader。 Nobles from several different houses flashed signals to each other expressing their concern that Baenre would now put one of her own daughters in mand of the third house; further sealing her ultimate position within the city。

   But Baenre had no such thoughts。 This was a punishment demanded by Lloth; a plete punishment; as terrible as anything that had ever been exacted on a house in Menzoberranzan。 Again heeding the telepathic instructions of Errtu; Matron Baenre hurled the throbbing piece of sulphur into the Clawrift; and when cheers went up about her; the dark elves thinking the ceremony plete; she raised her arms out wide and manded them all to witness the wrath of Lloth。

   They felt the first rumblings within the Clawrift beneath their feet。 A few anxious moments passed; too quiet; too hushed。

   One of K'yorl's daughters appeared on the open platform atop the broken tower。 She ran to the edge; calling; pleading; to Matron Baenre。 A moment later; when Baenre gave no response; she happened to glance to the side; to one of the fingerlike chasms of the great Clawrift。

   Wide went her eyes; and her scream was as terrified as any drow had ever heard。 From the higher vantage point offered by her levitation spell; Matron Baenre followed the gaze and was next to react; throwing her arms high and wide and crying out to her goddess in ecstacy。 A moment later; the gathering understood。

   A huge black tentacle snaked over the rim of the Clawrift; wriggling its way behind the Oblodran pound。 Like a wave; dark elves fell back; stumbling all over each other; as the twenty…foot…thick monstrosity came around the back; along the side; and then along the front wall; back toward the chasm。

   〃Baenre!〃 pleaded the desperate; doomed Oblodran。

   〃You have denied Lloth;〃 the first matron mother replied calmly。 〃Feel her wrath!〃

   The ground beneath the cavern trembled slightly as the tentacle; the angry hand of Lloth; tightened its grasp on the Oblodran pound。 The wall buckled and collapsed as the thing began its steady sweep。

   K'yorl's daughter leaped from the tower as it; too; began to crumble。 She cleared the tentacle; and was still alive; though broken; on the ground when a group of dark elves got to her。 Uthegental Armgo was among that group; and the mighty weapon master pushed aside the others; preventing them from finishing the pitiful creature off。 He hoisted the Odran in his powerful arms; and; through bleary eyes; the battered female regarded him; even managed a faint smile; as though she expected he had e out to save her。

   Uthegental laughed at her; lifted her above his head and ran forward; heaving her over the side of the tentacle; back into the rolling rubble that had been her house。

   The cheers; the screams; were deafening; and so was the rumble as the tentacle swept all that had been House Oblodra; all the structures and all the drow; into the chasm。

Chapter 15


   The mercenary shook his bald head; as defiant an act as he had ever made against Matron Baenre。 At this moment; so soon after the first matron mother's awesome display of power; and given the fact that she was obviously in the Spider Queen's highest favor; Jarlaxle's questioning of her plans seemed even more dangerous。

   Triel Baenre sneered at Jarlaxle; and Berg'inyon closed his eyes; neither of them really wanted to see the useful male beaten to death。 Wicked Bladen'Kerst; though; licked her lips anxiously and gripped the five…headed tentacle whip tied on her hip; hoping that her mother would allow her the pleasure。

   〃I fear it is not the time;〃 Jarlaxle said openly; bluntly。 〃Lloth instructs me differently;〃 Baenre replied; and she seemed quite cool and calm; given the defiance of a mere male。

   〃We cannot be certain that our magic will continue to work as we expect;〃 Jarlaxle reasoned。

   Baenre nodded; and the others then realized; to their absolute surprise; that their mother was glad the mercenary was taking a negative role。 Jarlaxle's questions were pertinent; and he was; in fact; helping Baenre sort through the details of her proposed new alliance and the march to Mithril Hall。

   Triel Baenre eyed her mother suspiciously as all of this sank in。 If Matron Baenre had received her instructions directly from the Spider Queen; as she had openly stated; then why would she want; or even tolerate; defiance or questioning at all? Why would Matron Baenre need to have these most basic questions concerning the wisdom of the march answered?

   〃The magic is secure;〃 Baenre replied。

   Jarlaxle conceded the point。 Everything he had heard; both within and beyond the drow city; seemed to back that claim。 〃You will have no trouble forming an alliance after the spectacle of House Oblodra's fall。 Matron Mez'Barris Armgo has been supportive all along; and no matron mother would dare even hint that she fears to follow your lead。〃

   〃The Clawrift is large enough to hold the rubble of many houses;〃 Baenre said dryly。

   Jarlaxle snickered。 〃Indeed;〃 he said。 〃And indeed this is the time for alliance; for whatever purpose that alliance must be formed。〃

   〃It is time to march to Mithril Hall;〃 Baenre interrupted; her tone one of finality; 〃time to rise up from despair and bring higher glories to the Spider Queen。〃

   〃We have suffered many losses;〃 Jarlaxle dared to press。 〃House Oblodra and their kobold slaves were to lead the attack; dying in the dwarven traps set for drow。〃

   〃The kobolds will be brought up from their holes in the Clawrift;〃 Baenre assured him。

   Jarlaxle didn't disagree; but he knew the tunnels below the rim of the chasm better than anyone; now that all of House Oblodra was dead。 Baenre would get some kobolds; several hundred perhaps; but House Oblodra could have provided many thousand。

   〃The city's hierarchy is in question;〃 the mercenary went on。 〃The third house is no more; and the fourth is without its matron mother。 Your own family still has not recovered from the renegade's escape and the loss of Dantrag and Vendes。〃

   Baenre suddenly sat forward in her throne。 Jarlaxle didn't flinch; but many of the Baenre children did; fearing that their mother understood the truth of the mercenary's last statement; and that Baenre simply would not tolerate any bickering between her surviving children as they sorted out the responsibilities and opportunities left open by the loss of their brother and sister。

   Baenre stopped as quickly as she had started; standing before the throne。 She let her dangerous gaze linger over each of her gathered children; then dropped it fully over the impertinent mercenary。 〃e with me;〃 she manded。

   Jarlaxle stepped aside to let her pass; and obediently and wisely fell into step right behind her。 Triel moved to follow; but Baenre spun about; stopping her daughter in her tracks。 〃Just him;〃 she growled。

   A black column centered the throne room; and a crack appeared along its seemingly perfect and unblemished side as Baenre and the mercenary approached。 The crack widened as the cunning door slid open; allowing the two to enter the cylindrical chamber within。

   Jarlaxle expected Baenre to yell at him; or to talk to him; even threaten him; once the door closed again; separating them from her family。 But the matron mother said nothing; just calmly walked over to a hole in the floor。 She stepped into the hole; but did not fall; rather floated down to the next lower level; the great Baenre mound's third level; on currents of magical energy Jarlaxle followed as soon as the way was clear; but still; when he got to the third level; he had to hurry to keep up with the hustling matron mother; gliding through the floor once more; and then again; and again; until she came to the dungeons beneath the great mound。

   Still she offered not a word of explanation; and Jarlaxle began to wonder if he was to be imprisoned down here。 Many drow; even drow nobles; had found that grim fate; it was rumored that several had been kept as Baenre prisoners for more than a century; endlessly tortured; then healed by the priestesses; that they might be tortured again。

   A wave of Baenre's hand sent the two guards standing beside one cell door scrambling for cover。

   Jarlaxle was as relieved as curious when he walked into the cell behind Baenre to find a curious; barrel…chested dwarf chained to the far wall。 The mercenary looked back to Baenre; and only then did he realize she was not wearing one of her customary necklaces; the one fashioned of a dwarf's tooth。

   〃A recent catch?〃 Jarlaxle asked; though he suspected differently。

   〃Two thousand years;〃 Baenre replied。 〃I give to you Gandalug Battlehammer; patron of Clan Battlehammer; founder of Mithril Hall。〃

   Jarlaxle rocked back on his heels。 He had heard the rumors; of course; th
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