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der the cowl of her thick auburn locks; and that despondence struck Drizzt even more profoundly。

〃It is not my place to tell you how you should feel;〃 Drizzt said evenly。 Still the young woman did not look back to him。 〃My burden as your friend is equal to the one you carried in the southern city of Calimport; when I had lost my way。 I say to you now: The path before you turns soon in many directions; but that path is yours to choose。 For all our sakes; and mostly yours; I pray that you consider your course carefully。〃 He bent low; pushed back the side of Catti…brie's hair and kissed her gently on the cheek。

He did not look back as he left the chapel。

* * * * *

Half of Cobble's cart was already empty by the time the drow entered Bruenor's audience hall。 Bruenor; Cobble; Dagna; Wulfgar; Regis; and several other dwarves argued loudly over which pail of the 〃holy water〃 held the finest; smoothest taste—arguments that inevitable produced further taste tests; which in turn created further arguments。

〃This one!〃 Bruenor bellowed after draining a pail and ing back up with his red beard covered in foam。

〃That one's good for goblins!〃 Wulfgar roared; his voice dull。 His laughter ended abruptly; though; when Bruenor plopped the pail over his head and gave it a resounding backhand。

〃I could be wrong;〃 Wulfgar; suddenly sitting on the floor; admitted; his voice echoing under the metal bucket。

〃Tell me what ye think; drow;〃 Bruenor bellowed when he noticed Drizzt。 He held out two sloshing buckets。

Drizzt put up a hand; declining the invitation。 〃Mountain springs are more to my liking than thick mead;〃 he explained。

Bruenor threw the buckets at him; but the drow easily stepped aside; and the dark; golden liquid oozed slowly across the stone floor。 The sheer volume of the ensuing protests from the other dwarves at the waste of good mead astounded Drizzt; but not as much as the fact that this probably was the first time he had ever seen Bruenor scolded without finding the courage to fight back。

〃Me king;〃 came a call from the door; ending the argument。 A rather plump dwarf; fully arrayed in battle gear; entered the audience hall; the seriousness of his expression deflating the mirth in the tasting chamber。

〃Seven kin have not returned from the newer sections;〃 the dwarf explained。

〃Taking their time; is all;〃 Bruenor replied。

〃They missed their supper;〃 said the guard。

〃Trouble;〃 Cobble and Dagna said together; suddenly solemn。

〃Bah!〃 snorted Bruenor as he waved his thick hand unsteadily in front of him。 〃There be no more goblins in them tunnels。 The groups down there now're just hunting mithril。 They found a vein o' the stuff; I tell ye。 That'd keep any dwarf; even from his supper。〃

Cobble and Dagna; even Regis; Drizzt noted; wagged their heads in agreement。 Given the potential danger whenever traveling the tunnels of the Underdark (and the deepest tunnels of Mithril Hall could be considered nothing less); the wary drow was not so easily convinced。

〃What're ye thinking?〃 Bruenor asked Drizzt; seeing his plain concern。

Drizzt considered his response for a long while。 〃I am thinking that you are probably right。〃

〃Probably?〃 Bruenor huffed。 〃Ah; well; I never could convince ye。 Go on; then。 It's what ye want。 Take yer cat and go find me overdue dwarves。〃

Drizzt's wry smile left no doubt that Bruenor's instructions had been his intention all along。

〃I am Wulfgar; son of Beornegar! I will go!〃 Wulfgar proclaimed; but he sounded somewhat ridiculous with his head still under the bucket。 Bruenor leveled another backhand to silence his spouting。

〃And elf;〃 the king called; turning Drizzt back to him。 Bruenor offered a wicked smile to all of those about him; then dropped it fully over Regis。 〃Be taking Rumblebelly with ye;〃 the dwarf king explained。 〃He's not doing me much good about here。〃

Regis's big; round eyes got even bigger and rounder。 He ran plump; soft fingers through his curly brown hair; then tugged unfortably at the one dangling earring he wore。 〃Me?〃 he asked meekly。 〃Go back down there?〃

〃Ye went once;〃 Bruenor reasoned; making his argument more to the other dwarves than to Regis。 〃Got yer…self a few goblins; if me memory's right。〃

〃I have too much to—〃

〃Get ye going; Rumblebelly;〃 Bruenor growled; leaning forward in his seat and nearly overbalancing in the process。 〃For the first time since ye e running back to us—and know that we're knowing ye're running!—do what I ask of ye without yer back talk and excuses!〃

The seriousness of Bruenor's grim tone surprised everyone in the room; apparently even Regis; for the halfling offered not another word; just got up and walked obediently to stand beside Drizzt。

〃Can we stop by my room?〃 Regis quietly asked the drow。 〃I would like my mace and pack; at least。〃

Drizzt draped an arm over his three…foot…tall panion's slumping shoulders and turned him about。 〃Fear not;〃 he said under his breath; and to accentuate the point he dropped the onyx figurine of Guenhwyvar into the halfling's eager hands。

Regis knew he was in fine pany。

Chapter 7

Quiet in the Darkness

Even with burning lamps lining all the walls and the paths clear and well marked; it took Drizzt I and Regis the better part of three hours to cross I the miles of the great Mithril Hall plex to the new runnel areas。 They passed through the wondrous; tiered Undercity; with its many levels of dwarven dwellings that resembled gigantic steps on two sides of the huge cavern。 The dwellings overlooked a central work area on the cavern floor that bustled with the activities of the industrious race。 This was the hub of the entire plex; here the majority of Bruenor's people lived and worked。 Great furnaces roared all day; every day。 Dwarven hammers rang out in a continual song; and; though the mines had been opened for only a couple of months; thousands of finished products—everything from finely crafted weapons to beautiful goblets—already filled many pushcarts; which waited along the walls for the onset of the trading season。

Drizzt and Regis entered from the eastern end on the top tier; crossed the cavern along a high bridge; and weaved down the many stairways to exit the city's lowest level; heading west into Mithril Hall's deepest mines。 Low…burning lamps lined the walls; though these were fewer now and farther between; and every now and then the panions came to a dwarven work crew; bleeding precious silvery mithril from the tunnel wall。

Then they came to the outer tunnels; where there were no lamps and no dwarves。 Drizzt pulled off his pack; thinking to light a torch; but noticed the half ling's eyes glowing with the telltale red of infravision。

〃I do prefer the light of a torch;〃 Regis mented when the drow started to replace the pack without striking a light。 〃We should save them;〃 Drizzt answered。 〃We do not know how long we will have to remain in the new areas。〃 Regis shrugged; Drizzt took amusement in the fact that the halfling was already holding his small but undeniably effective mace; though they hadn't yet passed beyond the secured regions of the plex。

They took a short break; then started on again; putting another two or three miles behind them。 Predictably; Regis soon began to plain about his sore feet and quieted only when they heard the sound of dwarven chatter somewhere up ahead。

A few twists and turns in the tunnel took them to a narrow stair that emptied into the final guardroom of this section。 Four dwarves were in there; playing bones (grumbling with every throw) and paying little attention to the great; iron…barred stone door that sealed off the new areas。 〃Well met;〃 Drizzt said; interrupting the game。 〃We got some kin down there;〃 a stocky; brown…bearded dwarf replied as soon as he noticed Drizzt。 〃King Bruenor sending yerselves to find them?〃

〃Lucky us;〃 Regis remarked。

Drizzt nodded。 〃We are to remind the missing dwarves that the mithril will be gotten in proper time;〃 he said; trying to keep this encounter lighthearted; wanting to not alarm the dwarven guards by telling them that he believed there might be trouble in the new section。

Two of the dwarves took up their weapons while the other two walked over to remove the heavy iron bar that locked the door。

〃Well; when ye're ready to e back out; tap the door three; then two;〃 the brown…bearded dwarf explained。 〃We're not for opening it unless the signal's right!〃

〃Three; then two;〃 Drizzt agreed。

The bar came off and the door fell inward with a great sucking sound。 Nothing but the blackness of an empty tunnel was apparent beyond it。

〃Easy; my little friend;〃 Drizzt said; seeing the sudden gleam in the halfling's eye。 They had been down here just a couple of weeks before; for the goblin fight; but; though they had seen that threat eradicated; the hushed tunnel seemed no less imposing。

〃Hurry ye up;〃 the brown…bearded dwarf said to them; obviously not happy with keeping the door open。

Drizzt lighted a torch; and led the way into the gloom; Regis close on his heels。 The dwarves shut the door immediately when the panions were clear; and Drizzt and Regis heard the clanging of the iron bar being set back into place。

Drizzt handed Regis the torch and drew out his scimitars; Twinkle glowing a soft blue。 〃We should get done as quickly as we can;〃 the drow reasoned。 〃Bring in Guenhwyvar and let the cat lead us。〃

Regis set down his mace and torch and fumbled around to find the onyx figurine。 He placed it on the ground before him and took up his other items; then looked to Drizzt; who had moved a few steps farther down the tunnel。

〃You may call the panther;〃 Drizzt said; somewhat surprised; when he looked back to see the halfling waiting for him; a curious sight given Regis's close relationship with the great cat。 Guenhwyvar was a magical entity; a denizen of the Astral Plane; that came to the summons of the figurine's possessor。 Bruenor always had been a bit shy around the cat (dwarves didn't generally like magic other than the magic of fine weapons); but Regis and Guenhwyvar had been close friends。 Guenhwyvar had even saved the halfling's life once by taking Regis along on an astral ride; getting the halfling out of a collapsing to
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