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   The line wavered; Alustriel almost revealed herself with a flurry of explosive magic。

   But amidst the chaos and the press rose one sword above all others; one song above all others。

   Berkthgar the Bold; his wild hair flying; sang to Tempus with all his heart; and Bankenfuere hummed as it swept through the air。 Berkthgar ignored the lesser goblins and charged straight for the bugbears; and each mighty swipe cut one of them down The loader of Settlestone took a vicious hit; and another; but no hint of pain crossed his stern visage or slowed his determined march。

   Those bugbears who escaped the first furious moments of the huge man's assault fled from him thereafter; and with their leaders so terrified; the goblins quickly lost heart for the press and the diamond disintegrated into a fleeing mob。

   Many would be the songs to celebrate Berkthgar; Alustriel knew; but only if the defenders won。 If the dark elves succeeded in their conquest; then all such heroics would be lost to the ages; all the songs would be buried beneath a black veil of oppression。 That could not happen; the Lady of Silverymoon decided。 Even if Mithril Hall were to fall this night; or the next; the war would not be lost。 All of Silverymoon would mobilize against the drow; and she would go to Sundabar; in the east; to Citadel Adbar; stronghold of King Harbromme and his dwarves; and all the way to Waterdeep; on the Sword Coast; to muster the necessary forces to push the drow back to Menzoberranzan!

   This war was not lost; she reminded herself; and she looked down at the determined defenders; holding against the swarm; fighting and dying。

   Then came the tragedy she had expected and feared all along: the magical barrage; bursts of fireballs and lightning; lines of consuming magical energy and spinning bolts of destruction。

   The assault focused on the southwestern corner of the U; blew apart the ranks of the Riders of Nesme; consuming horse and man alike。 Many humanoid slaves fell as well; mere fodder and of no concern to the wicked drow wizards。

   Tears streamed down Alustriel's face as she watched that catastrophe; as she heard the agonized cries of man and beast and saw that corner of the mountain bee charred under the sheer power of the barrage。 She berated herself for not foreseeing this war; for underestimating the intensity of the drow march; for not having her army fully entrenched; warriors; wizards and priests alike; in the defense of Mithril Hall。

   The massacre went on for many seconds; seeming like hours to the horrified defenders。 It went on and on; the explosions and the cries。

   Alustriel found her heart again and looked for the source; and when she saw it; she came to realize that the dark elf wizards; in their ignorance of the surface world; had erred。

   They were concentrated within a copse of thick trees; under cover and hurling out their deadly volley of spells。

   Alustriel's features brightened into a wicked smile; a smile of vengeance; and she cut her chariot across at a sharp angle; swooping down the mountainside from on high; flying like an arrow for the heart of her enemies。

   The drow had erred; they were in the trees。

   As she crossed the northern edge of the battlefield; Alustriel cried out a mand; and her chariot; and the team of enchanted horses that pulled it; ignited into bright flames。

   Below her she heard the cries of fear; from friend and enemy alike; and she heard the trumpets from the Knights in Silver; who recognized the chariot and understood that their leader had e。

   Down she streaked; a tremendous fireball leading the way; exploding in the heart of the copse。 Alustriel sped right to the trees' edge; then banked sharply and rushed along the thick line; the flames of her chariot igniting branches wherever she passed。

   The drow wizards had erred!

   She knew the dark elves had likely set up wards against countering magic梡erhaps even over themselves梩hat would defeat even the most intense fires; but they did not understand the flammable nature of trees。 Even if the fire did not consume them; the flames would blind them and effectively put them out of the fighting。

   And the smoke! The thick copse was damp from previous rains and frost; and billowing black clouds thickened the air。 Even worse for the drow; the wizards countered as they had always countered fire; with spells creating water。 So great was their response; that the flames would have been quenched; except that Alustriel did not relent; continued to rush about the copse; even cut into the copse wherever she found a break。 No water; not the ocean itself; could extinguish the fires of her enchanted chariot。 As she continued to fuel the flames; the drenching spells by the wizards added steam to the smoke; thickened the air so that the dark elves could not see at all and could not breathe。

   Alustriel trusted in her horses; extensions of her will; to understand her intent and keep the chariot on course; and she watched; her spells ready; for she knew the enemy could not remain within the copse。 As she expected; a drow floated up through the trees; rising above the inferno; levitating into the air and trying to orient himself to the scene beyond the copse。

   Alustriel's lightning bolt hit him in the bark of the head and sent him spinning over and over; and he hung; upside down and dead; until his own spell expired; dropping him back into the trees。

   Even as she killed that wizard; though; a ball of flame puffed in the air right before the chariot; and the speeding thing; and Alustriel with it; plunged right through。 The Lady of Silverymoon was protected from the flames of her own spell; but not so from the fireball; and she cried out and came through pained; her face bright from burn。


   Higher up the mountainside; Besnell and his soldiers witnessed the attack against Alustriel。 The elf steeled his golden eyes; his men cried out in outrage。 If their earlier exploits had been furious; they were purely savage now; and Berkthgar's men; fighting beside them; needed no prodding。

   Goblins and kobolds; bugbears and orcs; even huge minotaurs and skilled drow; died by the score in the next moments of battle。

   It hardly seemed to matter。 Whenever one died; two took its place; and though the knights and the barbarians could have cut through the enemy lines; there was nowhere for them to go。

   Farther to the west; his own Longriders similarly pressed; Reg…weld understood their only hope。 He leaped Puddlejumper to a place where there were no enemies and cast a spell to send a message to Besnell。

   To the west! the wizard implored the knight leader。

   Then Regweld took up the new lead and turned his men and the barbarians closest to them westward; toward Keeper's Dale; as the original plan had demanded。 The drow wizards had been silenced; momentarily at least; and now was the only chance Reg…weld would have。

   A lightning bolt split the darkening air。 A fireball followed; and Regweld followed that; leaping Puddlejumper over the ranks of his enemies and loosing a barrage of magical missiles below him as he flew。

   Confusion hit the enemy ranks; enough so that the Longriders; men who had fought beside the Harpells for all their lives and understood Regweld's tactics; were able to slice through; opening a gap。

   Beside them came many of the Settlestone warriors and the few remaining horsemen from Nesme。 Behind them came the rest of the barbarian force and the Knights in Silver; mighty Berkthgar bringing up the rear; almost single…handedly keeping the pursuing monsters at bay。

   The defenders punched through quickly; but found their momentum halted as another force; mostly drow; cut across in front; forming thick ranks。

   Regweld continued his magical barrage; charged ahead with Puddlejumper; expecting to die。

   And so he would have; except that Alustriel; forced away from the copse by the increasingly effective counters of the drow wizards; rushed back up the mountainside; right along the dark elf line; low enough so that the drow who did not flee were trampled and burned by her fiery passing。

   Besnell and his men galloped to the front of the fleeing force; cried out to Alustriel and for the good of all goodly folk; and plunged into the confusion of the drow ranks; right into the flaming chariot's charred wake。

   Many more men died in those few moments of hellish fighting; many men and many drow; but the defenders broke free to the west; ran and rode on; and found the path into Keeper's Dale before the enemy could block it。

   Above the battle once more; Alustriel slumped with exhaustion。 She had not launched so concentrated a barrage of magic in many; many years; and had not engaged so closely in any conflict since the days before she had e to rule Silverymoon。 Now she was tired and wounded; burned and singed; and she had taken several hits by sword and by quarrel as she had rushed along the drow ranks。 She knew the disapproval she would find when she returned to Silverymoon; knew that her advisors; and the city's council; and colleagues from other cities; would think her rash; even stupid。 Mithril Hall was a minor kingdom not worth her life; her detractors would say。 To take such risks against so deadly an enemy was foolish。

   So they would say; but Alustriel knew better; knew that the freedoms and rights that applied to Silverymoon were not there simply because of her city's size and strength。 They applied to all; to Silverymoon; to Waterdeep; and to the smallest of kingdoms that so desired them; because otherwise the values they promoted were meaningless and selfish。

   Now she was wounded; had nearly been killed; and she called off her chariot's flames as she rose high into the sky。 To show herself so openly would invite a continuing magical attack that would likely destroy her。 She was sorely wounded; she knew; but Alustriel was smiling。 Even if she died this night; the Lady of Silverymoon would die smiling; because she was following her heart。 She was fighting for something bigger than her life; for values that were eternal and ultimately right。

   She watched with satisfaction as the force; led by Besnell and
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