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   〃We all have our place;〃 Drizzt replied。

   〃And mine's not now in Mithril Hall;〃 Catti…brie said sternly。 〃Ye'll not change me mind!〃

   Drizzt paused for a long while; studying the determined young woman。 〃You've talked with Bruenor?〃 he asked。

   〃Of course;〃 Catti…brie retorted。 〃Ye think I'd leave me father's house without his blessings?〃

   〃Blessings he gave grudgingly; no doubt;〃 Drizzt remarked。

   Catti…brie straightened in her saddle and locked her jaw firmly。 〃Bruenor's got much to do;〃 she said。 〃And he's got Regis and yerself 。。。〃 She paused and held that thought; noticing the heavy pack strapped behind Drizzt's saddle。 〃And Gandalug and Berkthgar beside him;〃 she finished。 〃They've not even figured which is to rule and which is to watch; though I'm thinking Gandalug's to let Bruenor remain king。〃

   〃That would be the wiser course;〃 Drizzt agreed。

   A long moment of silence passed between them。

   〃Berkthgar talks of leaving;〃 Drizzt said suddenly; 〃of returning to Icewind Dale and the ancient ways of his people。〃

   Catti…brie nodded。 She had heard such rumors。

   Again came that unfortable silence。 Catti…brie finally turned her eyes away from the drow; thinking he was judging her; thinking; in her moment of doubt; that she was being a terrible daughter to Bruenor; terrible and selfish。 〃Me father didn't try to stop me;〃 she blurted with a tone of finality; 〃and yerself cannot!〃

   〃I never said I came out to try to stop you;〃 Drizzt calmly replied。

   Catti…brie paused; not really surprised。 When she had first told Bruenor she was leaving; that she had to go out from Mithril Hall for a while and witness the wonders of the world; the crusty dwarf had bellowed so loudly that Catti…brie thought the stone walls would tumble in on both of them。

   They had met again two days later; when Bruenor was not so full of dwarven holy water; and; to Catti…brie's surprise and relief; her father was much more reasonable。 He understood her heart; he had assured her; though his gruff voice cracked as he delivered the words; and he realized she had to follow it; had to go off and learn who she was and where she fit in the world。 Catti…brie had thought the words uncharacteristically understanding and philosophical of Bruenor; and now; facing Drizzt; she was certain of their source。 Now she knew who Bruenor had spoken to between their meetings。

   〃He sent ye;〃 she accused Drizzt。

   〃You were leaving and so was I;〃 Drizzt replied casually。

   〃I just could not spend the rest o' me days in the tunnels;〃 Catti…brie said; suddenly feeling as if she had to explain herself; revealing the guilt that had weighed heavily on her since her decision to leave home。 She looked all around; her eyes scanning the distant horizon 〃There's just so much more for me。 I'm knowing that in me heart。 I've known it since Wulfgar 。。。〃

   She paused and sighed and looked to Drizzt helplessly。

   〃And more for me;〃 the drow said with a mischievous grin; 〃much more。〃

   Catti…brie glanced back over her shoulder; back to the west; where the sun was already beginning its descent。

   〃The days are short;〃 she remarked; 〃and the road is long。〃

   〃Only as long as you make it;〃 Drizzt said to her; drawing her gaze back to him。 〃And the days are only as short as you allow them to be。〃

   Catti…brie eyed him curiously; not understanding that last statement。

   Drizzt was grinning widely as he explained; as full of anticipation as was Catti…brie。 〃A friend of mine; a blind old ranger; once told me that if you ride hard and fast enough to the west; the sun will never set for you。〃

   By the time he had finished the statement; Catti…brie had wheeled her roan and was in full gallop across the frozen plain toward the west; toward Nesme and Longsaddle beyond that; toward mighty Waterdeep and the Sword Coast。 She bent low in the saddle; her mount running hard; her cloak billowing and snapping in the wind behind her; her thick auburn hair flying wildly。

   Drizzt opened a belt pouch and looked at the onyx panther figurine。 No one could ask for better panions; he mused; and with a final look to the mountains; to Mithril Hall; where his friend was king; the ranger kicked his stallion into a gallop and chased after Catti…brie。

   To the west and the adventures of the wide world。


   《Legacy of the Drow 04 … Passage to Dawn》(第四部:破晓之路)

作者:R。A。 Salvatore


   She was beautiful; shapely; and pale…skinned with thick; lustrous hair cascading halfway down her naked back。 Her charms were offered openly; brazenly; conveyed to him at the end of a gentle touch。 So gentle。 Little brushing fingers of energy tickled his chin; his jawbone; his neck。

   Every muscle of his body tensed and he fought for control; battled the seductress with every bit of willpower remaining in him after so many years。

   He didn't even know why he resisted anymore; didn't consciously remember what offerings of the other world; the real world; might be fueling his stubbornness。 What were 〃right〃 and 〃wrong〃 in this place? What might be the price of pleasure? What more did he have to give?

   The gentle touch continued; soothing his trembling muscles; raising goose bumps across his skin wherever those fingers brushed。 Calling to him。 Bidding him to surrender。 Surrender。

   He felt his willpower draining away; argued against his stubbornness。 There was no reason to resist。 He could have soft sheets and a fortable mattress; the smell梩he awful reek so terrible that even years had not allowed him to get used to it梒ould be taken away。 She could do that with her magic。 She had promised him。

   Falling fast; he half…closed his eyes and felt the touch continuing; felt it more keenly than before。

   He heard her snarl; a feral; bestial sound。

   Now he looked past her。 They were on the lip of a ridge; one of countless ridges across the broken; heaving ground that trembled as if it were a living thing; breathing; laughing at him; mocking him。 They were up high。 He knew that。 The ravine beyond the ridge was wide; and yet he could not see more than a couple of feet beyond the edge。 The landscape was lost in the perpetual swirling grayness; the smoky pall。

   The Abyss。

   Now it was his turn to growl; a sound that was not feral; not primal; but one of rationale; of morality; of that tiny spark that remained in him of who he had been。 He grabbed her hand and forced it away; turning it; twisting it。 Her strength in resisting confirmed his memories; for it was supernatural; far beyond what her frame should have allowed。

   Still; he was the stronger and he forced the hand away; turned it about; then set his stare upon her。

   Her thick hair had shifted a bit; and one of her tiny white horns had poked through。

   〃Do not; my lover;〃 she purred。 The weight of her plea nearly broke him。 Like her physical strength; her voice carried more than was natural。 Her voice was a conduit of charms; of deceit; of the ultimate lie that was all this place。

   A scream erupted from his lips and he heaved her backward with all his strength; hurled her from the ridge。

   Huge batlike wings unfolded behind her and the succubus hovered; laughing at him; her open mouth revealing horrid fangs that would have punctured his neck。 She laughed and he knew that although he had resisted; he had not won; could never win。 She had almost broken him this time; came closer to it than the last; and would be closer still the next。 And so she laughed at him; mocked him。 Always mocking him!

   He realized that it had been a test; always a test。 He knew who had arranged it and was not surprised when the whip tore into his back; laying him low。 He tried to take cover; felt the intense heat building all around him; but knew that there was no escape。

   A second snapping had him crawling for the ledge。 Then came a third lash; and he grabbed on to the lip of the ridge; screamed; and pulled himself over; wanting to pitch into the ravine; to splatter his corporeal form against the rocks。 Desperate to die。

   Errtu; the great balor; twelve feet of smoking deep red scales and corded muscles; casually walked to the edge and peered over。 With eyes that had seen through the mists of the Abyss since the dawn of time; Errtu sought out the falling form; then reached out to him。

   He was falling slower。 Then he was not falling at all。 He was rising; caught in a telekiic web; reeled in by the master。 The whip was waiting and the next lash sent him spiraling; mercifully; into unconsciousness。

   Errtu did not retract the whip's cords。 The balor used the same telekiic energy to wrap them about the victim; binding him fast。 Errtu looked back to the hysterical succubus and nodded。 She had done well this day。

   Drool slipped over her bottom lip at the sight of the unconscious form。 She wanted to feast。 In her eyes; the table was set and waiting。 A flap of her wings brought her back to the ledge and she approached cautiously; seeking some way through the balor's defenses。

   Errtu let her get close; so close; then gave a slight tug on the whip。 His victim flopped away weirdly; jumping past the balor's perpetual flames。 Errtu shifted a step to the side; putting his bulk between the victim and the succubus。

   〃I must;〃 she whined; daring to move a bit closer; half…walking and half…flying。 Her deceivingly delicate hands reached out and grasped at the smoky air。 She trembled and panted。

   Errtu stepped aside。 She inched closer。

   The balor was teasing her; she knew; but she could not turn away; not with the sight of this helpless one。 She whined; knowing she was going to be punished; but she could not stop。

   Taking a slightly roundabout route; she walked past the balor。 She whined again; her feet digging a firm hold that she might rush to the prone victim and taste of him at least once before Errtu denied her。

   Out shot Errtu's arm; holding a sword that was wrought of lightning。 He lifted it high and uttered a mand and the ground jolted with the strength of a thunderstroke。

   The succubus waited and leaped away; running for the
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