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 The scrag roared in agony and dove back and to the side; directly opposite the angle of Twinkle's nasty bite。 The sickly flesh peeled from the scrag's arm; all the way from its biceps to its wrist。 The torn lump fell to the deck with a sickening thud。

   His black eyes filled with outrage and hatred。 The scrag looked down to the exposed bone; to the writhing lump of troll flesh on the deck。 And finally; to Drizzt; who stood casually; scimitars crossed down low in front of him。

   〃Damn you; Drizzt;〃 the monstrous pirate growled。

   〃Strike your colors;〃 Drizzt ordered。

   〃You think you have won?〃

   In response; Drizzt looked down to the slab of meat。

   〃It will heal; foolish dark elf!〃 the pirate insisted。

   Drizzt knew that the scrag spoke truly。 Scrags were close relatives of trolls; horrid creatures renowned for their regenerative powers。 A dead dismembered troll could e back together。

   Unless 。 。 。

   Drizzt called upon his innate abilities once more; that small part of magic inherent in the dark elf race。 A moment later; purplish flames climbed the towering scrag's form; licking at green scales。 This was only faerie fire; harmless light the dark elves could use to outline their opponents。 It had no power to burn; nor could it prevent the regenerative process of a troll。

   Drizzt knew that; he was betting that the monster did not。

   The scrag's gruesome features twisted in an expression of sheer horror。 He flailed his good arm; beat it against his leg and hip。 The stubborn purple flames would not relent。

   〃Strike your colors and I will release you of the flames that your wounds might heal;〃 Drizzt offered。

   The scrag snapped a look of pure hatred at the drow。 He took a step forward; but up came Drizzt's scimitars。 He decided he didn't want to feel their bite again; especially if the flames prevented him from healing!

   〃We will meet again!〃 the scrag promised。 The creature wheeled about to see dozens of faces桪eudermont's crew and captured pirates梥taring at him in disbelief。 He howled and charged across the deck; scattering those in the way of the furious rush。 The pirate leaped from the rail; back to the sea; back to his true home where he might heal。

   So quick was Drizzt that he got across the deck and managed yet another hit on him before the scrag got off the rail。 The drow had to stop there; unable to pursue and fully aware that the sea troll would indeed regenerate to plete health。

   He hadn't even gotten a curse of frustration out of his mouth when he saw a fast movement to his side; a rush of black。 Guenhwyvar leaped past Drizzt; flew out from the rail; and splashed into the sea right behind the troll。

   The panther disappeared under the azure blanket and the rough and choppy waves quickly covered any indication that the scrag and the cat had gone in。

   Several of the Sea Sprite's boarding party peered intently over the rail; worried for the panther who had bee such a friend to them。

   〃Guenhwyvar is in no danger;〃 Drizzt reminded them; producing the figurine and holding it high so that all could see。 The worst the scrag could do was send the panther back to the Astral Plane; where the cat would heal any wounds and be ready to return to Drizzt's next call。 Still; the drow's expression was not bright as he considered the spot where Guenhwyvar had gone in; as he considered that the panther might be in pain。

   The deck of the captured caravel went perfectly quiet; save the creaking of the old vessel's timbers。

   An explosion to the south turned all heads; all eyes strained to perceive tiny sails; still far away。 One of the pirate ships had turned away; the other caravel was burning while the Sea Sprite literally sailed circles about her。 Flash after flash of silver streaking arrows came from the Sea Sprite's crow's nest; battering the hull and masts of the damaged; seemingly helpless ship。

   Even from this great distance; the people on the captured caravel could see the pirate flag go down the mainmast; colors struck in surrender。

   That brought a cheer from the Sea Sprite's boarding party; a rousing yell that was halted abruptly by churning waters just off the side of the caravel。 They saw green scales and black fur tumbling in the turmoil。 A scrag arm floated out from the mass; and Drizzt was able to sort the confusing scene out enough to realize that Guenhwyvar had gotten onto the scrag's back。 Her forelegs were tight about the monster's shoulders; her back legs were kicking; raking wildly; and the panther's powerful jaws were clamped tight onto the back of the scrag's neck。

   Dark blood stained the sea; mixing with torn pieces of the pirate's flesh and bone。 Soon enough; Guenhwyvar sat still; teeth and claws securely in place on the back of the dead; floating scrag。

   〃Better fish the thing out;〃 one of the Sea Sprite's boarding party remarked; 〃or we'll be growing a whole crew o' stinking trolls!〃

   Men arrived at the rail with long gaff hooks and began the gruesome task of hauling in the carcass。 Guenhwyvar got back to the caravel easily enough; clambering over the rail and then giving a good shake; spraying water on all those nearby。

   〃Scrags don't heal if they're out o' the sea;〃 a man remarked to Drizzt。 〃We'll haul this one up the yardarm to dry; then burn the damned thing。〃

   Drizzt nodded。 The boarding party knew their duty well enough。 They would organize and supervise the captured pirates; freeing the rigging and getting the caravel as seaworthy as possible for the trip back to Waterdeep。

   Drizzt looked to the southern horizon and saw the Sea Sprite returning。 The damaged pirate ship limped alongside。

   〃Thirty…eight and thirty…nine;〃 the drow muttered。

   Guenhwyvar gave a low growl in reply and shook vigorously again; soaking her dark elf panion。

Chapter 2


   Captain Deudermont seemed out of place indeed as he strolled down Dock Street; the infamous; rough and tumble avenue that lined Waterdeep Harbor。 His clothes were fine and perfectly tailored to his tall and thin frame; his posture was perfect; and his hair and goatee meticulously groomed。 All about him; the scurvy sea dogs who had put in for their weeks ashore staggered out of taverns; reeking of ale; or fell down unconscious in the dust。 The only thing protecting them from the many robbers lurking in the area was the fact that they had no money or valuables to steal。

   Deudermont ignored the sights; and didn't fancy himself any better than those sea dogs。 In fact; there was an aspect of their way of life that intrigued the gentlemanly captain; an honesty that mocked the pretentious courts of nobles。

   Deudermont pulled his layered cloak tighter about his neck; warding off the chill night breeze that blew in off the harbor。 Normally one would not walk alone down Dock Street; not even in the light of noonday; but Deudermont felt secure。 He carried his decorated cutlass at his side; and knew how to use it well。 Even more than that; the word had been passed through every tavern and every pier in Waterdeep that the Sea Sprite's captain had been afforded the personal protection of the Lords of Waterdeep; including some very powerful wizards who would seek out and destroy anyone bothering the captain or his crew while they were in port。 Waterdeep was the Sea Sprite's haven; and so Deudermont thought nothing of walking alone down Dock Street。 He was more curious than fearful when a wrinkled old man; bone skinny and barely five feet tall; called to him from the edge of an alleyway。

   Deudermont stopped and looked about。 Dock Street was quiet; except for the overspill of sound from the many taverns and the groan of old wood against the incessant sea breeze。

   〃Ye's is Doo…dor…mont…ee; asin't yer?〃 the old seabones called softly; a whistle acpanying each syllable。 He smiled widely; almost lewdly; showing but a couple of crooked teeth set in black gums。

   Deudermont stopped and eyed the man patiently; silently。 He felt no pulsion to answer the question。

   〃If ye be;〃 the man wheezed; 〃then oi've got a bit o' news for yer。 A warnin' from a man yer's is rightly fearin'。〃

   The captain stood tall and impassive。 His face showed none of the questions that raced about in his mind。 Who would he be afraid of? Was the old dog talking of Pinochet? That seemed likely; especially considering the two caravels the Sea Sprite had escorted into Waterdeep Harbor earlier that week。 But few in Waterdeep had any contact with the pirate; whose domain was much farther to the south; south of Baldur's Gate even; in the straights near the Moonshae Isles。

   But who else might the man be talking about?

   Smiling still; the sea dog motioned for Deudermont to e to the alley。 The captain didn't move as the old man turned and took a step in。

   〃Well; be yer fearin' old Scaramundi?〃 the sea dog whistled。

   Deudermont realized it could be a disguise。 Many of the greatest assassins in the Realms could look as helpless as this one; only to put a poisoned dagger into their victim's chest。

   The sea dog came back to the entrance to the alley; then walked right out into the middle of the street toward Deudermont。

   No disguise; the captain told himself; for it was too plete; too perfect。 Besides; he recollected that he had seen this same old man before; usually sitting right near to this very same alleyway; which probably served as his home。

   What then? Might there be an ambush set down that alley?

   〃Have it yer own way then;〃 the old man wheezed as he threw up one hand。 He leaned heavily on his walking stick and started back to the alley; grumbling。 〃Just a messenger; I be; and not fer carin' if yer hears the news or not!〃

   Deudermont cautiously looked all around again。 Seeing nobody nearby; and no likely hiding spots for an ambush party; he moved to the mouth of the alleyway。 The old sea dog was ten short paces in; at the edge of the slanting shadows cast by the building to the right; and barely visible in the dimness。 He laughed and coughed and moved in yet another step。

   One hand on the hilt of his cutlass; Deudermont cautiously approached; scanning carefully before each step
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