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   〃We are here to unveil a mystery;〃 Drizzt said; as though that fact should have piqued the man's curiosity。 〃To learn and to grow。 To live as we discover the secrets of the world about us。〃

   〃Who wants to know?〃 Dunkin snapped; deflating the drow and dismissing his grandiose speech。 Waillan Micanty; inspired by the drow's words; had heard enough of the whining little man。 The young sailor moved to the side of the beached rowboat; tore Dunkin's hands free of the rail and dragged the man onto the sand。

   〃I could have done that with much more flair;〃 Robillard remarked dryly。

   〃So could Tenser;〃 said Harkle。

   〃Not the Tenser;〃 Robillard insisted。

   〃Not the Tenser?〃

   〃Not the Tenser;〃 Robillard reiterated; in even tones of finality。 Harkle whimpered a bit; but did not respond。

   〃Save your magic;〃 Waillan said to both of them。 〃We may need it yet。〃

   Now it was Dunkin's turn to whine。

   〃When this is over; you will have a tale to widen the eyes of every sailor who puts in at Mintarn Harbor;〃 Drizzt said to the small man。

   That seemed to calm Dunkin somewhat; until Catti…brie added; 〃If ye live。〃

   Drizzt and Deudermont both scowled at her; but the woman merely grinned innocently and walked away。

   〃I will tell his tyrancy;〃 Dunkin threatened; but no one was listening to him anymore。

   Drizzt called to Guenhwyvar and when the panther came onto the beach; the seven adventurers gathered around Deudermont。 The captain drew a rough outline of the island in the sand。 He put an X on the area indicating their beach; then another one outside his drawing; to show the location of the Sea Sprite。

   〃Ideas?〃 he asked; looking particularly at Dunkin。

   〃I've heard people speak of 'the Witch of the Moaning Cave;' 〃 the small man offered sheepishly。

   〃There might be caves along the coast;〃 Catti…brie reasoned。 〃Or up here。〃 She put her finger down onto Deudermont's rough drawing; indicating the one mountain; the low cone that prised the bulk of Caerwich。

   〃We should search inland before we put back out into the sea;〃 Deudermont reasoned; and none of them had to follow his gaze to the frozen zombies to be reminded of the dangers along the shore of Caerwich。 And so off they trudged; inland; through a surprisingly thick tangle of brush and huge ferns。

   Almost as soon as they had left the openness of the beach behind; sounds erupted all about them梩he hoots and whistles of exotic birds; and throaty howling calls that none of them had heard before。 Drizzt and Guenhwyvar took up the point and flanks; moving off to disappear into the tangle without a sound。

   Dunkin groaned at this; not liking the fact that his immediate group had just bee smaller。 Catti…brie chuckled at him; drawing a scowl。 If only Dunkin knew how much safer they were with the drow and his cat moving beside them。

   They searched for more than an hour; then took a break in a small clearing halfway up the low conical mountain。 Drizzt sent Guenhwyvar off alone; figuring that the cat could cover more ground in the span of their short break than they would search out the rest of the day。

   〃We will e down the back side of the cone; then move southward; all the way around and back to the boat;〃 Deudermont explained。 〃Then back up and over the cone; and then to the north。〃

   〃We may have walked right past the cave without ever seeing it;〃 Robillard grumbled。 It was true enough; they all knew; for the tangle was so very thick and dark; and the mist had not diminished in the least。

   〃Well; perhaps our two wizards could be of use;〃 Deudermont said sarcastically; 〃if they hadn't been so absorbed in wasting their spells to prove a point。〃

   〃There were enemies to strike down;〃 Harkle protested。

   〃I could've cut 'em down with me bow;〃 said Catti…brie。

   〃And wasted arrows!〃 Harkle retorted; thinking he had her in a logic trap。

   Of course; the others all knew; Catti…brie's quiver was powerfully enchanted。 〃I don't run out of arrows;〃 she remarked; and Harkle sat back down。

   Drizzt interrupted then; abruptly; by hopping to his feet and staring hard into the jungle。 His hand went to the pouch that held the onyx figurine。

   Catti…brie jumped to her feet; taking up Taulmaril; and the others followed suit。

   〃Guenhwyvar?〃 the woman asked。

   Drizzt nodded。 Something had happened to the panther; but he wasn't sure of what that might be。 On a hunch; he took out the figurine; placed it on the ground; and called to the panther once more。 A moment later; the gray mist appeared; and then took form; Guenhwyvar pacing nervously about the drow。

   〃There's two of them things?〃 Dunkin asked。

   〃Same cat;〃 Catti…brie explained。 〃Something sent Guen home。〃

   Drizzt nodded and looked to Deudermont。 〃Something that Guenhwyvar could find again;〃 he reasoned。

   Off they went; through the tangle; following Guenhwyvar's lead。 Soon they came to the northern slopes of the cone; and behind a curtain of thick hanging moss; they found a dark opening。 Drizzt motioned to Guenhwyvar; but the panther would not go in。

   Drizzt eyed her curiously。

   〃I'm going back to the boat;〃 Dunkin remarked。 He took a step away; but Robillard; tired of the man's foolishness; drew out a wand and pointed it right between Dunkin's eyes。 The wizard said not a word; he didn't have to。

   Dunkin turned back to the cave。

   Drizzt crouched near to the panther。 Guenhwyvar would not enter the cave; and the drow had no idea of why that might be。 He knew that Guenhwyvar was not afraid。 Might there be an enchantment on the area that prevented the panther from entering?

   Satisfied with that explanation; Drizzt drew out Twinkle; the fine scimitar glowing its customary blue; and motioned for his friends to wait。 He slipped past the mossy curtain; waited a moment so that his eyes could adjust to the deeper gloom; then moved in。

   Twinkle's light went away。 Drizzt ducked to the side; behind the protection of a boulder。 He realized that he was not moving as quickly as expected; his enchanted anklets were not aiding him。

   〃No magic;〃 he reasoned; and then it seemed perfectly clear to him why Guenhwyvar would not enter。 The drow turned to go back out; but found his impatient friends already slipping in behind him。 Both Harkle and Robillard wore curious expressions。 Catti…brie squinted into the gloom; one hand fiddling with the suddenly useless cat's eye pendant strapped to her forehead。

   〃I have forgotten all of my spells;〃 Harkle said loudly; his voice echoing off the bare wall of the large cave。 Robillard slapped his hand over Harkle's mouth。

   〃Ssssh!〃 the calmer wizard hissed。 When he thought about what Harkle had said; though; Robillard had his own outburst。 〃As have I!〃 he roared; and then he slapped his hand over his own mouth。

   〃No magic in here;〃 Drizzt told them。 〃That is why Guenhwyvar could not enter。〃

   〃Might be that is what sent the cat home;〃 Catti…brie added。

   The discussion ended abruptly; and all heads swung about to regard Waillan as the light of a makeshift torch flared brightly。

   〃I'll not walk in blindly;〃 the young sailor explained; holding high the burning branches he had strapped together。

   None of them could argue。 Just the few feet they had gone past the cave's entrance had stolen most of the light; and their senses hinted to them that this was no small place。 The cave felt deep; and cool。 It seemed as if the sticky humidity of the island air had been left behind outside。

   As they moved in a bit farther; the torchlight showed them that their senses were telling the truth。 The cave was large and roughly oval in shape; perhaps a hundred feet across at its longest point。 It was uneven; with several different levels across its broken floor and gigantic stalactites leering down at them。

   Drizzt was about to suggest a systematic exploration; when a voice cut the stillness。

   〃Who would seek my sight?〃 came a cackle from the rear of the cave; where there appeared to be a rocky tier a dozen feet above the party's present level。 All of the group squinted through the gloom。 Catti…brie tightened her grip on Taulmaril; wondering how effective the bow might be without its magic。

   Dunkin turned back for the door; and out came Robillard's wand; though the wizard's gaze was firmly set ahead; upon the tier of boulders。 The small man hesitated; then realized that Robillard had no power against him; not in here。

   〃Who would seek my sight?〃 came the cackling question again。

   Dunkin bolted out through the moss。

   As one; the group looked back to the exit。

   〃Let him go;〃 Deudermont said。 The captain took the torch from Waillan and moved forward slowly; the other five following in his wake。 Drizzt; ever cautious; moved to the shadows offered by the side wall of the cave。

   The question came a third time; in rehearsed tones as though the witch was not unaccustomed to visits by sailors。 She showed herself to them then; moving out between a tumble of boulders。 The hag was old; ancient; wearing a tattered black shift and leaning heavily on a short and polished staff。 Her mouth was open梥he seemed to be gasping for breath梥howing off a single; yellow tooth。 Her eyes; appearing dull even from a distance; did not blink。

   〃Who will bear the burden of knowledge?〃 she asked。 She kept her head turned in the general direction of the five for a short while; then broke into cackling laughter。

   Deudermont held his hand up; motioning for the others to halt; then boldly stepped forward。 〃I will;〃 he announced。 〃I am Deudermont of the Sea Sprite; e to Caerwich 。 。 。〃

   〃Go back!〃 the hag yelled at him so forcefully that the captain took a step backward before he realized what he was doing。 Catti…brie bent her bow a bit more; but kept it low and unthreatening。

   〃This is not for you; not for any man!〃 the hag explained。 All eyes shifted to regard Catti…brie。

   〃It is for two; and only two;〃 the hag went on; her croaking voice rhythmic; as though she was reciting a heroic poem。 〃Not for any man; or any male whose skin browns under the light of the sun。〃

   The obvious reference sent Drizzt's shoulders slumping。 He 
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