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The axe came down curiously—flat end leading; Drizzt noted—forcing Drizzt to parry。 He expected to hear the click of a firing crossbow; but Drizzt heard instead a muffled groan as six hundred pounds of black panther | buried his dark elf attacker。

Drizzt slapped the axe aside with one blade; then the other; buying himself enough time to get out the rest of the way。 He came up; instinctively spinning away from the J drider; just in time to get his weapons up to block a sword thrust from the closest drow enemy。

〃Drop your weapons and it will go easier on you!〃 the; drow; holding two fine swords; cried in a language that Drizzt had not heard in more than a decade; a language that sent images of beautiful; twisted; terrible Menzoberranzan flowing back into his mind。 How many tunes had Zaknafein; his father; stood before him; similarly armed; awaiting their inevitable sparring tournament?

A growl that he was not even cognizant of escaped Drizzt's lips; he went into a series of offensive binations that left his opponent dazzled and off balance in a split second。 A scimitar came in low to the side; the second came in high; straight ahead; and the first chopped in again; angled downward at shoulder level。

The enemy drow's eyes widened as if he had suddenly realized his doom。

Guenhwyvar shot by them both; hit the drider full on; and went tumbling in a black ball of raking claws and flailing spider legs。

More dark elves were ing; Drizzt knew; from farther ahead and from the side passage。 Drizzt's fury did not relent。 Twinkle and his other blade worked fiercely; preventing the other drow from beginning an offensive counter。

He found an opening level with the drow's neck but had no heart for a kill。 This was no goblin he faced; but a drow; one of his own race; one like Zaknafein; perhaps。 Drizzt remembered a vow he had made when he had left the dark elf city。 Ignoring the opening for the drow's neck; he whipped his blade low instead; banging one of his opponent's swords。 Twinkle followed the attack immediately; slamming at the same sword; then Drizzt's first blade whipped back the other way; hitting the weapon on the opposite side and sending the battered thing flying away。 The evil drow fell back; then came in low; hoping to counter quickly enough with his remaining sword to push Drizzt back; that he might recover his lost weapon。

A blinding backhand from Twinkle sent that remaining sword flying out wide; and Drizzt; never doubting the effectiveness of his strike; was moving forward before Twinkle ever connected。

He could have hit the drow anywhere he chose; including a dozen critical areas; but Drizzt Do'Urden recalled again the vow he had made when he had left Menzoberranzan; a promise to himself and a justification of his departure; that he would never again take the life of one of his people。

His scimitar jabbed downward; angling in above his opponent's kneecap。 The evil drow howled and fell back; rolling to the stone and grasping at his torn joint。

Guenhwyvar was under the standing drider; the muscles of the panther's flank exposed from under a loose…hanging piece of the cat's black…furred skin。

〃Go; Guenhwyvar!〃 Drizzt shouted as he ran along the wall; leaping wildly; hacking away; into the jumble of drider legs on that side。 He heard the monstrosity shriek again as a scimitar blasted deep into one leg; nearly severing it; and then he tumbled free; out the back side。

Guenhwyvar took another axe hit but did not respond; did not follow Drizzt or counter the attack。

〃Guenhwyvar!〃 Drizzt called; and the panther's head turned slowly to regard him。 Drizzt understood the panther's delay when Guenhwyvar flinched several more times from continued crossbow hits。

Drizzt's instincts told him to send the panther away before any more punishment could be leveled upon it— but he did not have the figurine!

〃Guenhwyvar!〃 he cried again; seeing many forms closing quickly from beyond the drider。 Truly torn; Drizzt decided to rush back in and fight beside the panther to the bitter end。

The eight…legged creature hissed victoriously as its axe lined up for a stroke on the helpless and quivering panther's neck。 Down came the blade; but it hit only insubstantial mist; and the drider's cry turned to one of frustration。

〃e on!〃 Drizzt heard Regis say behind him。 The ranger understood then and was relieved。

But then the drider turned on him fully; and for the first time; with the torchlight returned to this area of the tunnel; Drizzt got a good look at the creature's unnervingly familiar face。

He had not the time to stop to consider it; though。 He swept about; exaggerating the movement to send his cloak flying wide (and it took yet another quarrel that had been diving for his back); and rushed away。

The corridor darkened immediately; then lightened a bit; then darkened again; as Regis went into and through the two globes of darkness。 Drizzt dove to the side as soon as he went into the cover of his own globe; and he heard a quarrel skip off the stone not far away。 In full stride; he caught Regis just beyond the second globe; and the two flew past the dwarven bodies; cut around the bend in the corridor; and kept on running; Drizzt leading the way。

Chapter 10

In The Facets of a Wondrous Gem

Regis and Drizzt pulled up in a small side chamber; its ceiling relatively clear of the persistent stalactites mon in this region of caves; and its entryway low and defensible。 〃Should I put out the torch?〃 the halfling asked。 He stood behind Drizzt as the drow crouched in front of the entryway; listening for sounds of movement in the main tunnel beyond。

Drizzt thought for a long moment; then shook his head; knowing that it really did not matter; that he and Regis had no chance of escaping these tunnels without further confrontation。 Soon after they had fled the battle; Drizzt discovered other enemies paralleling them down side corridors。 He knew the dark elf hunting techniques well enough to understand that the trap would not be set with any obvious openings。

〃I fight better in the light than my kin; I would guess;〃 Drizzt reasoned。

〃At least it wasn't Entreri;〃 Regis said lightly; and Drizzt thought the reference to the assassin a strange thing indeed。 Would that it were Artemis Entreri! the drow mused。 At least then he and Regis would not be surrounded by a horde of drow warriors!

〃You did well in dismissing Guenhwyvar;〃 Drizzt remarked。

〃Would the panther have died?〃 Regis asked。

Drizzt honestly did not know the answer; but he did not believe that Guenhwyvar had been in any mortal peril。 He had seen the panther dragged into the stone by a creature of the elemental plane of earth and plunged into a magically created lake of pure acid。 Both times the panther had returned to him and eventually all of Guenhwyvar's wounds had healed。

〃If the drow and the drider had been allowed to continue;〃 he added; 〃it is likely that Guenhwyvar would have needed more time to mend wounds on the Astral Plane。 I do not believe the panther can be killed away from its home; however; not as long as the figurine survives。〃 Drizzt looked back to Regis; sincere gratitude on his handsome face。 〃You did well in sending Guenhwyvar away; though; for certainly the panther was suffering at the hands of our enemies。〃

〃I'm glad Guenhwyvar would not die;〃 Regis mented as Drizzt looked back to the entryway。 〃It would not do to lose so valuable a magical item。〃

Nothing Regis had said since his return from Calimport; nothing Regis had ever said to Drizzt; seemed so very out of place。 No; it went further than that; Drizzt decided as he crouched there; stunned by his halfling panion's callous remark。 Guenhwyvar and Regis had been more than panions; had been friends; for many years。 Regis would never refer to Guenhwyvar as a magical item。

Suddenly; it all began to make sense to the dark elf: the halfling's references to Artemis Entreri now; back with the dead dwarves; and back when they had talked of what had happened in Calimport after Drizzt's departure。 Now Drizzt understood the eager way in which Regis measured his responses to remarks about the assassin。

And Drizzt understood the viciousness of his fight with Wulfgar—hadn't the barbarian mentioned that it was Regis who had told him about Drizzt's meeting with Catti…brie outside Mithril Hall?

〃What else did you tell Wulfgar?〃 Drizzt asked; not turning around; not flinching in the least。 〃What else did you convince him of with that ruby pendant that hangs about your neck?〃

The little mace skipped noisily across the floor beside the drew; ing to rest several feet to the front and side of him。 Then came another item; a mask that Drizzt himself had worn on his journey to the southern empires; a mask that had allowed Drizzt to alter his appearance to that of a surface elf。

* * * * *

Wulfgar eyed the outrageous dwarf curiously; not quite sure what to make of this unorthodox battlerager。 Bruenor had introduced Pwent to the barbarian just a minute before; and Wulfgar had gotten the distinct impression that Bruenor wasn't overly fond of the black…bearded; smelly dwarf。 The dwarf king; to take his seat between Cobble and Catti…brie; had then rushed across the audience hall; leaving Wulfgar awkwardly standing by the door。

Thibbledorf Pwent; though; seemed perfectly at ease。

〃You are a warrior; then?〃 Wulfgar asked politely; hoping to find some mon ground。

Pwent's burst of laughter mocked him。 〃Warrior?〃 the bawdy dwarf bellowed。 〃Ye mean; one who's for fighting with honor?〃

Wulfgar shrugged; having no idea of where Pwent was leading。

〃Is yerself a warrior; big boy?〃 Pwent asked。

Wulfgar puffed out his great chest。 〃I am Wulfgar; son of Beornegar。。。〃 he began somberly。

〃I thinked as much;〃 Pwent called across the room to the others。 〃And if ye was fighting another; and he tripped on his way in and dropped his weapon; ye'd stand back and let him pick it up; knowing that ye'd win the fight anyway;〃 Pwent reasoned。

Wulfgar shrugged; the answer obvious。

〃Ye realize Pwent will surely insult the boy;〃 Cobble; leaning on the arm of Bruenor's chair; whispered to the dwarf king。

〃Gold against silver on the boy; then;〃 Bruenor offered 
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