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 a finger the drow's way。 〃And DD for Drizzt Do'Urden! FF for fog of fate; and SS and SS; HH and DD! And you 。 。 。〃 he pointed at Catti…brie。

   〃Doesn't work;〃 the young woman assured him。

   〃Doesn't matter;〃 Drizzt added。 Deudermont was biting hard on his lip; trying not to steal Harkle's moment of glory with a burst of laughter。

   〃Oh; there's something in the letters;〃 Harkle said; speaking to himself more than to the others。 〃I must explore this!〃

   〃Explore yer mind;〃 Catti…brie said to him; and then she added under her breath; so that only Drizzt and Deudermont could hear; 〃Better take a big lantern and a dwarf's cave pack。〃

   That brought a snicker。

   〃But your father!〃 Harkle yelled suddenly; leaping at Catti…brie。 She barely held back from slugging him; so great was her surprise。

   〃Me father?〃 she asked。

   〃BB!〃 Harkle; Drizzt; and Deudermont all said together; the drow and the captain feigning excitement。

   Catti…brie groaned again。

   〃Yes; yes。 Bruenor Battlehammer;〃 Harkle said to himself; and started walking away。 〃BB。 Oh; I must explore the correlation of the letters; yes; I must。〃

   〃While ye're thinkin' on it; find the correlation of BF;〃 Catti…brie said to him。 The distracted wizard nodded and rambled along; making a straight path to Deudermont's private quarters; which Harkle had practically taken over。

   〃BF?〃 the captain asked Catti…brie。

   〃Babbling fool;〃 she and Drizzt replied together; drawing yet another laugh from those nearby。 Still; neither Drizzt nor Catti…brie; Deudermont nor any of the others could dismiss the fact that the 〃babbling fool〃 had apparently saved the Sea Sprite; and had put them closer to their goal。

Part 3


   They are the absolutes; the pantheon of ideals; the goodly gods and the evil fiends; forever locked in the struggle for the souls of the mortals。 The concept that is Lloth is purely evil; that of Mielikki; purely good。 As opposite as black and white; with no shades of gray in between。 Thus are the concepts; good and evil。 Absolute; rigid。 There can be no justification for a truly evil act; there is no shade of gray。 While an act of good often brings personal gain; the act itself is absolute as its measure is based on intent。 This is epitomized by our beliefs in the pantheon; but what of the mortal races; the rational beings梩he humans and the races of elvenkind and dwarvenkind; the gnomes and the halflings; the goblinoids and giantkin? Here the question muddles; the absolutes blend。

   To many; the equation is simple: I am drow; drow are evil; thus I am evil。

   They are wrong。 For what is a rational being if not a choice? And there can be no evil; nor any good; without intent。 It is true that in the Realms there are races and cultures; particularly the goblinoids; which show a general weal of evil; and those; such as the surface elves; which lean toward the concept of good。 But even in these; which many consider personifications of an absolute; it is the individual's intents and actions that ultimately decide。 I have known a goblin who was not evil; I am a drow who has not succumbed to the ways of his culture。 Still; few drow and fewer goblins can make such claims; and so the generalities hold。

   Most curious and most diverse among the races are the humans。 Here the equation and the expectations muddle most of all。 Here perception reins supreme。 Here intent is oft hidden; secret。 No race is more adept than humans at weaving a mask of justification。 No race is more adept than humans at weaving a mask of excuses; at ultimately claiming good intent。 And no race is more adept at believing its own claims。 How many wars have been fought; man against man; with both armies espousing that god; a goodly god; was on their side and in their hearts?

   But good is not a thing of perception。 What is 〃good〃 in one culture cannot be 〃evil〃 in another。 This might be true of mores and minor practices; but not of virtue。 Virtue is absolute。

   It must be。 Virtue is the celebration of life and of love; the acceptance of others and the desire to grow toward goodness; toward a better place。 It is the absence of pride and envy; the willingness to share our joys and to bask in the acplishments of others。 It is above justification because it is what truly lies in each and every heart。 If a person does an evil act; then let him weave his mask; but it will not hide the truth; the absolute; from what is naked within his own heart。

   There is a place within each of us where we cannot hide from the truth; where virtue sits as judge。 To admit the truth of our actions is to go before that court; where process is irrelevant。 Good and evil are intents; and intent is without excuse。

   Cadderly Bonaduce went to that place as willingly and pletely as any man I have known。 I recognize that growth within him; and see the result; the Spirit Soaring; most majestic and yet most humble of human acplishments。

   Artemis Entreri will go to that place。 Perhaps not until the moment of his death; but he will go; as we all must eventually go; and what agony he will realize when the truth of his evil existence is laid bare before him。 I pray that he goes soon; and my hope is not born of vengeance; for vengeance is an empty prayer。 May Entreri go of his own volition to that most private place within his heart to see the truth and; thus; to correct his ways。 He will find joy in his penance; true harmony that he can never know along his present course。

   I go to that place within my heart as often as I am able in order to escape the trap of easy justification。 It is a painful place; a naked place; but only there might we grow toward goodness; only there; where no mask can justify; might we recognize the truth of our intents; and thus; the truth of our actions。 Only there; where virtue sits as judge; are heroes born。

   桪rizzt Do'Urden

Chapter 13


   Drizzt; Catti…brie; Deudermont; and Harkle encountered no trouble as they left Carradoon for their trek into the Snowflake Mountains。 The drow kept the cowl of his cloak pulled low; and everyone in town was so excited by the presence of the schooner that none paid too much attention to the group as they departed。

   Once they got past the gate; the foursome found the going easy and safe。 Guided around any potential problems by the drow ranger; they found nothing remarkable; nothing exciting。

   Given what they had all been through over the last few weeks; that was just the way they wanted it。

   They chatted easily; mostly with Drizzt explaining to them the nature of the wildlife about them梬hich birds went with which chatter; and how many deer had made the beds of flattened needles near to one grove of pines。 Occasionally the conversation drifted to the task at hand; to the blind seer's poem。 This put poor Harkle in quite a predicament。 He knew that the others were missing obvious points; possibly critical points in the verse; for with his journal; he had been able to scrutinize the poem thoroughly。 The wizard wasn't sure how much he could intervene; though。 Fog of fate had been created as a passive spell; a method for Harkle to facilitate; and then witness dramatic unfolding events。 If he became an active participant in those events by letting another of the players in this drama glance at his enchanted journal; or by using what the journal had shown to him; he would likely ruin the spell。

   Certainly Harkle could use his other magical abilities if fate led them to battle; and certainly he could use his intuition; as in the discussion on the Sea Sprite when they had first agreed that they needed to see a sorcerer or a priest。 But direct intervention; using information given by the facilitation of the spell; would alter the future perhaps; and thus defeat the intentions of fate。 Harkle's spell had never been created for such a purpose; the magic had its edges。 Poor Harkle didn't know how far he could push that boundary。 In living his forty years surrounded by wizards at least as outrageous as he; he understood all too well the potentially grave side effects of pushing magic too far。

   So Harkle let the other three babble through their discussions of the poem; nodding his head and agreeing with whatever seemed to be the most accepted interpretation of any given line。 He avoided any direct questions; though his halfhearted shrugs and mumbled responses brought many curious looks。

   The trails climbed higher into the mountains; but the going remained easy; for the path was well…worn and oft…traveled。 When the foursome came out from under the gloom of the mountain canopy; off the path and onto a flat meadow near to the edge of one steep drop; they understood why。

   Drizzt Do'Urden had seen the splendors of Mithril Hall; so had Catti…brie。 With his magic; Harkle Harpell had visited many exotic places; such as the Hosttower of the Arcane in Luskan。 Deudermont had sailed the Sword Coast from Water…deep to exotic Calimport。 But none of those places had ever taken the breath from any of the four like the sight before them now。

   It was called the Spirit Soaring; a fitting name indeed for a gigantic temple梐 cathedral梠f soaring towers and flying buttresses; of great windows of colored glass and a gutter system finished at every corner with an exotic gargoyle。 The lowest edges of the cathedral's main roof were still more than a hundred feet from the ground; and three of the towers climbed to more than twice that height。

   The Baenre pound was larger; of course; and the Host…tower was more obviously a free…flowing creation of magic。 But there was something more solemn about this place; more reverent and holy。 The stone of the cathedral was gray and brown; unremarkable really; but it was the construction of that stone; the earthly; and even greater; strength of the place that gave them awe。 It was as though the cathedral's roots were deep in the mountains and its soaring head touched the heavens themselves。

   A beautiful melody; a voice rich and sweet; wafted out of the temple; reverberated off the stones。 It took the four a moment to even realize that it was a voice; a human voice; for the Spirit Soaring seemed to ha
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