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o the Spider Queen; even to save your very life。 What useless modities are these ideals you hold so precious!〃

Vierna slapped him one more time; for no particular reason that Drizzt could discern; and she twirled away; her hot form blurred by the shielding flow of her clerical robes。 How fitting that image seemed to Drizzt; that the true outline of his sister should be hidden beneath the garments of the perverting Spider Queen。

The curious…looking drow that had been conversing with Entreri walked over to Drizzt then; his high boots clacking loudly on the stone。 He gave Drizzt an almost sympathetic look; then shrugged。

〃A pity;〃 he remarked; as he produced the glowing Twinkle from under the folds of his shimmering cape。

〃A pity;” he said again; and he walked away; this time his boots making not a whisper of sound。

* * * * *

The amazed guards snapped to rigid attention when their king unexpectedly entered their chamber; acpanied by his daughter; Wulfgar; Cobble; and a strangely armored dwarf that they did not know。

〃Ye heared from the drow?〃 Bruenor asked the guards; the dwarf king going straight for the heavy bar on the stone door as he spoke。

Their silence told Bruenor all he needed to know。 〃Get to General Dagna;〃 he instructed one of the guardsmen。 〃Tell him to gather together a war party and get down the new tunnels!〃

The dwarven guard obediently kicked up his heels and darted away。

Bruenor's four panions came beside him as the bar clanged to the stone; Wulfgar and Cobble bearing blazing torches。

〃Three; then two; is the draw's signal;〃 the remaining guard explained to Bruenor。

〃Three; then two; it is;〃 Bruenor replied; and he disappeared into the gloom; forcing the others; particularly Thibbledorf; who still did not think it a good thing that the king of Mithril Hall was even down there; to scamper quickly just to keep pace。

Cobble and even hardy Pwent glanced back and grimaced as the stone door slammed shut; while the other three; bent forward with the weight of their fears for their missing friend; did not even hear the sound。

Chapter 12

The Truth Be Known

“Blood;〃 Catti…brie muttered grimly; holding a I torch and bending low over the line of droplets in the corridor; near the entry way of a small I chamber。

〃Could be from the goblin fight;〃 Bruenor said hopefully; but Catti…brie shook her head。

〃Still wet;〃 she replied。 〃The blood from the goblin fight'd be long dried by now。〃

〃Then from them crawlers we seen;〃 Bruenor reasoned; 〃tearing apart the goblin bodies。〃

Still Catti…brie was not convinced。 Stooping low; torch held far in front of her; she went through the short doorway of the side chamber。 Wulfgar clambered in behind and pushed past her as soon as the passage widened again; ing up defensively in front of the young woman。

The barbarian's action did not sit well with Catti…brie。 Perhaps; from Wulfgar's point of view; he was merely following a prudent course; getting his battle…ready body in front of one encumbered with a torch and whose eyes were on the floor。 But Catti…brie doubted that possibility; felt that Wulfgar had e in so urgently because she had been in the lead; because of his need to protect her and stand between her and any possible danger。 Proud and able; Catti…brie was more insulted than flattered。

And worried; for if Wulfgar was so fearful of her safety; then he might well make a tactical mistake。 The panions had survived many dangers together because each had found a niche in the band; because each had played a role plementary to the abilities of the others。 Catti…brie understood clearly that a disruption of that pattern could be deadly。

She pushed back ahead of Wulfgar; batting aside his arm when he held it out to block her progress。 He glared at her; and she promptly returned the unyielding stare。

〃What d'ye got in there?〃 came Bruenor's call; deflecting the imminent showdown。 Catti…brie looked back to see the dark form of her father crouched in the low doorway; Cobble and Pwent; who held the second torch; out in the corridor behind him。

〃Empty;〃 Wulfgar answered firmly; and turned to go。

Catti…brie kept on crouching and looking about; though; as much to prove the barbarian wrong as in an honest search for clues。

〃Not empty;〃 she corrected a moment later; and her superior tone turned Wulfgar back around and lured Bruenor into the chamber。

They flanked Catti…brie; who bent low over a tiny object on the floor: a crossbow quarrel; but far too small for any of the crossbows Bruenor's fighters carried; or any similar weapon the panions had ever seen。 Bruenor picked it up in his stubby fingers; brought it close to his eyes; and studied it carefully。

〃We got pixies in these tunnels?〃 he asked; referring to the diminutive but cruel sprites more mon to woodland settings。

〃Some type of—〃 Wulfgar began。

〃Drow;〃 Catti…brie interrupted。 Wulfgar and Bruenor turned on her; Wulfgar's clear eyes flashing with anger at being interrupted; but only for the moment it took him to understand the gravity of what Catti…brie had announced。

〃The elf had a bow that'd fit this?〃 Bruenor balked。

〃Not Drizzt;〃 Catti…brie corrected grimly; 〃other drow。〃 Wulfgar and Bruenor screwed up their faces in obvious doubt; but Catti…brie felt certain of her guess。 Many times in the past; back in Icewind Dale on the empty slopes of Kelvin's Cairn; Drizzt had told her of his homeland; had told her of the remarkable acplishments and exotic artifacts of the dark elf nation。 Among those artifacts was the most favored weapon of the dark elves; hand…held crossbows; with quarrels usually tipped in poison。

Wulfgar and Bruenor looked to each other; each hopeful that the other would find some logic to defeat Catti…brie's grim assertions。 Bruenor only shrugged; tucked the quarrel away; and started for the outside passage。 Wulfgar looked back to the young woman; his face flushed with concern。

Neither of them spoke—neither had to—for they both knew well the horror…filled tales of marauding dark elves。 The implications seemed grave indeed if Catti…brie's guess proved correct; if drow elves had e to Mithril Hall。

There was something more in Wulfgar's expression that troubled Catti…brie; though; a possessive protectiveness that the young woman was beginning to believe would get them all in trouble。 She pushed past the huge man; dipping low and exiting the chamber; leaving Wulfgar in the dark with his inner turmoil。

* * * * *

The caravan made its slow but steady way through the tunnels; the passageways being ever more natural。 Drizzt still wore his armor but had been stripped of his weapons and had his hands tightly bound behind his back by some magical cord that would not loosen in the least; no matter how he managed to twist his wrists。

Dinin; eight legs clicking on the stone; led the troupe; with Vierna and Jarlaxle a short way behind。 Several in the twenty…drow party had fallen into formation behind them; including the two keeping watch over Drizzt。 They intersected once with the larger; flanking band of House Baenre soldiers; Jarlaxle issuing quiet orders and the second drow force slipping; melting; away into the shadows。

Only then did Drizzt begin to understand the import of the raid on Mithril Hall。 By his count; somewhere between two and three score dark elves had e up from Menzoberranzan; a formidable raiding party indeed。

And it had all been for him。

What of Entreri? Drizzt wondered。 How did the assassin fit into this? He seemed to mesh so well with the dark elves。 Of similar build and temperament; the assassin moved along with the drow ranks easily; inconspicuously。

Too well; Drizzt thought。

Entreri spent some time with the shaven…headed mercenary and Vierna; but then dropped back rank by rank; making his way inevitably toward his most…hated enemy。

〃Well met;〃 he said coyly when he at last fell into step beside Drizzt。 A look from the human sent the two closest dark elf guards moving respectfully away。

Drizzt eyed the assassin closely for a moment; looking for clues; then pointedly turned away。

〃What?〃 Entreri insisted; grabbing the obstinate drow's shoulder and turning him back。 Drizzt stopped abruptly; drawing concerned looks from the drow flanking him; particularly Vierna。 He started moving again immediately; though; not liking the attention and; gradually; the other dark elves settled into their fortable pace around him。

〃I do not understand;〃 Drizzt remarked offhandedly to Entreri。 〃You had the mask; had Regis; and knew where I could be found。 Why then did you ally with Vierna and her gang?〃

〃You presume that the choice was mine to make;〃 Entreri replied。 〃Your sister found me—I did not seek her out。〃

〃Then you are a prisoner;〃 Drizzt reasoned。

〃Hardly;〃 Entreri replied without hesitation; chuckling as he spoke。 〃You said it correctly the first time。 I am an ally。〃

〃Where my kin are concerned; the two are much the same。〃

Again Entreri chuckled; apparently seeing the bait for what it was。 Drizzt winced at the sincerity in the assassin's laughter; because he then realized the strength in the bonds of his enemies; ties he had hoped; in a fleeting moment of any hope; he might stretch and exploit。

〃I deal with Jarlaxle; actually;〃 the assassin explained; 〃not your volatile sister。 Jarlaxle; the pragmatic mercenary; the opportunist。 That one; I understand。 He and I are much alike!〃

〃When you are no longer needed—〃 Drizzt began ominously。

〃But I am and shall continue to be!〃 Entreri interrupted。 〃Jarlaxle; the opportunist;〃 he reiterated loudly; drawing an approving nod from the mercenary; who apparently understood well the mon tongue of the surface。 〃What gain would Jarlaxle find in killing me? I am a valuable tie to the surface; am I not? The head of a thieves' guild in exotic Calimport; an ally that might well prove useful in the future。 I have dealt with Jarlaxle's kind all my life; guild…masters from a dozen cities along the Sword Coast。〃

〃Drow have been known to kill for the simple pleasure of killing;〃 Drizzt protested; not willing to let go of this one loose strand so easily。

〃Agreed;〃 Entreri replied; 〃but they do not kill when they stand to gain by n
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