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s Underdark bird; adorned his clean…shaven head。 A slender sword dancing beside one hip and a long dirk on the other were his only visible weapons; but those who knew the sly mercenary realized that he possessed many more than that; concealed on his person; but easily retrieved if the need arose。

Pulled by curiosity; Jarlaxle picked up his pace。 As soon as he realized the length of his strides; he forced himself to slow down; reminding himself that he wanted to do fashionably late for this unorthodox meeting that crazy Vierna had arranged。

Crazy Vierna。

Jarlaxle considered the thought for a long while; even stopped his walk and leaned against the tunnel wall to recount the high priestess's many claims over the last few weeks。 What had seemed initially to be a desperate; fleeting hope of a broken noble; with no chance at all of success; was fast being a solid plan。 Jarlaxle had gone along with Vierna more out of amusement and curiosity than any real beliefs that they would kill; or even locate; the long…gone Drizzt。

But something apparently was guiding Vierna—Jarlaxle had to believe it was Lloth; or one of the Spider Queen's powerful minions。 Vierna's clerical powers had returned in full; it seemed; and she had delivered much valuable information; and even a perfect spy; to their cause。 They were fairly sure now where Drizzt Do'Urden was; and Jarlaxle was beginning to believe that killing the traitorous drow would not be such a difficult thing。

The mercenary's boots heralded his approach as he clicked around a final bend in the tunnel; ing into a wide; low…roofed chamber。 Vierna was there; with Dinin; and it struck Jarlaxle as curious (another note made in the calculating mercenary's mind) that Vierna seemed more fortable out here in the wilds than did her brother。 Dinin had spent many years in these tunnels; leading patrol groups; but Vierna; as a sheltered noble priestess; had rarely been out of the city。

If she truly believed that she walked with Lloth's blessings; however; then the priestess would have nothing to fear。

〃You have delivered our gift to the human?〃 Vierna asked immediately; urgently。 Everything in Vierna's life; it seemed to Jarlaxle; had bee urgent。

The sudden question; not prefaced by any greeting or even a remark that he was late; caught the mercenary off guard for a moment; and he looked to Dinin; who responded with only a helpless shrug。 While hungry fires burned in Vierna's eyes; defeated resignation lay in Dinin's。

〃The human has the earring;〃 Jarlaxle replied。

Vierna held out a flat; disc…shaped object; covered in designs to match the precious earring。 〃It is cool;〃 she explained as she rubbed her hand across the disc's metallic surface; 〃thus our spy has already moved far from Menzoberranzan。〃

〃Far away with a valuable gift;〃 Jarlaxle remarked; traces of sarcasm edging his voice。

〃It was necessary; and will further our cause;〃 Vierna snapped at him。

〃If the human proves to be as valuable an informant as you believe;〃 Jarlaxle added evenly。

〃Do you doubt him?〃 Vierna's words echoed through the tunnels; causing Dinin further distress and sounding clearly as a threat to the mercenary。

〃It was Lloth who guided me to him;〃 Vierna continued with an open sneer; 〃Lloth who showed me the way to regain my family's honor。 Do you doubt…〃

〃I doubt nothing where our deity is concerned;〃 Jarlaxle promptly interrupted。 〃The earring; your beacon; has been delivered as you instructed; and the human is well on his way。〃 The mercenary swept into a respectfully low bow; tipping his wide…brimmed hat。

Vierna calmed and seemed appeased。 Her red eyes flashed eagerly; and a devious smile widened across her face。 〃And the goblins?〃 she asked; her voice thick with anticipation。

〃They will soon make contact with the greedy dwarves;〃 Jarlaxle replied; 〃to their dismay; no doubt。 My scouts are in place around the goblin ranks。 If your brother makes an appearance in the inevitable battle; we will know。〃 The mercenary hid his conniving smile at the sight of Vierna's obvious pleasure。 The priestess thought to gain only the confirmation of her brother's whereabouts from the unfortunate goblin tribe; but Jarlaxle had much more in mind。 Goblins and dwarves shared a mutual hatred as intense as that between the drow and their surface elf cousins; and any meeting between the groups would ensure a fight。 What better opportunity for Jarlaxle to take an accurate measure of the dwarven defenses? And the dwarven weaknesses?

For; while Vierna's desires were focused—all that she wanted was the death of her traitorous brother—Jarlaxle was looking at the wider picture; of how this costly exploration up near the surface; perhaps even onto the surface; might bee more profitable。

Vierna rubbed her hands together and turned sharply to face her brother。 Jarlaxle nearly laughed aloud at Dinin's feeble attempt to imitate his sister's beaming expression。

Vierna was too obsessed to notice her less…than…enthusiastic brother's obvious slip。 〃The goblin fodder understand their options?〃 she asked the mercenary; but she answered her own question before Jarlaxle could reply。 〃Of course; they have no options!〃

Jarlaxle felt the sudden need to burst her eager bubble。 〃What if the goblins kill Drizzt?〃 he asked; sounding innocent。

Vierna's face screwed up weirdly and she stammered unsuccessfully at her first attempts at a reply。 〃No!〃 she decided at length。 〃We know that more than a thousand dwarves inhabit the plex; perhaps two or three times that number。 The goblin tribe will be crushed。〃

〃But the dwarves and their allies will suffer some casualties;〃 Jarlaxle reasoned。

〃Not Drizzt;〃 Dinin unexpectedly answered; and there was no promise in his grim tone; and no argument forthing from either of his panions。 〃No goblin will kill Drizzt。 No goblin weapon could get near his body。〃

Vierna's approving smile showed that she did not understand the sincere terror behind Dinin's claims。 Dinin alone among the group had faced off in battle against Drizzt。

〃The tunnels back to the city are clear?〃 Vierna asked Jarlaxle; and; on his nod; she swiftly departed; having no more time for banter。

〃You wish this to end;〃 the mercenary remarked to Dinin when they were alone。

〃You have not met my brother;〃 Dinin replied evenly; and his hand instinctively twitched near the hilt of his magnificent drow…made sword; as though the mere mention of Drizzt put him on the defensive。 〃Not in bat; at least。〃

〃Fear; Khal'abbil?〃 The question went straight to Dinin's sense of honor; sounded more like a taunt。 Still; the fighter made no attempt to deny it。 〃You should fear your sister as well;〃 Jarlaxle reasoned; and he meant every word。 Dinin donned a disgusted expression。

〃The Spider Queen; or one of Lloth's minions; has been talking with that one;〃 Jarlaxle added; as much to himself as to his shaken panion。 At first glance; Vierna's obsession seemed a desperate; dangerous thing; but Jarlaxle had been around the chaos of Menzoberranzan long enough to realize that many other powerful figures; Matron Baenre included; had held similar; seemingly outrageous fantasies。

Nearly every important figure in Menzoberranzan; including members of the ruling council; had e to power through acts that seemed desperate; had squirmed their way through the barbed s of chaos to find their glory。

Might Vierna be the next to cross that dangerous terrain?

Chapter 2


The River Surbrin flowing in a valley far below him; Drizzt entered the eastern gate of Mithril Hall early that same afternoon。 Catti…brie had skipped in some time before him to await the 〃surprise〃 of his return。 The dwarven guards weled the drow ranger as though he were one of their bearded kin。 Drizzt could not deny the warmth that flowed through him at their open wele; though it was not unexpected since Bruenor's people had accepted him as a friend since their days in Icewind Dale。

Drizzt needed no escort in the winding corridors of Mithril Hall; and he wanted none; preferring to be alone with the many emotions and memories that always came over him when he crossed this section of the upper plex。 He moved across the new bridge at Garumn's Gorge。

It was a structure of beautiful; arching stone that spanned hundreds of feet across the deep chasm。 In this place Drizzt had lost Bruenor forever; or so he had thought; for he had seen the dwarf spiral down into the lightless depths on the back of a flaming dragon。

He couldn't avoid a smile as the memory flowed to pletion; it would take more than a dragon to kill mighty Bruenor Battlehammer!

As he neared the end of the long expanse; Drizzt noticed that new guard towers; begun only ten days before; were nearly pleted; the industrious dwarves having gone at their work with absolute devotion。 Still; every one of the busy dwarven workers looked up to regard the drow's passing and give Drizzt a word of greeting。

Drizzt headed for the main corridors leading out of the immense chamber south of the bridge; the sound of even more hammers leading the way。 Just beyond the chamber; past a small anteroom; he came into a wide; high corridor; practically another chamber in itself; where the best craftsmen of Mithril Hall were hard at work; carving into the stone wall the likeness of Bruenor Battlehammer; in its appropriate place beside sculptures of Bruenor's royal ancestors; the seven predecessors of his throne。

〃Fine work; eh; drow?〃 came a call。 Drizzt turned to regard a short; round dwarf with a short…clipped yellow beard barely reaching the top of his wide chest。

〃Well met; Cobble;〃 Drizzt greeted the speaker。 Bruenor recently had appointed the dwarf Holy Cleric of the Halls; a valued position indeed。

〃Fitting?〃 Cobble asked as he indicated the twenty…foot…high sculpture of Mithril Hall's present king。

〃For Bruenor; it should be a hundred feet tall;〃 Drizzt replied; and the good…hearted Cobble shook with laughter。 The continuing roar of it echoed behind Drizzt for many steps as he again headed down the winding corridors。

He soon came to the upper level's hall area; the city above the wondrous Undercity。 Catti…brie and Wulfgar roomed in this area; as did Bruenor most of the time; as he 
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