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ll dart from the side of his neck。

The two slid to a stop; no darkened globe fell over them and no draw were in sight; though both seasoned warriors understood the many hiding places the stalagmite mounds might offer their enemies。

〃Was it poisoned?〃 Gandalug asked with grave concern; knowing the sinister reputation of draw darts。

Crommower looked at the small quarrel curiously; then put its tip to his lips and sucked hard; furrowing his bushy eyebrows contemplatively and smacking his lips as he studied the taste。

〃Yup;〃 he announced and threw the dart over his shoulder。

〃Our enemies are not far;〃 Gandalug said; glancing all around。'奇+书+网'

〃Bah; they probably runned away;〃 snickered Crommower。 〃Too bad; too。 Me helm's getting rusty。 Could use a bit o' skinny elf blood to grease it proper。 Ow!〃 The battlerager growled suddenly and grasped at a new dart; this one sticking from his shoulder; Following its up…angled line; Gandalug understood the trap—draw elves were not hiding among the stalagmites; but were up above; levitating among the stalactites!

〃Separate!〃 the battlerager cried。 He grabbed Gandalug and heaved him away。 Normally; dwarves would have stayed together; fought back…to…back; but Gandalug understood and agreed with Crommower's reasoning。 More than one friendly dwarf had taken a glove nail or a knee spike when wild Crommower went into his fighting frenzy。

Several of the dark elves descended swiftly; weapons drawn; and Crommower Pwent; with typical battlerager intensity; went berserk。 He hopped all around; slamming elves and stalagmites; skewering one draw in the belly with his helmet spike; then cursing his luck as the dying draw got stuck。 Bent over as he was; Crommower took several slashing hits across his back; but he only roared in rage; flexed his considerable muscles and straightened; taking the unfortunate; impaled draw along for the ride。

With Crommower's insanity occupying most of the enemy force; Gandalug did well initially。 He faced off against two draw females。 The old dwarf was quite taken with how beautiful these evil creatures were; their features angled; but not sharp; their hair more lustrous than a well…groomed dwarven lady's beard; and their eyes so very intense。 That observation didn't slow Gandalug's desire to gash the skin off the draw faces; though; and he whipped his battle…axe back and forth; battering aside shields and blocking weapons alike; forcing the females back。

But then Gandalug grimaced in pain; once; again; and then a third time; as some unseen missiles scorched into his back。 Magical energy slipped through his fine plate armor and bit at his skin。 A moment later; the old graybeard heard Crommower growl in rage and sputter; 〃Damn wizard!〃 He knew then that his friend had been similarly assaulted。

Crommower spotted the magic…thrower from under the dangling legs of the now…dead draw impaled on his helmet。 〃I hates wizards;〃 he grumbled and began punching his way toward the distant draw。

The wizard said something in a language that Crommower could not understand; but he should have caught on when the six dark elves he was fighting suddenly parted ranks; opening a direct line between Crommower and the wizard。

Crommower was not in any rational state; though; consumed as he was by the battle rage; the bloodlust。 Thinking to get a clear punch at the wizard; he charged ahead; the dead draw flopping atop his helm。 The battlerager took no note of the wizard's chanting; no note of the metal rod the draw held out before him。

Then Crommower was flying; blinded by a sudden flash and hurled backward by the energy of a lightning bolt。 He slammed a stalagmite hard and slid down to the seat of his pants。

〃I hates wizards;〃 the dwarf muttered a second time; and he heaved the dead draw off his head; leaped up; and charged again; smoking and fuming。

He dipped his head; put his helmet spike in line; and thrust forward furiously; bouncing off mounds; his armor scraping and squealing。 The other dark elves he had been fighting came in at his sides; slashing with fine swords; banging with enchanted maces as the battlerager plowed through the gauntlet; and blood ran freely from several wounds。

Crommower's single cry continued without interruption; if he felt the wounds at all; he did not show it。 Rage; focused directly on the draw wizard; consumed him。

The wizard realized then that his warriors would not be able to stop the insane creature。 He called on his innate magic; hoping that these outrageous dwarf…things couldn't fly; and began to levitate from the floor。

Gandalug heard the motion behind him and winced every time it sounded as though Crommower took a hit。 But the old graybeard could do little to help his friend。 These draw females were surprisingly good fighters; working in perfect concert and parrying all his attacks; even managing to get in a few hits of their own; one slashing with a cruelly edged sword; the other whipping a fiercely glowing mace。 Gandalug bled in several places; though none of the wounds was serious。

As the three settled into a dancing rhythm; the mace…wielder stepped back from the fight and began an incantation。

〃No; ye don't;〃 Gandalug whispered; and he drove hard into the sword…wielder; forcing her into a clinch。 The slender draw was no physical match for the tough dwarf's sheer strength; and Gandalug heaved her back; to collide with her panion and disrupt the spell。

On came the old graybeard; the First King of Mithril Hall; battering the two with his emblazoned shield; slamming them with the foaming mug standard of the clan he had founded。

Back down the corridor; Crommower turned to the side; virtually ran up a stalagmite; and leaped high; his helmet spike driving into the rising wizard's knee; splintering the kneecap and cutting right out the back of the leg。

The wizard screamed in agony。 His levitation was strong enough to hold them both aloft; and in the blur of pain; the frightfully wounded draw couldn't think to release the spell。 They hung weirdly in midair; the wizard clutching his leg; his hands weak with pain; and Crommower thrashing from side to side; destroying the leg and punching up with his glove nails。 He smiled as he sank them deep into the draw's thighs。

A rain of warm blood descended over the battlerager; feeding his frenzy。

But the other draw were under Crommower; and he was not that high from the ground。 He tried to tuck his legs under him as swords slashed his feet。 He jerked then; and understood that this would be his final battle; as one draw produced a long lance and stuck it hard into the battlerager's kidney。

The mace…wielder fell back again; around a corner; and Gandalug closed quickly on the female with the sword。 He moved as if he would shield rush again; close in tight; and heave her back as he had done before。 The crafty old dwarf pulled up short; though; and fell low; his wicked axe ing across and sweeping the draw's feet out from under her。 Gandalug fell over her in an instant; accepting one nasty stick from the sword; and dishing out a head…splitting chop in exchange。

He looked up just in time to see a magical hammer appear in midair before him and whack him across the face。 Gandalug shifted his thick tongue about curiously; then spit out a tooth; staring incredulously at the young—and this draw was indeed young—female。

〃Ye got to be kidding;〃 the old graybeard remarked。 He hardly noticed that the female had already launched a second spell; pulling the tooth to her waiting fingers with a magically conjured hand。

The magical hammer continued its assault; scoring a second hit on the side of Gandalug's head as he straightened over the draw。 〃Ye're dead;〃 he promised the young female; smiling wickedly。 His mirth was stolen; though; when a resounding scream split the air。 Gandalug had seen many fierce battles; he knew a death cry when he heard it; and he knew that this one had e from a dwarf。

He spent an instant steadying himself; reminding himself that he and old Crommower had fully expected that this would be their last journey。 When he focused ahead once more; he saw that the young female had retreated farther around the bend; and he heard her chanting softly。 Gandalug knew that other dark elves would soon be at his back; but he determined then that they would find their two female panions dead。 The stubborn dwarf stalked ahead; heedless of whatever magic the young draw might have waiting for him。

He spotted her; standing vulnerable in the middle of the passage; eyes closed; hands by her side; as he rounded the corner。 In charged the old graybeard—to be intercepted by a sudden whirlwind; a vortex that encircled him; stopped him; and held him in place。

〃What're ye about?〃 Gandalug roared。 He fought wildly against the cunning magic; but could not break free of its stubborn grasp; could not even shuffle his feet toward the devious female。

Then Gandalug felt a horrid sensation deep within his breast。 He could no longer feel the whipping of the cyclone; but its winds continued; as if they had somehow found a way to pass through his skin。 Gandalug felt a tug at his soul; felt as though his insides were being ripped out。

〃What're ye 。 。。 ?〃 he started to ask again; but his words disappeared into blabber as he lost control of his lips; lost control of all his body。 He floated helplessly toward the draw; toward her extended hand and a curious item—what was it? he wondered。 What was she holding?

His tooth。

Then there was only white emptiness。 From a great distance Gandalug heard the chatter of dark elves; and he found one last view as he looked back。 A body—his body!—lay dead on the floor; surrounded by several dark elves。

His body…

* * * * *

The dwarf ghost teetered weakly as he came out of the dream; the nightmare; that cruel Yvonnel Baenre; that devious young female; had once again forced upon him。 Baenre knew that those recollections were the most horrid torture she could exact upon the stubborn dwarf; and she did so often。

Now Gandalug stared at her with utter hatred。 Here they were; nearly two thousand years later; two thousand years of an empty white prison and terrible memories that poor Gandalug could not escape。

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