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ntment; but all his efforts proved useless; his muscles continued their involuntary twitching。

Swords cut in at Drizzt from every angle。 One drew a line on his cheek; stinging him painfully。 The skilled females; working perfectly in concert; kept him pinned near the corner; gave him no room to maneuver。 Still; Drizzf s parrying work was excellent; and Vendes applauded his outstanding; if futile; efforts。

Drizzt knew that he was in serious trouble。 Unarmored and still weak (though the magical potions continued to flow through his veins); he had few tricks that could get him past so powerful a tandem。

A sword cut low; Drizzt hopped the blade。 Another chopped down; from the other side; but Drizzt; crouching as he leaped; got Twinkle up to deflect it。 His other scimitar snapped back and forth in front of him; defeating the two middle…height attacks; one from each female; and pleting the four…parry。

But Drizzt could not counter with any offensive routines as the relentless barrage continued; forcing him back on his heels; forcing him to react in awkward angles。

He hopped and ducked; spun his blades this way and that; and somehow managed to keep those stinging swords from cutting any deep holes in his vulnerable body; though


R。 A。 Salvatore

the minor hits were beginning to add up。

The ranger glanced forlornly at Catti…brie; terrified at the prospects of what she would soon face。

Entreri continued to wage his futile war; then finally slumped low; defeated; thinking that he could not possibly fight his way past the powerful enchantment。

But the assassin had not survived the streets of dangerous Calimport; had not risen to a position of leadership in the evil underworld of the southern city; by accepting defeat。 He changed his thinking; decided that he had to work within the parameters offered to him。

Entreri's arm shot up above him。 His fingers did not grasp梙e did not try to grasp梑ut rather; he slapped his arm hard against the binding goo。

That was all the grip he would need。

With tremendous effort; Entreri coiled his stuck arm and pulled himself halfway up beside the trapped woman。

Catti…brie was watching him; helpless and hopeless; having no idea what he meant to do。 She even winced and tried to duck (though of course her head would not move an inch) as the assassin's free arm swung about; as though she feared that he meant to strike her。

It was not the jeweled dagger perched in that free hand; though; but the spider mask; and Catti…brie began to understand as it came over the very top of her head。 It wouldn't slip down very far at first; blocked by the binding goo; but that greenish sludge instantly began to give way to the item's mighty magic。

Catti…brie was fully blinded as a wave of goo; then the bottom lip of the spider mask; covered her one free eye。

A moment later; her other eye blinked open。

Sparks flew as the battle intensified; the females pressing more fiercely against the stubborn defenses of the renegade male。


Starless Night

〃Be done with it!〃 impatient Vendes growled。 〃Take him down; that we might drag him to the chapel; that he might bear witness as we sacrifice the foolish woman to Lloth!〃

Of all the things that Vendes could have said; of all the threats that she could have then laid upon Drizzt Do'Urden; none would have been so foolish。 The notion of Catti…brie; dear and innocent Catti…brie; being given to the horrid; wretched Spider Queen was too much for Drizzf s sensibilities to bear。

No longer was he Drizzt Do'Urden; for his rational identity was replaced by the welling urges of the primal hunter; the savage。

The female on his left came with another measured counter; but the one on his right struck more daringly; one of her swords thrusting far beyond the tip of Drizzt's blocking scimitar。|Qī…shū…ωǎng|

It was a cunning move; but in the heightened sensibilities of the hunter; that thrusting sword seemed to move almost in slow motion。 Drizzt let the tip get within a few inches of his vulnerable abdomen before the blade in his left hand slashed across; deflecting the sword out wide; crossing under his upraised arm as his other scimitar worked against the female's second sword。

His scimitars then crossed in a powerful diagonal parry; alternating their targets; his left arm shooting across and up; his right across and down。

He dove to his knees; straight ahead; using his closest enemy's body to prevent the other female from hitting him。 In came his right hand; deftly turning the blade so that it slashed against the outside of his opponent's knee; buckling the leg。 Drizzt punched out with his left; connecting on the female's belly and throwing her back over that collapsing leg。

Still on his knees; the ranger spun desperately; hacking across with his left as the other female rushed in on him。

She was too high。 The scimitar took one sword out wide; but the other sword poked lower。

The hunter's second scimitar intercepted it and turned it aside; though it slashed Drizzf s skin and nicked a rib。


R。 A。 Salvatore

Back and forth went the parries and thrusts; the hunter feeling no pain from this newest and most serious wound。 It seemed impossible to Vendes; but Drizzt managed to get a foot under him and was soon standing even with her skilled soldier。

The other female writhed on the ground; clutching her blasted leg and tucking her arm tightly over her slashed belly。

〃Enough!〃 Vendes cried; holding her wand Drizzf s way。 She had enjoyed the spectacular battle; but had no intention of losing any females。

〃Guenhwyvar!〃 came a shrill cry。

Vendes looked to the side; to the human woman梬earing the spider mask!梒rouching low; away from the binding goo。 Catti…brie charged out from the wall; dropping the magical figurine and scooping up a certain dagger as she went

Instinctively; Vendes loosed another gob of goo; but it seemed to pass right through the charging woman to splat harmlessly against the wall。

Somewhat disoriented and certainly off balance; Catti…brie simply dove forward; dagger out。 She managed to nick Vendes' hand; but the parrying wand rushed across and turned the deadly blade before it could dig in;

Catti…brie crashed heavily into the draw's thighs; and both females went sprawling; the woman trying to hold on; and Vendes kicking and scrambling fiercely to get away。

Drizzt's scimitars banged against the remaining female's swords so rapidly that it sounded like one long; scraping ring。 She kept up with his fury for a few moments; to her credit; but gradually her parries came later and later against the barrage of thrusts and cuts。

A sword snapped up to her right; defeating Twinkle。 Her second sword turned up and out to take the second thrusting scimitar to the side。

But the second scimitar was not really thrusting; and it was the female's sword that went out。 She recognized the feint and halted her own weapon's progress; bringing it


Starless Night

right back in。

She was too late。 Drizzf s scimitar plunged through the fine mesh armor。 He was open to any counter; but the female had no strength; no life; left as the wicked scimitar jabbed at her heart。 She shuddered as Drizzt withdrew the blade。


A flurry of punches battered Catti…brie's head as she hugged tightly to the vicious draw's tegs。 The spider mask had turned about; and Catti…brie could not see; but she realized that if Vendes had a weapon handy; she would be in trouble。

Blindly; Catti…brie reached up with one hand; trying to grab at a drow wrist。 Vendes was too quick for the move; though; and not only got her arm out of the way; but wriggled one leg free as well。 She coiled and kicked; and Catti…brie nearly swooned。

Vendes pushed powerfully against her; slipping free; then Catti…brie was scrambling; trying to catch up to the suddenly receding legs。 The young woman hesitated for just an instant; to pull the troublesome mask from her face; then cried out in denial as she saw Vendes's feet slipping too far from her grasp。 The Baenre daughter quickly regained her footing and ran from the room。

Catti…brie could easily fathom the consequences of letting this one get away。 Stubbornly; she put her arms under her and started to rise; but was pushed back to the floor by a gentle hand as someone came over her。 She saw the bare feet of Drizzt Do'Urden hit the stone floor in front of her; in full pursuit。

Drizzt twisted weirdly as he came into the corridor。 He threw himself backward and to the floor so fiercely that Catti…brie feared he had been clotheslined。 She understood the move as Drizzf s own doing; though; as a gob of greenish goo flew harmlessly above him。

A twisting roll realigned Drizzt and put his feet back under him; and he shot off like a springing cat。

And a springing cat; Guenhwyvar; followed; leaping over Catti…brie and into the corridor; turning so perfect an


R。 A。 Salvatore

angle; the instant the paws touched the stone; that Catti…brie had to blink to make sure she was not seeing things。

〃Naui〃 came the doomed draw's cry of protest from out in the corridor。 The warrior whom Vendes had tortured; had beaten without mercy; was upon her; his eyes raging with fires of vengeance。

Guenhwyvar came right behind; desperate to help Drizzt; but in the instant it took the cat to reach the fighting; a scimitar had already plunged deep into Vendes's stomach。

A groan from the side refocused Catti…brie's attention。 She spotted the wounded female crawling for her dropped weapons。

Catti…brie scrambled immediately; staying on the floor; and wrapped her legs about the draw's neck; squeezing with all her strength。 Both ebon…skinned hands came up to tear at her; to punch at her。 But then the female calmed; and Catti…brie thought she had surrendered梪ntil she noticed the draw's lips moving。

She was casting a spell!

Purely on instinct; Catti…brie poked her finger repeatedly into the draw's eyes。 The chant became cries of pain and protest; and they became no more than a wheeze as Catti…brie clamped her legs down tighter。

Catti…brie hated this with all her generous heart。 The killing revolted her; especially a fight such as this; where she would have to watch for agonizing sec
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