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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第51部分

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al。 She approved of me。 She granted a good deal of what I asked on behalf of our people。 Now; she doubts me; because someone has persuaded her to question my true intentions。 What did my foe offer to lure you to her side? Don't you realize that in betraying me; you betray Ched Nasad itself?〃
The scribe hesitated; then said; 〃Matron Baenre has people watching the residence。 Someone is watching us right now。〃
〃Perhaps;〃 Faeryl replied。
Umrae swallowed。 〃So you can't harm me。 Or they'll harm you。〃
Faeryl laughed。 〃Rubbish。 Triel's agents won't reveal their presence just to keep me from disciplining one of my own retainers。 They won't see anynotthing odd or detrimental to Menzoberranzan's interests in that。 Now; be sensible and surrender。〃
After another pause; Umrae said; 〃Give me your word you won't hurt me。 That you'll set me free and help me flee the city。〃
〃I promise you nothing except that your insolence is making me angrier by the second; and a quick capitulation is your only hope。 Tell me; who turned you; and why? What does anyone hereabouts have to gain by pernotsecuting an envoy; one who stands apart from the feuds and rivalries among the Menzoberranyr Houses?〃
〃You must understand; I fear to betray them and remain。 They'll kill me if I do。〃
〃They won't get the chance。 I'm the one pointing a poisoned dart at you。 Who are your employers?〃
〃I won't say; not without your pledge。〃
〃Your friend didn't slander me to Triel until after I started contemplatnoting a return to Ched Nasad。 Was that the point of the lie? To keep me from venturing out into the Underdark? Why?〃
Umrae shook her head。
〃You're mad;〃 Faeryl said。 〃Why would you condemn yourself to pernotpetuate someone else's existence? Ah well; you're plainly unfit to live; so I suppose it's for the best。〃
She made a show of sighting down the length of the crossbow。
〃No!〃 Umrae cried。 〃Don't! You're right; why should I die?〃
〃If you answer my questions; perhaps you won't。〃
Trembling a little; her nerve having been broken; the clerk raised her hand to her face; perhaps to massage her brow。 No…to lift a tiny vial to her lips!
Faeryl pulled the trigger and her aim was true; but by the time the quarnotrel pierced Umrae's stomach; the secretary's form was changing。 She grew even thinner; shriveling; but taller as well。 Her flesh cooled and stank of corruption; leathery wings sprouted from her shoulder blades; and her eyes sank into her head。 Even her garments altered; blurring and splitting into moldering rags。 No blood flowed from the wound the poisoned dart had made; and it didn't seem to inconvenience her in the slightest。 She didn't even bother to pull the missile out。
Faeryl was furious at herself for allowing Umrae to trick her。 Next time; she'd remember that even a dark elf devoid of beauty; grace; and facile wit; seemingly undone by fear; was yet a drow; born to guile and deception。
The potion had temporarily transformed Umrae into some sort of undead; in which form she likely wouldn't suffer at all from her usual clumsiness。 Had Lolth not forsaken her priestesses; Faeryl might have connottrolled the cadaverous thing with her clerical powers; but that was no longer an option。 Nor were any of her other retainers likely to notice her plight and dash to her rescue。 She had them all too busy packing up the house。
It was unfortunate; because like most undead; except for the lowly corpses and skeletons spell casters reanimated to serve as mindless thralls; Umrae in winged…ghoul form could probably do grievous harm with any strike that so much as grazed the skin; and Faeryl didn't even have a shield to fend her off。 How was she to know the spy would possess such a potent means of defense?
Umrae took a shambling step; then; with a clap of her wings; bounded forward。 Faeryl hastily retreated; dropped the useless crossbow; and opened the clasp of her cloak。 Pulling the garment off her shoulders with one hand; she unsheathed a little adamantine rod with the other。 At a snap of her wrist; the harmless…looking object swelled into Mother's Kiss; the long…hafted; basalt…headed war hammer the females of House Zauvirr had borne since the founding of their line。 Perhaps an enchanted weapon would slay Umrae where the envenomed quarrel had failed。
Faeryl would have to hope so。 Even if she were willing to stand meekly aside and let the traitor fly away; Umrae; her thoughts perhaps colored by the predatory guise she'd assumed; plainly wanted a fight; and the envoy could see no way to evade her。 It would be stupid to evoke darkness and run。 In undead form; Umrae would likely manage better in the murk than its maker did。 It would be even more pointless to try to levitate or ascend through the use of the air…walking charm when the shape shifter could simply spread her ragged wings and follow。
Faeryl waved her piwafwi back and forth at the end of her extended arm; to confuse Umrae and serve as some semblance of a shield。 No one had ever taught Faeryl to fight thusly; but she'd observed warriors practicnoting the technique; and she tried to believe that if mere males could do it; it would surely present no diffic
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