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〃You will be pleased to learn that the matter has already been settled;〃 the Backstabber was saying。

A frightened junior officer was then shoved forward into the screen's field of view。 His shackled hands managed a two…handed breast salute as Khyron ordered him to speak。

〃mander Breetai; I take full responsibility for the misplaced laser bolt which destroyed the radar tower of Zor's ship。 My aim was untrue; and I humbly await your judgment。〃

The officer hung his head in shame。

Breetai stared at the screen with a look of disbelief that quickly refocused as anger。

〃Khyron; do you take me for a plete fool?!〃

Khyron smirked; 〃Not plete; Breetai。〃

Exedore's mander was enraged; he shouted; 〃You have not heard the end of this!〃 and shut down the link。 He resumed his pacing as a second message was fed to the bridge: An enemy recon vessel disabled by a collision with an asteroid had been captured and was being brought to the flagship。

So something had been salvaged from this operation; after all; Breetai told himself。 He heard Exedore give the order that all survivors were to be left unharmed。

〃Well; Exedore; it looks like you'll have the specimens you wanted。〃

〃So it would appear; mander;〃 Exedore replied guardedly。 These would…be minor triumphs had a vexing way of reversing themselves。

Nevertheless; Exedore and Breetai rushed from the bridge and made for the docking bays。 They were halfway along the main corridor to the elevators when an announcement from ship security brought them to a halt。

〃Three Micronian ships in pursuit of the captured recon craft have broken into the lower deck holding area。 mander Breetai; contact the bridge。〃

Breetai growled; 〃They dare to enter my ship?! Now I will deal with them personally!〃

The Zentraedi mander broke into a run; Exedore was behind him; throwing caution to the wind。

The Vermilion Team had pursued the captured Cat'sEye into the lower hold of the huge ship; reconfiguring to Guardian mode when they cleared the hatchway。 Afterburners were now accelerating them along the kilometers of floor in the enormous chamber。

Rick took out the enemy tow which had ensnared Lisa's craft and ordered the team into Battloid configuration。 The two Zentraedi pilots who jumped from the flaming wreck were easily chased off by gatling fire loosed by Max and Ben。

The two corporals were speechless。 Those were living; breathing giants who had clambered out of the tow。 All that training…the photos; the videos; the skeletal remains…hadn't prepared them for this moment of actual confrontation。 They couldn't help but notice; however; that the place was a wreck all on its own: Spare parts from Battlepods and other mecha littered the area; overhead gantries and hull hatchways were in desperate need of attention; and an atmosphere of ultimate neglect and disrepair hung over the area like the stench of decay。

Rick; meanwhile; was bringing the Battloid down on one knee to inspect the Cat's…Eye。 He could see Lisa begin to stir inside the smashed cockpit。 Seeing the Battloid; she switched on the external speakers。

〃Lieutenant Hunter; take your men and get out of here。 You've got no time to spare。〃

Her voice was weak。

〃Time enough to bring you with us。〃

Max came on the line: 〃Lieutenant; the Zentraedi are taking up positions at the end of the corridor。 We better blow this place。〃

〃Just give me a few minutes of cover fire; Max。 Then we're outta here。〃

〃That'll just about deplete my cannon charge。〃

〃Mine; too;〃 Ben added。

〃Cut the chatter。 Open fire。〃

Rick returned his attention to the Cat's…Eye while his teammates laid down a deafening barrage of fire。

〃Can you operate the manual eject mechanism; mander?〃

〃Negative;〃 Lisa answered him。 〃The controls are jammed。 Move out; Lieutenant。 I'm giving you an order。〃

〃This is no time to stand on protocol; mander。 Cover yourself; I'm going to break into the cockpit。〃

Lisa saw the Battloid's enormous hand e down on the shield and screamed; 〃Keep your hand off me; Hunter! I'm not kidding; don't touch me with that thing!〃

The Battloid's fingers pinched the shield; shattering it。 Cursing Rick the entire while; Lisa pulled herself up and free of the wreckage。

〃I'll have your stripes for this; Hunter。 I swear it。〃

Rick heard Ben's gatling sputter out; Max flashed him a signal that he; too; was out of ammo。 Lisa had moved away from the Cat's…Eye。 Rick was offering her the outstretched open hand of the Battloid when he caught her startled reaction to something that had appeared on the overhead catwalk。

Halfway to standing; that something landed hard on the Battloid's back; driving the mecha to the floor of the hold with a force not to be believed。


Few of us were fortunate enough to have seen the interior of the SDF…1 before Dr。 Lang's teams of Robotechnicians had retrofit the fortress with bulkheads; partitions; lowered ceilings; and doorways and hatches proportioned to human scale; so our entry into the enormous lower hold of 'Breetai's' flagship proved to be a veritable assault on the senses。 Although I learned much later that human…size enclosures did in fact exist aboard the SDF…1 prior to reconstruction; here were all the things Sterling; Dixon; and I had been hearing about from members of the early exploratory teams: the three…hundred…foot…high ceilings; thirty foot…wide hatchways; miles of corridors。。。It was not surprising; then; that our minds refused to grapple with these new dimensions。 We didn't experience the hold as human beings entering giant…sized spaces; it was instead as if we had been reduced in size!
The Collected Journals of Admiral Rick Hunter

Even by Zentraedi standards; the soldier who leapt from the hold gantry and decked Rick Hunter's Battloid was enormous。

Max calculated the giant's height at sixty…plus feet。 He wore knee…high utility boots and a blue uniform trimmed in yellow at the collar and sleeves; over this was a long; sleeveless brown tunic adorned with one bold vertical blue band。 At breast level was some sort of insignia or badge of rank…almost a black musical note in a yellow field。 But the most memorable thing about him was the gleaming plate that covered one side of his head; inset with what appeared to be a lusterless cabochon。 He had jumped more than 200 feet from the catwalk; yet here he stood glaring at them; ready to take on the entire Robotech Defense Force single…handed。

Max didn't have to be told that he'd met one of the Zentraedi elite。

Sterling allowed these diverse emotional reactions to wash through him; he then relaxed and began to attune his thoughts to the Battloid's capabilities。 Quickly positioning his mecha behind the giant; he swung the depleted gatling cannon across the warrior's chest and held it fast with both hands; pinioning the giant's arms at his sides。 Displays in the Battloid cockpit module ran wild as the Zentraedi struggled to free himself。 Max could sense the extent of the enemy's will reaching into his own mind and grappling with it on some newly opened front in this war; a psycho…battleground。

The Battloid's arms were stressed to the limit; threatening to dislocate with each of the giant's chest expansions。 The Zentraedi was growling like a trapped animal; twisting his head around; each deliberate move calculated to bring that gleaming faceplate into violent contact with the canopy of the mecha。 Max knew that something was going to give out soon unless he changed tactics。

The Battloid's environmental sensors indicated that the hold was indeed an air lock; it could therefore be depressurized。 Max wasn't certain what size hole would be necessary to achieve the effect he was after; but he had to take a chance。 He raised Ben on the tac net; all the while struggling with foot pedals and random thoughts; and ordered him to fire his warheads at the ship's hull directly overhead。

Ben triggered release of the missiles; the explosion tore a gaping hole in the ship。 But something unexpected was happening even before the smoke was sucked clear: The hull was actually repairing itself! Max couldn't believe his sensors; the process was almost organic; as though the ship was。。。alive。

But he lost no time thinking about it。 He fired the mecha's foot thrusters; launching himself; along with the Zentraedi; toward the ceiling。 Just short of the healing rend; he released his grip on the cannon。 Momentum carried the giant out into space seconds before the hull patch pleted itself。

Back on the floor of the hold; Rick had picked himself up。 He had snatched Lisa from midair during the depressurization and was holding her in the Battloid's metalshod hand now; ignoring her protestations。 Max brought his Battloid down beside him。

〃Nice work; Max。 Guess we won't be seeing that character again。〃

〃Not unless he can survive deep space without an extravehicular suit。〃

〃Now what do we do?〃 Ben asked。

The three men panned their Battloid video cameras across the hold; searching for a way out。

Breetai; meanwhile; who was made of much sterner stuff than any of the Earthlings realized; was not only alive but was at that moment pulling his way along the outer skin of the flagship; using as handholds the; numerous sensor bristles and antennae that covered the ship。 The gaping hole had of course closed itself too quickly to permit reentry into the hold; but he had managed to recollect his strength by latching on to a jagged piece of the ruptured hull before beginning his trek across the exterior armor plating。

His genetic makeup allowed him to withstand the vacuum of deep space for a limited period only; but he had nothing less than plete confidence in his ability to survive。 Thoughts of vengeance drove him on: That Micronian was going to pay dearly for this。

Inside the ship; the diminutive Lisa Hayes had resumed mand of the three pilots in their Battloids。 She spoke into her helmet municator from the open hand of Rick Hunter's mecha; instructing Max and Ben to use their top…mounted lasers to burn through the port hatch。

〃You'll have to do it quickly;〃 she advised them。 〃They're going to be on us any second now。〃 She then swung herself around to face Rick。 〃And Lieutenant; would you mind putting me down no
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