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〃Sir;〃 said Rico。 〃We have demonstrated our power to them。 Why not hold their planet hostage for the return of the ship?〃

It was a generally unheard of notion; but Dolza was willing to entertain it。 He stroked his chin and turned to Exedore。

〃You have made a thorough study of this race。 You appear to have an understanding of their language and culture。 Would such a threat be effective?〃

Exedore weighed his words carefully。 〃Sir; it is not the Zentraedi way to speak of past defeats; but may I be permitted to remind this table that these Micronians have already demonstrated an unmon determination to survive。 In response to our initial attacks on their homeworld; the mander of the ship; with no regard for the lives of tens of thousands of his fellow creatures; executed an intraatmospheric spacefold to escape us。 This same mander detonated a reflex furnace on the fourth planet in their system; endangering the ship and the lives of all aboard rather than surrender to mander Khyron's mechanized division。 Even though crippled in space and without radar; they simply ignored our most recent demands for surrender。。。In response then to your query; my lord: No; I do not think that such a plan would work。〃

〃We cannot risk losing those secrets;〃 said Dolza。 〃We must infiltrate the ship and determine what the Micronians know about Protoculture。〃

Breetai; who knew Zor's ship inside and out; had a plan he began to relate to Dolza。 Rico; Konda; and Bron; meanwhile; hatched a plan of their own: They made a joint decision to volunteer to go through the cellular transformation process which enabled a Zentraedi to assume Micronian dimensions。

Dolza and Breetai would find the trio's proposal acceptable; and later; even mendable。 And fortunately for Rico and the others; they were never called upon to give reasons for their sudden dedication to the cause。 Because if the truth were known; all this talk about Robotechnology and Protoculture was way beyond them。 They were simply anxious to have another look at those partially clothed Micronian females and experience again those curious feelings that were the result。

In a holding cell elsewhere on Breetai's ship; Lisa; Rick; and Ben; sitting in a patch of corridor light which poured through cellular windows in the chamber's double doors; were paring their own reactions to the Zentraedi interrogation。 It was a little like being locked in an empty airliner hangar; but at least there were no giants on the scene。

〃It was the weirdest thing I've seen in a while;〃 Ben was saying。 〃You two kiss; and the big guys go nuts。 I don't get it。〃

〃They have enough power to atomize the Earth; but simple contact is too much for them to handle;〃 said Rick。

Lisa was deep in thought。

〃And what about this 'Protoculture' business? What do you think; mander?〃

Lisa looked at Ben。 〃Do you realize that we haven't seen any female Zentraedi? No children; no civilians; not even any techs or maintenance crews。 Only soldiers。〃

〃We haven't exactly been given the grand tour;〃 Rick reminded her。

〃I realize that; Lieutenant。 But it could be that there are no females of their kind。〃

〃No; that can't be。 They know you're female。 They had some kind of knowledge about mothers and birth。〃

〃Lieutenant; we gotta get outta here;〃 Ben said; looking around。

〃I know。 I've been giving it some thought。 We might be able to use our new weapon on them。〃

〃What new weapon? What are you talking about?〃

Rick smacked his lips。 〃The kiss。 Don't you get it? We wait till the guard es with our food; we confuse him with our; uh; weapon; and we make a break for it。〃

Ben was already on his feet。 〃Great! Any place'll be better than this。〃

Lisa looked at the two of them。 〃Are you joking? You mean that every time a Zentraedi shows his face we're going to put on a show for him? Forget it; Lieutenant。 I've heard some lines in my day; but that one beats them all。〃

Rick's mouth dropped open。 〃Just hold it a minute; mander。 Whose idea was it in the first place? Besides; if you think I'm doing this because I want to; you've got another…〃

〃That'll be enough; mister! I only kissed you to get their reaction on tape。〃 She patted the camera。 〃We've got it now; we don't need to do another take。〃

Ben stepped forward; 〃Hey; listen; I'm perfectly willing to volunteer to be your partner; mander Hayes。〃

〃At ease; Corporal;〃 Lisa told him。

She turned her back on the two of them; angry but wondering: Was there anything about strategic osculation in the officers' manual?

Help was on the way。

In what was certainly the most plicated set of mecha…motions executed to date; Max Sterling had managed to clothe his Battloid in the uniform he had taken from the Zentraedi private。 That he had succeeded so pletely in wedding his mind to the mecha controls was justification enough for the many articles later devoted to the feat; but the fact that he had acplished this within the confines of the utility closet was what ultimately led to his legendary status as a VT hero。

Making certain the Zentraedi was neatly tied up and stowed away; Max checked the corridor; eased out of the closet; and began to follow his instincts。 The Zentraedi uniform was well suited to the Battloid's purpose; the high…collared jacket especially so。 And even with the round cap pulled low; the cockpit wide…angle and longrange cameras and scanners had enough clearance for operation。

Not ten paces down the hallway; Max encountered one of the massively built; armored shock troopers; who luckily paid him little notice。 Now having passed the test; he began to move with increased confidence; and not long after he spotted two of the enemy guiding a hover…table through the ship。 Max upped the magnification on his cameras; locked in on the table; and found Lisa; Ben; and Rick; looking none the worse for wear but in no condition to do battle with their giant captors。

Max trailed the guards at a discreet distance and watched as Lieutenant Hunter and the others were deposited in some sort of double…doored holding cell。 A single sentry was posted outside。

Max was not inclined to wait much longer; besides; the sentry was already betraying his boredom with yawns and general inattentiveness。 Max primed the Battloid for action and moved in。

When Lisa heard the motion in the corridor outside the cell; she had a change in heart: Maybe Hunter's plan would work。 There wasn't much to lose at this point; so she convinced herself that kissing him was just part of the mission。 She told him so; and the two of them readied their 〃secret weapon〃 while Ben waited by the door。

Though Max's reaction to throwing open the cell door and finding his manders locked in a loving embrace was more pure surprise than anything else; his temporary paralysis convinced the prisoners that they had made the right move。 The three were ready to bolt for the corridor when Max opened the external  net and called out to them。

〃It's me…Max!〃

They stopped in midstride and stared up at him。

〃M…Max?〃 Rick said tentatively。

〃Yeah; I'm in here all right。〃

〃God; Max; we thought you were dead;〃 said Lisa。

〃Yeah; well; long story。〃

Ben wanted to know where the uniform had e from。

〃Later。 We better get a move on。〃 He lowered the Battloid's gloved left hand。 Rick and Lisa climbed in; and Max raised it up; leaving Ben on the floor。

〃Hey; man!〃

〃Hang on; Ben; I want you in the other hand。〃

Ben climbed into the lowered right。 Now Max brought both the Battloid's hands level with the uniform's breast pockets。 Lisa and Rick grabbed hold of the insignia…pocket and pulled themselves in; Ben did likewise on the other side of the jacket。

〃I don't want you to interrupt the lovebirds; Ben。〃

〃Now wait a minute; Corporal;〃 Lisa protested。 〃We only did that to escape。〃

〃Kissing each other to escape; huh? I understand。〃

〃Listen up; Max…〃

〃Save it; Lieutenant。 You've got my word that I won't spread this around Macross City。 Although I must say you had me fooled。 I thought you preferred younger women。〃


〃Get yourselves down in there。 We're moving out。〃

Rick held in his anger and slid down into the pocket alongside Lisa。 The Battloid parted the double hatches of the holding cell and began to take long; stiff strides down the corridor。

It wasn't long before they heard Max utter a sound of alert。 A Zentraedi soldier; armored and armed with a hip blaster; was approaching them。 Soldier and disguised Battloid passed each other seemingly without incident; and inside the pocket Rick and Lisa breathed a premature sigh of relief。

But the soldier had stopped and was calling for Max to halt。

Max was in no position to defend himself or his passengers; launching his few remaining rockets would have fried Rick and Lisa。 So he took the only course available: He ran…straight into two more shock troopers who were ing down the corridor。 Max tackled one of them; lifting him and swinging him into the other as he continued on his way; but by now the first soldier was chasing him and opening fire。 He was quickly joined by his rades。

The Battloid sustained blasterbolt after blasterbolt to the back as it flew through the ship; pieces of burned and tattered cloth flying in its wake。 At Rick's urging; Max reconfigured the VT to Guardian mode; ripping open the uniform jacket as he hit the aft thrusters。 In that hail of lethal fire; the Guardian looked like some sort of caped bird of prey fighting its way to freedom。

Corridor length; however; was suddenly in short supply; and Max knew the VT wouldn't be able to pull off a ninety…degree turn in such limited space。 Set in the bulkhead at the top of the corridor T; however; was a control panel which could probably be pierced without undue damage to the fighter。 Max opted for it and pulled the thruster lever home。

The bulkhead surrendered too easily; and by the time Max realized that the VT had broken through a large circular viewing screen in a control room; the Guardian was way beyond it; tearing through a series of projecbeam astrogational charts free…floating in an immense central chamber of the ship。 An open rectangular port at the far end of the room delivered them into another serviceway; at the end of which was a sea
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