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lord risked a confrontation; perhaps even bat; but by nature Yaita was a risk taker。

Azonia; even more so。 〃I shall have to force Khyron to break off his attack myself。〃

Yaita said; 〃You mean to divert part of the fleet blockade? But the enemy vessel might find a way to break through!〃

〃It can't be avoided;〃 Azonia said coldly。 〃That ship must not be destroyed。 Its Protoculture secrets are the key to the Zentraedi's ultimate victory。〃

Vanessa relayed the information; 〃The aliens are bringing up reinforcements; Captain; nearly two hundred heavy warships。〃 She looked up from her console。 〃Analysis indicates that's too many for us to handle。〃

〃The barrier's weakening rapidly;〃 Sammie said。

〃We're losing power;〃 Kim added。

Vanessa watched her tactical screens; ready to give the grim details as the enemy closed in for the kill。 But she suddenly had trouble believing what she was seeing。 〃What's going on? The reinforcements are breaking formation…spreading out and closing in on the other enemy ships!〃

Khyron watched his trans…vid displays furiously as Azonia's fleet swept in to close with his own reduced forces。 〃What is that woman up to now?〃

The Micronian vessel was nearly his; he could feel it。

I will not be thwarted again!

A projecbeam created an image of Azonia in midair over his head。 〃Khyron; you fool! Dolza has given you no authority whatsoever to destroy the Earth ship!〃

Khyron felt that insane wrath welling up in him once again; a fury so boundless that his vision began to blur。 He growled like an animal through locked teeth。

Azonia was saying; 〃As mander of this force; I am ordering you to cease this attack at once and withdraw to your assigned position…or you will find yourself facing Zentraedi guns!〃

Studying the tactical readouts; Grel said; 〃Captain; her entire arsenal is already being aimed at us。〃

Khyron crashed his first on the map console。 〃That blasted meddling idiot of a woman!〃

He may have been called Khyron the Backstabber by some; but he'd never been called Khyron the Suicide or Khyron the Fool。 Azonia had the rest of the armada to back her in this confrontation。

Khyron had no choice。 With Azonia's ships blocking their way; his vessels reduced speed; and the SDF…1 began to put distance between itself and its enemies。

〃They're escaping!〃 Khyron's voice was a harsh croak。 〃And so Azonia robs me of my triumph。 But I swear: I shall not forget this!〃

Grel had heard that tone in his mander's voice before。 He smiled humorlessly。

If Azonia was wise; she would begin guarding her back at all times。

The immense Robotech knight that was the SDF…1 descended to Earth's atmosphere; toward the swirling white clouds and the blue ocean。

〃I don't understand it;〃 Claudia said。 〃They screened us from their own attack。〃

〃I know; but we'll worry about that after we get back to Earth; Claudia;〃 Gloval answered。

〃Reentry in ten seconds;〃 she told him。

〃Steady as she goes; Lisa;〃 Gloval ordered calmly。 All the equations and theories about how the reconfigured SDF…1 would take its first grounding in Earthnormal gravity were just that: theories。 Any one of an almost infinite number of things might go wrong; but there was no alternative。 Soon the ship's crew and inhabitants would find out the truth。

〃Atmospheric contact;〃 Claudia reported。

The giant warrior ship descended on long pillars of blue…white fire that gushed from its thruster legs and from the thrusters built into the bows of Daedalus and Prometheus。 〃Order all hands to secure for landing;〃 Gloval directed。

Elsewhere; the strain was beginning to tell。 Power surges and outages; overloads and explosions; were lighting up warning indicators all over the bridge。

〃Starboard engines have suffered major damage from the reentry; sir;〃 Claudia said。 〃And gravity control's being erratic。〃

〃The explosions have caused some hull breaches; Captain; and we're losing power quickly;〃 Lisa put in。

〃This is going to be some splashdown;〃 Gloval muttered to himself。 At least the loss of atmosphere didn't matter anymore; in moments they'd either have all the sweet atmosphere of Earth to breathe or they wouldn't need air ever again。

Claudia counted off the last few yards of descent。 Vast clouds of steam rose from the ocean as the waters boiled from the heat of the drive thrusters。 Then the ship hit the water。

At first; the ocean parted around it; bubbling and vaporizing。 Then it came rushing back in again; overwhelming even that tremendous heat and blast。 SDF…1 sank; sank; the waves crashing against its armor; then racing away from it; until at last it disappeared from sight beneath the churning water。

Moments passed; and the sea began to calm itself again。 Suddenly; a spear of metal broke the surface; then three more: the long tines at the tips of the booms of the ship's main gun。 The booms rose; shedding water; and then the bridge。 The SDF…1's shoulder structures came up; and then the elbow housings; until at last Daedalus and Prometheus were up; their flight decks shedding millions of gallons of water。

The calculations were right; SDF…1 was an immense machine; but it was quite buoyant and seaworthy。 It gleamed brightly as the seawater streamed down its hull。


〃There's no excuse for sloppy discipline…not even victory;〃 Colonel Maistroff was fond of lecturing us。 Maybe so; but I never saw a haircut win a battle。
The Collected Journals of Admiral Rick Hunter

Gloval and his bridge crew gazed out at the serene ocean。 The Terrible Trio was intoxicated with joy。

〃Home again…after so long!〃

〃It's just beautiful!〃


Sammie; Vanessa; and Kim; arms around one another; turned to the others。 〃Wele back!〃

Claudia was brushing tears away; and Lisa just stared at the sea; not knowing exactly what she felt。

Gloval lit his pipe; regulations be hanged。 〃Now; how about a little fresh air?〃

Major access hatches began cranking open all around the Macross City area; light and wonderful sea breezes flooded in。 Blinking and gaping; the inhabitants of the city began to congregate in the air locks and on the outer decks。

When they finally believed what their senses were telling them; the cheering began…the backslapping and hugging and kissing and laughter。 People stood in the sunlight and cried or prayed; shook hands solemnly or jumped up and down; sank to their knees or just stood; staring。

Kim's voice came over the PA。 〃We've touched down in the Pacific Ocean。 The captain and crew extend their gratitude to the citizens of Macross for your splendid cooperation during a difficult and dangerous voyage。 It's good to be home。〃

A big hatch dropped open just below the bridge。 Ben Dixon was the first one out onto the open deck; laughing and turning somersaults; leaping into the air ecstatically。

More Veritech pilots and crew people rushed after him。 Rick and Max stood watching Ben carrying on。 〃He'd make a pretty good acrobat; wouldn't he?〃 Max mented。

Rick smiled。 〃Probably; but…look at that blue sky。 That's no EVE projection! I can't say I blame Ben a bit。〃

Ben was pointing into the sky。 〃Look! They're giving us a fighter fly…by to wele us!〃

So it seemed; twenty or more ships that resembled VTs; bearing the familiar delta markings of Earth's Robotech Defense Forces; came zooming in in tight formation to pass over the SDF…1。

But the three pilots felt their joy ebb as they were struck by the same thought: The Zentraedi were still out there; millions of ships strong。

An endless series of details kept Gloval busy for the next few hours; including the recovery of the Vermilion and Ghost fighters who'd flown escort during the SDF…1's final bolt to safety。

But at last he put aside other duties; satisfied that subordinates could take care of the remaining details; and repaired to his cabin to plete his pilation of log excerpts。

The Earth authorities would soon have all the facts as he knew them。 Gloval wondered if the leaders。 of the United Earth Government would believe all that had happened to the SDF…1 in the months since it had disappeared。 Sometimes Gloval himself had trouble。

He reviewed the long tape he'd piled to amplify the other materials。 Starting with the initial Zentraedi attack; when so much of Earth's military force had been obliterated and the dimensional fortress had activated itself; the log covered all the important incidents of the running battle with the aliens。

There'd been the ghastly aftermath of the spacefold jump and the almost insurmountable problems of getting tens of thousands of Macross refugees settled in the ship。 The Daedalus Maneuver; Lisa Hayes's inspiration; had allowed the humans to win their first resounding victory amid the icy rings of Saturn。

Lisa saved the day again; this time on Mars; by destroying the alien gravity mines that had been holding SDF…1 on the Red Planet's surface。 The ship's most recent crisis began when radar was disabled by enemy fire; leading to a foray by a Cat's…Eye recon ship…piloted by Lisa Hayes; of course。

Gloval didn't like to think too hard about the fate his mand would have suffered if he hadn't been lucky enough to have had Lisa with him。 Certainly there were skilled and courageous men and woman throughout the SDF…1; examples of extreme bravery and ingenuity were too many to mention。 But it seemed that Lisa's devotion; valor; and special loyalty to the SDF…1 and to Gloval made her the pivotal figure in almost every action the ship fought。 It made it that much more difficult for Gloval to see how few real friends Lisa had; how empty her life was of anything but service and duty。 Of course; he had no right to interfere with her personal life; but he couldn't help being worried about her。

The most important thing Gloval had to present to the United Earth Government was an enigma: The molecular and genetic structure of the Zentraedi was so formidable that some of them could even survive unprotected in the vacuum of space for short periods of time; their sheer physical strength was a match for that of Battloids and other human Robotech mecha…yet they had nearly collapsed at the sight of two relatively tiny humans sharing a kiss。

Moreover; the Zentraedi didn't seem to know any
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