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 that he could afford to be humble in all things…already a Robotech legend。 Unassuming and kind unless some evil threatened。 Max the placid and benign; truer to what Kyle aspired to be; in a way; than Kyle himself。

On the other hand was Kyle; seemingly apart from any worldly consideration or motivation; his incredible martial…arts skills just a reflection of things that relentlessly drove him for spiritual transcendence。 People sought him; virtually courted him; sensing that he'd passed beyond everything that was superficial; and wanting…what? His attention and approval? His friendship? He didn't have them to give。

But people wanted it more than anything。 Kyle's gift was a kind of cold invulnerability that brought him close to being superhuman for the most dire and yet formidable reasons; reasons that bined the very best and the very worst in him。

Those who knew certain spiritual and fighting systems could see the symptoms in him: all things lay within his grasp; excepting only that which he wanted most。 So his innermost passions had been brought under control by an act of will; the dark side of his nature subdued in a battle that made lesser contests; mere physical duels; seem childishly easy。

And that made for a powerful fighter who was without fear and who would give obeisance to the very best conventional values…while his inner being fought an endless war。

Some of the people who were in the White Dragon that day later swore that the very air between Max and Kyle crackled like a kind of summer lightning or perhaps the terrifying glow between two segments of a critical mass being brought too close together。

But Kyle lowered his eyes to the floor and said softly; 〃It was just something that had to be done; I guess。〃 His head came up; and he looked about at the men he'd bested。 〃I'm sorry。〃 A trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth down to his chin。

Minmei was deciding how best to show her concern for Kyle; when Lisa stepped up to him; holding a scented; daintily folded little handkerchief in her hand。 This was the woman who'd kept a rioter from pouncing on Kyle two minutes earlier by bringing down a chair on his head。

〃You're bleeding! Maybe this'll help。〃

He drew away from it as if it carried plague; but his voice was still soft and measured。 〃Please don't bother。 I'd rather not have help from any of you people。 But thank you; anyway。〃

She was shattered。 〃I see。〃

Minmei was quick to see her opening and use it; snatching the handkerchief from Lisa's upturned palm。 〃That's right; Kyle dislikes servicemen。〃

Lisa stared at the floor and hoped the hot red flush of anger in her cheeks didn't show too much。 Servicemen?

〃Let me help;〃 Minmei said; dabbing at the wound on his cheek。

Kyle hissed in pain。 〃It hurts if you press too…hard。〃

She drew a quick breath。 〃Oh; Kyle; please forgive me!〃

Punches and kicks hadn't seemed to bother him that much。 〃Is he for real or am I crazy?〃 Max muttered。

Rick shrugged; if he hadn't just seen Kyle take care of some of the more hard…core rowdies aboard the SDF…1; he would have said Minmei's cousin was a plete wimp。

If it was an act; it was brilliant。 The bridge bunnies were oozing sympathy for Kyle; and somebody was going to have to stick a stretcher under mander Hayes if she got any more emotional over his well…being; while Minmei glared at ail the other women jealously and shielded Kyle from them as much as she could。 Miss Macross stroked her cousin's arm with a proprietary air。

Rick turned to Max; feeling the swelling on his own forehead and the throbbing of assorted contusions suffered in the riot。 〃Max; if you're asking me; the answer is yes!〃 Rick told him。

Azonia; mistress and overlord of the Zentraedi; surveyed the strategic situation from the mand post of her nine…mile…long flagship。

Matters were ing to a head。 She was determined that this would be the proof of her abilities。 A stellar chance! Once she defeated these Micronian upstarts; the universe would be hers。 Supreme mander? That would lie well within her grasp; and farewell; Dolza!

Or perhaps she would bee the new Robotech Mistress。 Others had played that dangerous game; only to lose。 But none played it as well as she; Azonia was confident。

She was less than happy at the moment; however; having just been informed that Khyron; the mad genius of war; had again disobeyed her orders。

Azonia rose to her feet from the thronelike mand chair on the bridge of her own vaunted; bat…tested battleship; fury striking from her like lightning as though she were a goddess who could smash worlds。

And; in fact; Azonia was。

〃What? Are you saying Khyron left the fleet's holding formation in violation of my orders?〃

The munications officer knew that tone of voice and was quick to genuflect before her; then touch her forehead in abasement。 〃Yes; mander。〃

She was tall even for a Zentraedi woman; some fifty…five feet and more。 Her mannishly short hair had been dyed blue; not because she cared for meaningless fads but rather so she would not be thought unaware。

She had exotic; oblique eyes that were piercing beam weapons of intellect that had served Azonia's rise beyond her contemporaries to the very pinnacle of Zentraedi mand。 〃That is all;〃 she said coldly。

〃Yes; mander。〃 The messenger withdrew quickly and very gratefully; beheading the bearer of bad news was a not…unmon Zentraedi custom; which among other things served to keep the lower orders in their place。 She was glad…and lucky…to have her life。

But Azonia had dismissed the messenger from her mind pletely; her concentration was all for the problem at hand。 Technical readouts and displays told her all the details she needed to know: The Backstabber; with a strike force from his infamous Seventh Mechanized Division had; by Robotech fission; detached a major vessel…form from his own flagship and was proceeding at flank speed toward the spot where the Micronians had landed their stolen starship。

Azonia touched a control almost languidly。 Close…up details showed streamers of fire and ionization trailing from Khyron's craft; its outermost skin glowing red…hot; he was making his entry into the Earth's atmosphere at a madly acute angle; risking severe friction damage。

Azonia had sufficient experience to know that Khyron and his attack troops were sitting out a roller coaster ride in an oven; all in the name of a possible extra few minutes of surprise。

It was so audacious。 It was so willful; so disdainful of anyone's criticism or interference。 So Zentraedi。 Azonia resumed her throne; chin on fist。 〃Khyron; what have you e up with this time; eh?〃

She was in some small part envious; sorry that she wouldn't be there for the fight。 With Khyron in charge; there was sure to be a splendid battle; bloodshed…that highest glory that was conquest。

On a previous venture; Khyron had been yanked from his objective at the last moment by Breetai's manual override return mand; which had caused the Backstabber's war machines to return to the fleet despite his countermanding orders。 Khyron had apparently taken steps to ensure that it couldn't happen to him again。

By now the Earthlings would be hearing the peal of Khyron's thunder。 Azonia; eyes slitted like a cat's; savored the moment; knowing she couldn't lose either way。 If the Backstabber won; the credit would go to her as armada mander; she would make sure of that; if he lost and was unfortunate or unwise enough to return to the fleet; she would have the pleasure of executing him herself。

Azonia savored the thought。 Violence and death and a certain sensual cruelty were things to mand any Zentraedi's emotions。 Khyron was being quite intriguing。

Azonia watched the displays with feline glee。 Decorate him; kill him; she was equally eager to do either one。


There before him were the Micronians; doing everything that was anathema to the Zentraedi。 But the lure of the forbidden was always strong in Khyron; and so there were certain things about Micronian behavior that; I think; he found tremendously seductive…not the weakling things; of course; but rather the sensual。
Is it any wonder he loathed and hated them; could not bear to have them even exist?
Grel; aide to Khyron

She'd been through this drill before; but it didn't make it any easier。 Donna Wilhelm; an enlisted…rating tech who was relief…watch fill…in for Sammie; tried not to lose her posure and let her voice quaver。

Her fingers clenched at the edges of the console; so hard that it felt like she might crease it。 〃Captain Gloval; unidentified cruiser…class spacecraft closing on our position at Mach seven。〃

She was the one Claudia had chewed out for daydreaming; Donna was exacting now; more practiced。 She'd learned the lessons anybody under Gloval learned; and as a result she was capable of manning her station through hell's own flames。 Which looked like it was about to bee a job requirement。

Donna hadn't heard footsteps; but Gloval was suddenly at her shoulder; massive and calm; whacking his briar pipe against the heel of his shoe to knock out a bit of dottle。 〃Punch it up; please。〃

〃Yes; sir。 Altitude twelve thousand。〃 Donna lit up her part of the bridge with tactical displays。 It was a given that this could be the minute in which every soul aboard died。

But that couldn't excuse sloppiness in the discharge of one's obligations。 There was a pure; white…hot kind of bushido; an ultimate calmness in matters of overwhelming importance; a very privileged eye…of…the…storm serenity; that the people on the bridge of SDF…1 were expected to have。

Once you'd been a part of it; it was just impossible to settle for anything less。 Donna had learned it in a school that permitted very few errors and no inattention; under Gloval; Lisa Hayes; Claudia Grant; and the others。

So now Donna did her duty; up to SDF…1 standards; which is to say without flaw and with the guts of a cat burglar。 〃Eleven thousand;〃 she updated。 〃If it maintains present course; it'll touch down approx ten miles from the SDF…1 magnetic bearing three…two…five。〃

It couldn't be anything but trouble; the war was on again; and if peace had seemed too good to be true; that was because it was。 But Gloval's broad hand p
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