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More VTs were ordered to the flight decks; Rick's Vermilions among them; and every weapon on the ship concentrated fire on the invader。 Gloval spoke quickly to engineering; preparing for other; desperate measures。

The SDF…1's fire was punishing Khyron's ship as even the VTs couldn't; but that didn't matter to the Backstabber; he needed only a little longer。 His cruiser passed overhead; all batteries firing; the two heavyweight ships hammering away at each other with all they had; inflicting appalling damage。

At the same time the cruiser released more mecha; a virtual hail of Battlepods that dropped down toward the SDF…1。 The pods and the tri…thruster pursuit ships kept up a heavy fusillade。 The VTs did their best to turn back the assault drop; but they were simply outnumbered; there would be many empty bunks down in the squadron quarters that night; if indeed the SDF…1 lasted at all。

Leading his troops in his own tremendously powerful officer's Battlepod; Khyron saw the carnage and grinned like a lunatic。

〃Keep firing and don't stop until we've destroyed every last one of the miserable Micronian vermin!〃


And so the stage was set by the eternal mandala; the yin and the yang…the good that is in evil; and the evil that is in good。 Human betrayal; Zentraedi disobedience of several trends; and yes; that fanatic courage of the aliens…these al! played their part that day。
Jan Morris; Solar Seeds; Galactic Guardians

Claudia turned to call to Gloval。 〃A mixed group of fighting vehicles is approaching our decks; sir。 The Veritechs couldn't hold them。〃

〃I want Vermilion ready for immediate launch;〃 Gloval snapped。

Lisa found herself seeing Rick's face and shook her head to regain her concentration。 〃Yes; sir。〃

As his ship and Max Sterling's were raised to the flight deck; Rick thought; Well; here we go again。 And haw many will die this time? Damn all Zentraedi! You want death?

e on; then; we'll give you death!

Claudia updated; 〃Enemy breakthrough heaviest now at blocks three; seven; niner; and sixteen。〃

Gloval turned and called; 〃Get the tactical corps mecha out on deck。 Double…check to make sure all civil defense mecha are in position and have them stand by for possible redeployment!〃

Everybody knew what that meant: Gloval was practically admitting that the aliens might penetrate to the very interior of the ship itself…perhaps to Macross City。

Lisa shuddered; but she kept on at her work; seemingly calm and self…possessed。 〃Vermilion Team; stand by at block number three for protection and await further orders。〃 From that position a number of the dimensional fortress's functioning gun turrets and missile tubes could provide some cover for them until Gloval decided where to mit them。

〃Roger;〃 Rick acknowledged。

Almost all the other VT teams were either in the air or waiting to be lifted to the flight deck; but that didn't seem to be daunting the enemy。 More and more alien mecha were dropping; an unbelievable assault force。 That cruiser must have been packed cheek by jowl with them! Lisa thought。

She saw Vermilion forming up on an outboard pickup。 Enemy fire was sizzling down all around them; bluewhite beams that vaporized the nonskid and scored the armor deeply。

Rick's voice came on again。 〃Hey there; mander Hayes! How many of these things do we have to shoot down before they stop ing at us? Ten thousand or twenty thousand? Or two million; or what? Just checking; you understand。〃

A sudden volley hit right near his VT and almost got it; she could hear the shock and adrenaline in his voice as he cried out; 〃God damn you!〃 at the aliens。

Lisa looked stunned。 〃Hold position;〃 she said slowly; feeling her skin go cold and her heart pounding so hard she could feel it all through her。 She watched her screen; hypnotized; waiting for the next salvo to claim him。

〃Await。。。further orders。。。〃 she managed。 She saw Rick's face before her; in a cockpit; but then suddenly Karl Riber's…or no; it was Lynn…Kyle's; wasn't it? What was happening to her?

There was such a thing as personal initiative; and junior officers…especially team leaders…were expected to recognize a time when it was their duty to exercise it。

〃Well; I'm getting these fighters out of here before it's too late!〃 Rick snapped; as much to himself as to mander Hayes。 〃All right; Vermilion; follow me!〃

There was no time for a catapult launch; even if the cat crews had been able to function in that firestorm。 None could; and many of the brave crews were down for good。

The VTs rolled behind Rick; engines shrilling; only Robotechnology gave them power to reach sufficient airspeed in the short space available。 Rick's VT howled out into the air; followed by Max; Ben; and the rest。

Even so; they hadn't gotten away fast enough。 The fifth VT took a direct hit while lifting; crashed to the deck again; burning out of control because overworked damage and firefighting crews were fully occupied elsewhere。 From the explosion; it was clear that the pilot had died instantly。

But the deck would have to be cleared for more launches and for eventual landings; assuming any Veritechs came back this day。 A courageous cat crew officer named Moira Flynn climbed into a cargo mover。 Braving the flames; the exploding VT ordnance; and the withering enemy fire; she began bulldozing the wreckage to the edge of the deck; to dump it into the sea。

Lisa could barely spare an instant in which to watch the launch of Vermilion; there were a thousand other things that demanded her attention。 But she shut her eyes for an instant。 Please let him be all right! But Rick's face was superimposed in her mind with Karl's; with Kyle's。。。

Out on the flight deck; a bulky Gladiator attack mecha from the tactical corps…a smaller; cruder version of the Battloids…fired its chest cannon; missile racks; and straight…lasers。 It suddenly found itself confronted by a quintet of Battlepods that dropped to the deck almost simultaneously; blowing the Gladiator away; both human crewmembers were dead practically before they knew what was happening。

More pods landed; firing the heavy guns mounted on their plastrons and; in some special cases; missile launchers; particle cannon; and other offensive armaments。

Two more Gladiators came forward to seal the hole in the defensive lines; braving the enemy rounds to throw out a wall of fire of their own。 The crewmembers loved life as much as anybody; but they were unswerving in the defense of their ship and their planet。 They opened up with gatlings and missiles and lasers。 The Battlepods kept ing until the mecha were at point…blank range。

Another Gladiator went down。 Amid the smoke and confusion; the third found itself out of ammunition and standing toe to toe with a pod。

The Gladiator crew reacted at once; as the pod sprang at it; their war machine swung an armored fist; caving in the lower half of the Zentraedi's plastron。 The Gladiator ducked; and the pod crashed to the deck a little beyond。

Unarmed; the RDF mecha turned to grapple with the next pod; but it leapt high in the air like an immense grasshopper; all guns firing。 The Gladiator collapsed in on itself; being a fireball。

Rick lined up another bogey; one of the small; fiendishly fast Botoru pursuit ships。 The enemy fired a poorly aimed stream of the annihilating energy discs that were one of its armaments; then flared like a meteor before the Vermilion Leader's volley。

The battle was the biggest fighter ratrace yet; all the more frantic and hysterical because it swirled through the relatively small area around the battle fortress。 Speeds were therefore much lower than usual; but distances were so short and maneuvering room so limited that everything happened in split seconds。

One dogfight got mixed up with another。 Pilots from both sides collided; shot friend instead of foe; lost sight of their prey only to find a bandit on their tail。

Lisa's voice sounded in Rick's headphones。 〃Proceed to enemy penetration at block number seven。〃

Only Max and Ben were left now。 They managed to make it over to the designated defensive block; where they were witnesses to something out of an old…time Western movie。

Civil Defense mecha had been rushed up to serve as reinforcements for the tacticals。 The thickset war machines; like walking dreadnoughts; stood straddle…legged on the deck; blasting away at the massed enemy。

Excalibur Mark VIs and Gladiators; drum…armed Spartans with their huge circular canisters of missile launchers; and multi…barreled Raider Xs swinging their beam cannon this way and that…they all stood shoulder to shoulder against the main Zentraedi onslaught as enemy fire took them out of the line one by one。

The pods were closing in fast; the enormous losses they'd suffered seemed to have no effect on the size of the fleet。 They had advanced to a point where none of the SDF…1's primary batteries…and only a few of the remaining secondaries…had a line of fire on them; the batteries were primarily for air defense。

The RDF mecha were standing their ground; laying down fire with everything they had。 They knew that if their line collapsed; there would be nothing to stop the aliens from getting into the ship…and winning the war。

It was truly the hour of the attack mecha; with even the VTs taking a back seat。 They made their stand as the Zentraedi closed the distance by leaps and bounds。 The killing in the skies had numbed him; yet Rick thought this was one of the most savage scenes ever seen during the war。

As Vermilion came in to see what they could do to help; two foremost Raider Xs went up like cans of firecrackers。 The pods bounded past the wreckage to close in on the last of the defenders。

Khyron was gleeful; nearly mad with the joy of war; as he led the final charge; addressing the cannon of his Officer's Pod to a new target。 In minutes; the ship would be his; and with it; the universe。

In the meantime; three of the accursed VTs made a close strafing run; destroying the leading line of pods。 But other pods would soon be there to deal with them; even Veritechs couldn't keep Zor's ultimate creation away from Khyron now!

Khyron was distracted by two lumbering Excaliburs that were closing in on him; t
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