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t planet d' you e from; anyway?〃

Bron went; 〃Duly〃 and almost fainted。 Konda blurted; 〃We e from right around here!〃 and Rico did the best he could; although he was sure they were about to be apprehended and tortured。 〃Yeah; we work right across the street。〃 He'd heard somebody say it a day or two before; and it seemed to be some kind of verification or identity…establishing phrase。

The spies had learned about 〃work;〃 a nonbat function considered demeaning and suitable only for slaves among the Zentraedi yet somehow desirable and even admirable among the deviate Micronians。

The Terrible Trio looked where he was pointing。 It was one of the loudest; most garish spots in Macross City; ablaze with lights and raucous music。 The sign over it said; Disco BAMBOO HOUSE。

Kim clapped her hands。 〃You mean you work at the disco? We go to the Bamboo House all the time!〃

Sammie gave them an even closer look。 〃I wonder why we've never seen any of you there?〃

Bron began; 〃Uh; what is a dis…〃 before Rico got an elbow into his middle and he subsided。

Sammie grabbed Rico's wrist。 These three guys might be slightly strange; but what the heck? Weird as they were; they worked at the disco; and that would at least mean that they could dance。

〃I've got an idea;〃 she said; batting her eyelashes。 〃Why don't we all check it out together?〃

〃What a wonderful idea!〃 Kim threw a fist in the air in elation。

Vanessa figured it was better than another few hours of trudging around town。 〃I want the big; handsome one;〃 she said; winking at Bron。 All the color left his face; and his knees knocked。

Sammie was towing Rico into the street; he didn't dare to resist too much or put up a fight。

〃e with me;〃 she pouted。

〃Can't we talk this over?〃 Rico bleated。

Was this as innocent as the females were making it out to be; or were they superlatively well trained counterespionage agents with a clever plan to drive the Zentraedi spies into paranoid madness and thus make them easier to interrogate?

Bron whispered to Konda; 〃D' you suppose this disco thing is some Micronian method of torture?〃

Kim and Vanessa were looking at them expectantly。 Konda hissed; 〃We must perform our duty as Zentraedi!〃

Their chins came up; and their mouths became ruled lines; they advanced bravely to endure whatever sadistic; ultimate torment the experience called 〃disco〃 might hold in store。

The cruiser that had been pletely destroyed was only a minor part of Khyron's titanic flagship; a part that was now slowly being replaced by the organic growth characteristics of Protoculture。

In the mand post bubble overlooking the flagship's bridge; Khyron stood alone; raging at the figure on the projecbeam screen。 He'd driven out all his subordinates; even the faithful Grel; determined that they would not witness his helpless fury before the mockery of the woman warrior Miriya。

〃How dare you question my leadership abilities?〃 he railed at her。 〃Just who do you think you are?〃

She stood projected before him; erect and lithe; a tall woman with a flowing mane of green…black hair。 She drew herself up even taller。 〃I am the backbone of the Quadrono Battalion; and the finest bat pilot in all the Zentraedi forces。〃

Khryon snarled; 〃Your ego will one day cause your destruction; Miriya。〃

One corner of her mouth tugged upward。 〃Just as yours caused you to be defeated by the Micronians yet again and made you an object of ridicule to all those whom you mand; Backstabber?〃

He pointed a finger at her。 〃Because you have never faced a capable opponent; you believe you're something special。 But take care; little Miriya! For there is one aboard the alien ship whom you cannot best!〃

She heard the would…be taunt with calm interest。 〃So! A superior pilot; a super…ace; aboard the SDF…1? Interesting!〃

She smiled just the slightest bit; dimples appearing at the sides of her mouth; giving her a beautifully hungry; dangerously feline look。 〃I'd like to meet him!〃

Huh! Everything's phony! Roy thought; looking around the movie set。 Somehow he'd never believed it even though that was what people had always said。 But the little Shao…lin temple and its shrine and the trees; plants; and grass were all a variety of cunningly fabricated plastic and other synthetics from the ship's protean Robotech minifactories。

People were running around yelling; mostly being rude to one another。 You could tell who was more important; because the other person would just have to stand there and take it。 Roy heard things that would have started major fistfights in a barracks; differences in rank notwithstanding。

A man he recognized as Vance Hasslewood; Minmei's personal manager and now codirector of her movie; was running around being important。 〃Let's set up for the next shot!〃 〃Minmei; Kyle: Relax for a few minutes!〃 〃Wardrobe? Listen; sweetie; those blouses are awful!〃

Roy tuned him out; strolling around a phony corner and glancing up a phony staircase。 〃Well; hey!〃

Minmei squealed。 〃mander Fokker!〃 and came racing down the steps to him。 She wore a Chinese peasant…style tunic and trousers bination; her hair gathered tightly and done up in a long braid in back。

He looked down on her fondly from his rangy height。 〃How's everybody's favorite recording star?〃

She gestured around at the lights and all the other equipment。 〃Trying to be an actress。 I get to play the cute little heroine。〃

〃Sounds like fun;〃 Roy lied; it looked like appalling drudgery; but then; it was probably tolerable to people who couldn't fly。

〃Oh; it is!〃 she enthused。 〃But…where's Rick? Is he hiding?〃 She glanced around。

〃'Fraid Rick couldn't make it this time。〃

Her hand flew to her mouth。 〃He's not hurt; is he?〃

〃Not seriously; but he's gonna have to spend some time in the hospital; and I thought you might like to stop in and see him。〃

Roy's voice took on a slightly harder edge。 〃That is; if you can spare time from all this。〃 He indicated the overturned anthill confusion of the movie set with a disdainful toss of his shaggy blond head。 〃I'm convinced a visit from you would be worth more than all the medicine in the world。〃

Minmei had discovered that life on a movie set was a lot less exciting than she'd pictured it…tedious and time…consuming and endlessly repetitive; just the opposite of what she'd envisioned。 She still aspired to superstardom; but the movies' hold over her was less now。

Besides; even though she was flighty; she wasn't blind to the things she owed Rick Hunter。 The news that he had been wounded brought out the very best in her…so winning that few people could resist it…and perhaps a sense of real drama。

〃Of course I will! If it weren't for Rick Hunter; I wouldn't even be alive!〃

Roy gave her a broad conspiratorial smile。 〃Atta girl!〃


Roy and Minmei turned together to see Lynn…Kyle striding their way。 He glowered at them; an angry young man in a black; white…trimmed jacket and trouser costume。 〃If you're through wasting Minmei's time; I wonder if we could get back to work?〃

Roy took his time staring down his nose at Kyle。 He'd heard all the stories about the fight at the White Dragon; He wondered if Kyle had heard the adage that a good big man will beat a good little man every time。。。

But Roy knew even more about women than he knew about martial arts and; it is a verifiable fact; preferred the former。 Kyle was playing the heavy without even being coaxed; let it be so。

〃Of course。〃 He smiled blandly at Lynn…Kyle。

A little frown had crossed Minmei's face at her cousin's boorishness。 Then Vance Hasslewood was yelling for his stars…the first team; as he called them。

Minmei's mood appeared to brighten; but Roy wasn't sure; and neither was Kyle。 She went running toward the set; Kyle spared Roy a steely look and turned to follow。

Roy left the sound stage whistling happily。 He was still feeling pretty smug when the  unit in his jeep toned for his attention。 〃What is it?〃

It was Lisa's voice。 〃mander Fokker; one enemy ship has broken out of the fleet and is heading this way; closing fast。 Two Vermilion Veritechs are on scramble; and Captain Gloval directs you to take mand of the flight and intercept。〃

〃Who's on?〃

〃Sterling and Dixon;〃 Lisa answered。 〃Captain Kramer will have your Skull Team standing by for backup as needed。〃

〃Good;〃 Roy told her。 〃If things begin to boil; I always like those Jolly Rogers around。〃

The EVE system was off; and the distant reaches of the stupendous hold were above him。 Roy Fokker roared his jeep down through a quiet Macross; wondering what the fight was going to be like this time。


There are few more indicative incidents in the Robotech War; from my viewpoint; than this sudden transference of impulse and disobedience from Khyron to Miriya。 The evidence of what was happening was all around them; but still the Zentraedi High mand was; in any meaningful sense; blind to it。
Zeitgeist; Alien Psychology

〃Sound general quarters;〃 Gloval said; his calm; level voice enveloping the bridge。 〃Prepare pin…point defense shields。 Tell fighter ops to scramble Vermilions。〃

The new attack had e; as Gloval had feared; right in the middle of his own political offensive…his effort to make an end run around the Council。

If anybody aboard the dimensional fortress was curious about his encrypted 〃back…channel〃 calls to unnamed addressees since his return from the Alaskan fiasco and his silence on the issue of the Council's insane mandates; they'd kept it to themselves。 Good crew! No one could ask for better。

The single enemy ship was drawing nearer。 The exhausted and heroic logistics people; straining to do an impossible job of taking on the endless rations; ordnance; equipment; life support consumables; and the rest; had secured themselves; the ship was battening down。

The turnaround time for a supercarrier in pre…Global Civil War days; included shipyard overhaul and the rest; ran as much as six months; the United States Navy was doing well if it had half its carrier groups at sea at any one time。 The SDF…1 had had less than a week to lick its wounds; and unless Gloval's plan worked; it would get no more; but be driven out into space once again。

In the Disco Bamboo Ho
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