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〃All right;〃 she said。 〃I blew up at Lisa for not telling me you were leading the Vermilions today; but that's squared away between her and me。 But what about you and me; Roy? It's just not fair to blame me for worrying about you!〃

Roy didn't say anything; sitting and strumming。 He looked pale and a bit dazed。 She made up her mind that he was having breakfast with her; and dinner again tomorrow night。 She was going to get him to rest even if she had to strong…arm the flight surgeons into taking him off the duty roster!

She turned to look at him from the tiny kitchenette。 〃I don't think you realize how terrified I get every time you fly off on a bat mission。 It's almost as if you pilots think it's all some kind of wonderful game that you're playing when you go up in those Veritechs!〃

The music stopped。 〃It has never been a game; Claudia;〃 he said quietly。 〃You know that。〃 He wanted to resume his song; to feel connected to the music and to feel connected to Claudia and to feel connected to life。

But his vision was going dim; and he couldn't recall what he'd been playing。 He felt cold; unutterably cold。

〃Anyway; I said what I had on my mind; and I promise that I'll keep my mouth shut about it in the future;〃 she said; putting a few final flourishes on the halved pineapple。

Claudia told herself to let it drop。 They were together; and they would be together that night。 She thought of his touch; how tender and caring he could be; how he had always been there whenever she really needed him。 And all the other problems vanished; their love had a way of making that happen。

Claudia turned; holding up the salad plate triumphantly。 〃Well! Don't tell me I put you to sleep!〃

His head lay bent back at an awkward angle; the blond hair hanging from it。 His hands had fallen from the guitar; and his eyes were closed。 He moaned very faintly。

Something about it filled her with a fear worse than anything she'd ever felt on the SDF…1's bridge。 〃Roy?〃

He moaned again; louder; tried to stand up but instead fell; to stretch out facedown on her carpet。 The back of his uniform jacket was sodden with blood。

Roy heard Claudia; far away; and wanted to answer but couldn't。 He didn't know how he'd forgotten; but there was a mission he had to fly。

There was Kramer now; with the ships waiting to go。 Strangest fightercraft Roy had ever seen: far sleeker and more dazzling than Veritechs; and they seemed to shine with an inner light。

But…how had Pop Hunter; Rick's dad and Roy's old mentor; gotten tapped for this mission?

It didn't matter。 There were plenty of good men on this one; many of the best Roy had ever flown with。 Why hadn't he seen them lately? Not important。 Pop Hunter handed Roy his helmet; and Kramer slapped his back in wele。

Then they were airborne; going ballistic into the blue; free and proud as eagles。 What was the mission; again? Oh; yeah; the big one! How could that have slipped his mind?

They were going to ride forth and rid the universe of war itself; so that there would be peace; nothing but peace; forever。 Then; after this last mission; he could go home and turn in his helmet and never fly another。

He could hold Claudia to him and never let her go。

The fighters climbed; and the sky became lighter instead of darker; and then impossibly bright。 With his squadron arrayed behind him; Roy Fokker zoomed straight into the center of the white light。

〃I'm terribly sorry; Lieutenant Grant;〃 Doctor Hassan was saying。 〃We did everything we could for him。 But there was massive internal hemorrhaging; and he had just lost too much blood。〃

Claudia was shaking her head slowly; she heard the words; understood what they meant; but they made no sense to her。 She was looking down at Roy's unmoving body; not believing he was dead。

Hassan and the nurse looked at each other。 The doctor had seen this before; he tried to get through to Claudia again。

〃It's a terrible tragedy。〃 He gave the nurse a look; she understood the signal; and they turned to leave Claudia for a while so that she could begin the long; painful healing。

〃mander Fokker will be sorely missed;〃 Hassan said; closing the door gently behind him。

Claudia stared down at Roy's face until the tears blinded her; then threw herself to her knees; burying her face in the sheet that covered his chest。

She wept until she thought her heart would burst; unable to believe he was gone。 It seemed that the entire world had simply vanished; leaving nothing but a cold; silent void。

Rick was sitting up in bed; playing with the triplane again; fairly happy; although he didn't realize it。 Even worry; lovesickness; and depression couldn't be on the job all day and all night; so his natural resilience had surfaced。 He looked up as the door opened。

〃Well; hi; Lisa! What's got you out around town on this fine morning?〃

Then he saw something in her expression; and all the ebullience went out of him。

Lisa had never been good at this sort of thing; she still didn't understand why she had agreed to be the one to tell Rick。

〃mander Fokker's dead。 From wounds suffered during the air battle yesterday。〃

The little yellow airplane with the Iron Cross markings fell from his limp grasp。 〃Fokker; Little Brother; that's me!〃 It hit the floor and broke into a dozen pieces。

〃My Big Brother's dead?〃 He whispered it without tone; with barely the inflection to make it a question; staring at the wall。

When he began weeping into the bunched sheet that he gripped in his fists; racked by sobs that it seemed would tear him apart; Lisa turned to go。 But she reconsidered; her guardedness and reserve and the hurt of what she'd taken earlier as his rebuff dropping from her。 She went to sit by his side; her arm around him; as he cried inconsolably。

Gloval showed no emotion when he read the casualty report。 But he was distant and distracted; remembering the gangling; blond…haired teenager who had flown for him off the Kenosha; who had helped him explore the just…crashed SDF…1 when it first came to Earth。。。who had believed so much that war must end that he was willing to fight for it。

Let him be the last! Gloval thought wrathfully。 They're not sending us out for more killing and dying! If I have to end the Robotech War here on Earth; then I will!

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