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th the girl called Minmei。 Max and Ben had kept silent; Rick's friends as well as his wingmates。

Lisa finished; 〃And I think this last part is very important: While they examined and interrogated us; they constantly made reference to something they called …'Protoculture。'〃

The intel officer who had almost been attacked by Ben Dixon tilted his chair back arrogantly。 〃That's pure fantasy。〃

His security buddy added; 〃And were there any little green men?〃

Major Aldershot glanced around at him stiffly; the ends of his waxed mustache seeming to bristle。 〃I will point out that the mander is a much…decorated soldier。 This insulting levity is unbeing from someone who has yet to prove himself under fire。〃 It was the most he'd said all morning。

〃What is this ‘Protoculture'?〃 Gloval put things back on track。

Lisa hesitated before answering。 〃It's apparently something that relates to their use of Robotech。 I'm not sure; but they think that Protoculture is the highest science in the universe and that somehow we possess some of its deepest secrets。〃

Colonel Maistroff said with a sly grin to the other evaluation team officers; 〃Too deep for me!〃 and guffawed at his own joke。

The intel and security officers roared spitefully along with him as Lisa's cheeks colored and Rick felt himself flush in anger。

〃Silence!〃 Gloval barked。 It was instantly quiet。 〃This is a very grave moment。 This alien armada has pursued and harried us across the solar system for almost a year and yet has never made an all…out attempt to destroy us; perhaps we do possess a power in the SDF…1 that we don't fully understand。〃

That was a good bet; the way Rick saw it。 Even the brilliant Dr。 Lang understood only a fraction of the alien ship's secrets; and he was the one who had masterminded its reconstruction from a burned and battered wreck。

Maistroff fixed Lisa with a gimlet stare; red…faced at being rebuked in front of junior officers。 〃mander Hayes; is that all?〃

Lisa met his glare。 〃Yes; sir; that's all。〃

Ben whispered to Rick; 〃I don't think they believe us。〃 Ben wasn't exactly point man on the genius roster; and the idea that such a thing could happen had never occurred to him until the debriefing was well along。

〃It's probably the dishonest expression on your face;〃 Rick whispered back absently。

Maistroff placed both hands flat on the table and turned to Gloval。 〃Do you really believe this wild tale? It's enemy trickery! Hallucinations!〃

Gloval began stoking up his evil…smelling briar; tamping the tobacco slowly with his thumb; pondering。 〃This information must be correlated and reported to Earth immediately; whether I believe it or not…〃

Maistroff interrupted him; saying tightly and too quickly; 〃I'll send a coded message right away…〃

〃Colonel Maistroff。〃 It was Gloval's turn to interrupt。 〃No; you won't。〃 He lit his briar while they all gaped at him。

Gloval said; 〃We've got to break through the enemy elements that stand between the SDF…1 and our homeworld。〃

The evaluation team was aghast; Maistroff shouting; 〃We can't make it!〃

Rick looked around and saw that everybody on his side of the table thought it was a magnificent idea。 Gloval rose。 〃At our current speed; we are only two days from Earth; and they must have this information。〃 He started for the hatch。

Maistroff scowled at Gloval's back。 〃And then what?〃

The captain answered over his shoulder。 〃And then nothing。 We just await orders while we relax; Colonel Maistroff。〃

He cut through all their protests。 〃That will be all; gentlemen。〃

Gloval turned to the escapees。 〃And as for you four。。。〃 They all shot to their feet at rigid attention。

〃At least for the time being; you'll be relieved of duty。 You've earned a little R and R。 You're dismissed。〃

The four saluted him happily。 〃Enjoy yourselves;〃 Gloval said gruffly; puffing his pipe。 They did a precise right…face and marched out of the conference room in style。 But at the last moment; Gloval removed his pipe from his mouth and called; 〃One moment; Lisa。〃

The others continued on。 Lisa paused at the hatch and turned back to him。 〃Yes; Captain?〃

〃Personally; I am inclined to believe that your report is accurate。 However。。。〃

〃Certainly;〃 she said。 〃Thank you; Captain。 I know you believe in us; and I appreciate that。〃

〃I'm glad you understand。〃

The door slid open again; and she turned and left。 Gloval; looking back to the debriefing team; saw that the fact that he'd chosen to tell Lisa what he did; where he did; wasn't lost on them。

〃I'd rather face the aliens again than that bunch of brass;〃 Max Sterling told Rick as they walked down the passageway。 They were walking side by side; with Ben behind。 They could hear Lisa's quick footsteps as she fell in at the rear。

〃Gloval wasn't so bad; and that Major Aldershot;〃 Ben said。

〃They're only doing their job;〃 Rick maintained。 〃I'd feel the same way in their place。〃

〃Sure you would;〃 Lisa put it; a little surprised that Rick Hunter had been so transformed from a headstrong discipline problem to a trained military man who understood why and how the service functioned。 〃And they'd feel exactly the same way we do in ours。〃

〃That's right; why not look on the bright side;〃 Ben said。 Rick looked back to Ben but found himself making eye contact with Lisa。 He looked ahead again quickly; in turmoil; not sure what he felt。

〃After all; all of us were promoted; weren't we?〃 Ben went on; noticing nothing; very jolly。 〃And we're going home to a big hero's wele! So why not relax and enjoy the rest and recreation Captain Gloval gave us?〃 He clapped Rick on the shoulder; staggering him。

Rick looked back at him sourly。 〃You could probably relax in the dentist's chair; Ben。〃

〃Are you sure this is the right way?〃 Konda asked nervously; watching the elevator's floor…indicator lights count down toward One。

〃We're headed for the area of greatest activity in this battle fortress;〃 Rico said confidently。 〃Surely the most important concentration of military secrets will be there。〃

〃I still think we should be trying to reach the bridge;〃 Bron grumbled。

The elevator stopped; and the doors parted。 A brilliant ray of light broke on them。 The three spies stood rooted; making astounded; strangled sounds。

Before them was Macross City in all its glory。 The streets were jammed with traffic; the sidewalks were crowded with busy; hurrying people。 Streetlights and signs and headlights shone; as did the starlight projected by the Enhanced Video Emulation system。 Display windows were filled with clothing and appliances; books; furniture; and an astonishing variety of other goods。

Rico gulped and found his voice。 〃There's so much to spy on! Where should we start?〃

Konda drew a deep breath。 〃Perhaps we should just mingle with the Micronians and observe their habits。〃

They gathered their courage and stepped out。 Humans were everywhere; alone and in pairs and bigger groups; all going every which way。 Some were in military uniforms; but in general everybody was dressed differently。 Reassured that he and his panions wouldn't be noticed; Bron pulled up his knee socks and smoothed the pleats in his skirt。

It took all their self…control not to shout upon seeing male and female Micronians mingling freely。 No officers or overseers were in immediate evidence; although it was just as plain as could be to the Zentraedi that such hivelike activity would be totally impossible without some strong central control。 Still; there were humans who strode along purposefully while others stood idly conversing and still others browsed along; glancing through the gleaming store windows。

And nobody; nobody; was in step with anybody else。

They started off; observing carefully。 Bron said; 〃Well; I think there's a good chance we're going to be observing them for a very long time before we figure them out。〃

They came to a window…shopper; a young man staring longingly at a display in a music store; eyes fixed on a red crystal electric guitar that had three necks and a set of speakers bigger than public circuit booths。

〃What d' you suppose he's doing?〃 Bron whispered。

Rico considered; then smiled in sudden realization。 〃Taking inventory!〃

Bron and Konda murmured; 〃Ahh!〃 and nodded knowingly。


Due to an OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS; processing and mailing of membership packets for the MINMEI FAN CLUB is running several weeks behind。
MINMEI hopes that all her LOYAL FANS will understand this and wants you to know that she LOVES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!
Macross City newspaper; magazine; and broadcast ad

The trio of micronized zentraedi came to an intersection。 Before them; crosswalk signals blazed and traffic lights changed colors。 The movement of vehicles and people was orchestrated somehow; but the logic behind it was difficult to grasp。 Everything was so disorderly; so unmilitary。

And all around them was the barrage of lighted signs and flashing neon of Macross City's 〃downtown。〃 They could read the signs…at least when the logos and print styles weren't too fanciful…but couldn't make any sense of them。 And there was so little uniformity! Surely; they thought; these Micronians must be mad。

And none of the three dared admit to the others how oddly appealing he found it all。

Rico threw his hands in the air。 〃What military purpose could all those indicators possibly serve?〃

Konda glanced around at lovers strolling with arms about each other's waists; at parents leading their children by the hand; at old people enjoying coffee at an outdoor cafe。 It was just as horrible as the intelligence reports had indicated。 〃You can be sure some kind of sinister force is at work here。〃

He started off; the other two falling in with him。 〃There's something strange at the root of all this; something that makes these creatures so pletely unlike us。 But I haven't been able to put my finger on it。〃

〃I noticed it; too!〃 Rico said excitedly。 〃Like something's out of balance…something weird that affects all of them。〃

They heard laughter and shouting ing their way; and the hiss of small wheels against the sidewalk。 Bron pointed。 〃 Warriors!〃

A young male and a young female sped with easy; athletic grace along the sidewa
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