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the narrative of the life-第22部分

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situationwithout home or friendswithout money

or creditwanting shelter; and no one to give it

wanting bread; and no money to buy it;and at the

same time let him feel that he is pursued by merci…

less men…hunters; and in total darkness as to what

to do; where to go; or where to stay;perfectly help…

less both as to the means of defence and means of

escape;in the midst of plenty; yet suffering the ter…

rible gnawings of hunger;in the midst of houses;

yet having no home;among fellow…men; yet feeling

as if in the midst of wild beasts; whose greediness

to swallow up the trembling and half…famished fugi…

tive is only equalled by that with which the monsters

of the deep swallow up the helpless fish upon which

they subsist;I say; let him be placed in this most

trying situation;the situation in which I was placed;

then; and not till then; will he fully appreciate the

hardships of; and know how to sympathize with; the

toil…worn and whip…scarred fugitive slave。


  Thank Heaven; I remained but a short time in

this distressed situation。  I was relieved from it by the

humane hand of Mr。 DAVID RUGGLES; whose vigi…

lance; kindness; and perseverance; I shall never for…

get。  I am glad of an opportunity to express; as far as

words can; the love and gratitude I bear him。  Mr。

Ruggles is now afflicted with blindness; and is him…

self in need of the same kind offices which he was

once so forward in the performance of toward others。

I had been in New York but a few days; when Mr。

Ruggles sought me out; and very kindly took me

to his boarding…house at the corner of Church and

Lespenard Streets。  Mr。 Ruggles was then very deeply

engaged in the memorable ~Darg~ case; as well as at…

tending to a number of other fugitive slaves; devis…

ing ways and means for their successful escape; and;

though watched and hemmed in on almost every

side; he seemed to be more than a match for his



  Very soon after I went to Mr。 Ruggles; he wished

to know of me where I wanted to go; as he deemed

it unsafe for me to remain in New York。  I told him

I was a calker; and should like to go where I could

get work。  I thought of going to Canada; but he de…

cided against it; and in favor of my going to New

Bedford; thinking I should be able to get work there

at my trade。  At this time; Anna;* my intended wife;

came on; for I wrote to her immediately after my

arrival at New York; (notwithstanding my homeless;

houseless; and helpless condition;) informing her of

my successful flight; and wishing her to come on

forthwith。  In a few days after her arrival; Mr。 Rug…

gles called in the Rev。 J。 W。 C。 Pennington; who; in

the presence of Mr。 Ruggles; Mrs。 Michaels; and

two or three others; performed the marriage cere…

mony; and gave us a certificate; of which the fol…

lowing is an exact copy:



  〃This may certify; that I joined together in holy

matrimony Frederick Johnson+ and Anna Murray; as

man and wife; in the presence of Mr。 David Ruggles

and Mrs。 Michaels。


                 〃JAMES W。 C。 PENNINGTON


  〃NEW YORK; SEPT。 15; 1838〃



  Upon receiving this certificate; and a five…dollar

bill from Mr。 Ruggles; I shouldered one part of our

baggage; and Anna took up the other; and we set

out forthwith to take passage on board of the steam…

boat John W。 Richmond for Newport; on our way

to New Bedford。  Mr。 Ruggles gave me a letter to a

Mr。 Shaw in Newport; and told me; in case my

money did not serve me to New Bedford; to stop in

Newport and obtain further assistance; but upon our



  *She was free。


  +I had changed my name from Frederick BAILEY

to that of JOHNSON。



arrival at Newport; we were so anxious to get to a

place of safety; that; notwithstanding we lacked the

necessary money to pay our fare; we decided to take

seats in the stage; and promise to pay when we got

to New Bedford。  We were encouraged to do this by

two excellent gentlemen; residents of New Bedford;

whose names I afterward ascertained to be Joseph

Ricketson and William C。 Taber。  They seemed at

once to understand our circumstances; and gave us

such assurance of their friendliness as put us fully

at ease in their presence。  It was good indeed to meet

with such friends; at such a time。  Upon reaching

New Bedford; we were directed to the house of Mr。

Nathan Johnson; by whom we were kindly received;

and hospitably provided for。  Both Mr。 and Mrs。

Johnson took a deep and lively interest in our wel…

fare。  They proved themselves quite worthy of the

name of abolitionists。  When the stage…driver found

us unable to pay our fare; he held on upon our bag…

gage as security for the debt。  I had but to mention

the fact to Mr。 Johnson; and he forthwith advanced

the money。


  We now began to feel a degree of safety; and to

prepare ourselves for the duties and responsibilities

of a life of freedom。  On the morning after our ar…

rival at New Bedford; while at the breakfast…table;

the question arose as to what name I should be

called by。  The name given me by my mother was;

〃Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey。〃  I; how…

ever; had dispensed with the two middle names long

before I left Maryland so that I was generally known

by the name of 〃Frederick Bailey。〃  I started from

Baltimore bearing the name of 〃Stanley。〃  When I

got to New York; I again changed my name to 〃Fred…

erick Johnson;〃 and thought that would be the last

change。  But when I got to New Bedford; I found it

necessary again to change my name。  The reason of

this necessity was; that there were so many Johnsons

in New Bedford; it was already quite difficult to

distinguish between them。  I gave Mr。 Johnson the

privilege of choosing me a name; but told him he

must not take from me the name of 〃Frederick。〃

I must hold on to that; to preserve a sense of my

identity。  Mr。 Johnson had just been reading the

〃Lady of the Lake;〃 and at once suggested that my

name be 〃Douglass。〃  From that time until now I

have been called 〃Frederick Douglass;〃 and as I am

more widely known by that name than by either of

the others; I shall continue to use it as my own。


  I was quite disappointed at the general appear…

ance of things in New Bedford。  The impression

which I had received respecting the character and

condition of the people of the north; I found to be

singularly erroneous。  I had very strangely supposed;

while in slavery; that few of the comforts; and

scarcely any of the luxuries; of life were enjoyed at

the north; compared with what were enjoyed by the

slaveholders of the south。  I probably came to this

conclusion from the fact that northern people owned

no slaves。  I supposed that they were about upon a

level with the non…slaveholding population of the

south。  I knew ~they~ were exceedingly poor; and I had

been accustomed to regard their poverty as the nec…

essary consequence of their being non…slaveholders。

I had somehow imbibed the opinion that; in the

absence of slaves; there could be no wealth; and very

little refinement。  And upon coming to the north; I

expected to meet with a rough; hard…handed; and

uncultivated population; living in the most Spartan…

like simplicity; knowing nothing of the ease; luxury;

pomp; and grandeur of southern slaveholders。  Such

being my conjectures; any one acquainted with the

appearance of New Bedford may very readily infer

how palpably I must have seen my mistake。


  In the afternoon of the day when I reached New

Bedford; I visited the wharves; to take a view of the

shipping。  Here I found myself surrounded with the

strongest proofs of wealth。  Lying at the wharves; and

riding in the stream; I saw many ships of the finest

model; in the best order; and of the largest size。

Upon the right and left; I was walled in by granite

warehouses of the widest dimensions; stowed to their

utmost capacity with the necessaries and comforts

of life。  Added to this; almost every body seemed to

be at work; but noiselessly so; compared with what

I had been accustomed to in Baltimore。  There were

no loud songs heard from those engaged in loading

and unloading ships。  I heard no deep oaths or horrid

curses on the laborer。  I saw no whipping of men;

but all seemed to go smoothly on。  Every man ap…

peared to understand his work; and went at it with

a sober; yet cheerful earnestness; which betokened

the deep interest which he felt in what he was doing;

as well as a sense of his own dignity as a man。  To me

this looked exceedingly strange。  From the wharves I

strolled around and over the town; gazing with won…

der and admiration at the splendid churches; beauti…

ful dwellings; and finely…cultivated gardens; evincing

an amount of wealth; comfort; taste; and refinement;

such as I had never seen in any part of slaveholding



  Every thing looked clean; new; and beautiful。  I

saw few or no dilapidated houses; with poverty…

stricken inmates; no half…naked children and bare…

footed women; such as I had been accustomed to see

in Hillsborough; Easton; St。 Michael's; and Balti…

more。  The people looked more able; stronger; health…

ier; and happier; than those of Maryland。  I was for

once made glad by a view of extreme wealth; without

being saddened by seeing extreme poverty。  But the

most astonishing as well as the most interesting thing

to me was the condition of the colored people; a

great many of whom; like myself; had escaped

thither as a refuge from the hunters of men。  I found

many; who had not been seven years out of their

chains; living in finer houses; and evidently enjoying

more of the comforts of life; than the average of

slaveholders in Maryland。  I will venture to assert;

that my friend Mr。 Nathan Johnson (of whom I

can say with a grateful heart; 〃I was hungry; and he

gave me meat; I was thirsty; and he gave me drink;

I was a strange
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