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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第3部分

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the Emperor did not grant it; however grave the crime committed; and I
could cite a thousand examples of pardons thus solicited and obtained。
One occurrence which is almost personal to me will sufficiently prove how
all…powerful was the intercession of this good Empress。

Her Majesty's head valet being one day a little affected by the wine he
had taken at a breakfast with some friends; was obliged; from the nature
of his duties; to be present at the time of their Majesties' dinner; and
to stand behind the Empress in order to take and hand her the plates。
Excited by the fumes of the champagne; he had the misfortune to utter
some improper words; which; though pronounced in a low tone; the Emperor
unfortunately overheard。  His Majesty cast lightning glances at M。 Frere;
who thus perceived the gravity of his fault; and; when dinner was over;
gave orders to discharge the impudent valet; in a tone which left no hope
and permitted no reply。

Monsieur Frere was an excellent servant; a gentle; good; and honest man;
it was the first fault of this kind of which he could be accused; and
consequently he deserved indulgence。  Application was made to the grand
marshal; who refused to intercede; well knowing the inflexibility of the
Emperor; and many other persons whom the poor man begged to intercede for
him having replied as the grand marshal had done; M。 Frere came in
despair to bid us adieu。  I dared to take his cause in hand; with the
hope that by seizing a favorable moment I might succeed in appeasing his
Majesty。  The order of discharge required M。 Frere to leave the palace in
twenty…four hours; but I advised him not to obey it; but to keep himself;
however; constantly concealed in his room; which he did。  That evening on
retiring; his Majesty spoke to me of what had passed; showing much anger;
so I judged that silence was the best course to take; and therefore
waited; but the next day the Empress had the kindness to tell me that she
would be present at her husband's toilet; and that; if I thought proper
to open the matter; she would sustain me with all her influence。
Consequently; finding the Emperor in a good humor; I spoke of M。 Frere;
and depicting to his Majesty the despair of this poor man; I pointed out
to him the reasons which might excuse the impropriety of his conduct。
〃Sire;〃 said I; 〃he is a good man; who has no fortune; and supports a
numerous family; and if he has to quit the service of her Majesty the
Empress; it will not be believed that it was on account of a fault for
which the wine was more to be blamed than he; and he will be utterly
ruined。〃  To these words; as well as to many other suggestions; the
Emperor only replied by interruptions; made with every appearance of a
decided opposition to the pardon which I had requested。  Fortunately the
Empress was good enough to come to my assistance; and said to her husband
in her own gentle tones; always so touching and full of expression; 〃Mon
ami; if you are willing to pardon him; you will be doing me a favor。〃
Emboldened by this powerful patronage; I renewed my solicitations; to
which the Emperor at last replied abruptly; addressing himself to both
the Empress and myself; 〃In short; you wish it; well; let him stay then。〃

Monsieur Frere thanked me with his whole heart; and could hardly believe
the good news which I brought him; and as for the Empress; she was made
happy by the joy of this faithful servant; who gave her during the
remainder of his life every proof of his entire devotion。  I have been
assured that; in 1814; on the departure of the Emperor for the Island of
Elba; Monsieur Frere was by no means the last to blame my conduct; the
motive of which he could not possibly know; but I am not willing to
believe this; for it seems to me that in his place; if I thought I could
not defend an absent friend; I should at least have kept silence。

As I have said; the Empress was extremely generous; and bestowed much in
alms; and was most ingenious in finding occasions for their bestowal。
Many emigres lived solely on her benefactions; she also kept up a very
active correspondence with the Sisters of Charity who nursed the sick;
and sent them a multitude of things。  Her valets were ordered to go in
every direction; carrying to the needy the assistance of her
inexhaustible benevolence; while numerous other persons also received
each day similar commissions; and all these alms; all these multiplied
gifts which were so widely diffused; received an inestimable value from
the grace with which they were offered; and the good judgment with which
they were distributed。  I could cite a thousand instances of this
delicate generosity。

Monsieur de Beauharnais had at the time of his marriage to Josephine a
natural daughter named Adele。  The Empress reared her as if she had been
her own daughter; had her carefully educated; gave her a generous dowry;
and married her to a prefect of the Empire。

If the Empress showed so much tenderness for a daughter who was not her
own; it is impossible to give an idea of her love and devotion to Queen
Hortense and Prince Eugene; which devotion her children fully returned;
and there was never a better or happier mother。  She was very proud of
her children; and spoke of them always with an enthusiasm which seemed
very natural to all who knew the Queen of Holland and the Vice…King of
Italy。  I have related how; having been left an orphan at a very early
age by the Revolutionary scaffold; young Beauharnais had gained the heart
of General Bonaparte by an interview in which he requested of him his
father's sword; and that this action inspired in the General a wish to
become acquainted with Josephine; and the result of that interview; all
of which events are matters of history。  When Madame de Beauharnais had
become the wife of General Bonaparte; Eugene entered on a military
career; and attached himself immediately to the fortunes of his step…
father; whom he accompanied to Italy in the capacity of aide…de…camp。  He
was chief of squadron in the chasseurs of the Consular Guard; and at the
immortal battle of Marengo shared all the dangers of the one who took so
much pleasure in calling him his son。  A few years later the chief of
squadron had become Vice…King of Italy; the presumptive heir of the
imperial crown (a title which; in truth; he did not long preserve); and
husband of the daughter of a king。

The vice…queen (Augusta Amelia of Bavaria) was handsome and good as an
angel。  I happened to be at Malmaison on the day the Empress received the
portrait of her daughter…in…law; surrounded by three or four children;
one upon her shoulder; another at her feet; and a third in her arms; all
of whom had most lovely faces。  The Empress; seeing me; deigned to call
me to admire with her this collection of charming heads; and I perceived
that; while speaking; her eyes were full of tears。  The portraits were
well painted; and I had occasion later to find that they were perfect
likenesses。  From this time the only question was playthings and rare
articles of all sorts to be bought for these dear children; the Empress
going in person to select the presents she desired for them; and having
them packed under her own eyes。

The prince's valet has assured me that; at the time of the divorce;
Prince Eugene wrote his wife a very desponding letter; and perhaps
expressed in it some regret at not being an adopted son of the Emperor;
to which the Princess replied most tenderly; saying; among other things;
〃It is not the heir of the Emperor whom I married and whom I love; but it
is Eugene de Beauharnais。〃  The Prince read this sentence and some others
in the presence of the person from whom I have these facts; and who was
touched even to tears。  Such a woman deserved more than a throne。

After that event; so grievous to the heart of the Empress; and for which
she never found consolation; she left Malmaison no more; except to make a
few visits to Navarre。

Each time that I returned to Paris with the Emperor; I had no sooner
arrived than my first duty was to go to Malmaison; though I was rarely
the bearer of a letter from the Emperor; as he wrote to Josephine only on
extraordinary occasions。  〃Tell the Empress I am well; and that I wish
her to be happy;〃 were almost invariably the parting words of the Emperor
as I set out。  The moment I arrived the Empress quitted everything to
speak to me; and I frequently remained an hour and often two hours with
her; during which time there was no question of anything save the
Emperor。  I must tell her all that he had suffered on the journey; if he
had been sad or gay; sick or well; while she wept over the details as I
repeated them; and gave me a thousand directions regarding his health;
and the cares with which she desired I should surround him。  After this
she deigned to question me about myself; my prospects; the health of my
wife; her former protegee; and at last dismissed me; with a letter for
his Majesty; begging me to say to the Emperor how happy she would be if
he would come to see her。

Before his departure for Russia; the Empress; distressed at this war; of
which she entirely disapproved; again redoubled her recommendations
concerning the Emperor; and made me a present of her portrait; saying to
me; 〃My good Constant; I rely on you; if the Emperor were sick; you would
inform me of it; would you not?  Conceal nothing from me; I love him so

Certainly the Empress had innumerable means of hearing news of his
Majesty; but I am persuaded that; had she received each day one hundred
letters from those near the Emperor; she would have read and reread them
with the same avidity。

When I had returned from Saint…Cloud to the Tuileries; the Emperor asked
me how Josephine was; and if I found her in good spirits; he received
with pleasure the letters I brought; and hastened to open them。  All the
time I was traveling; or on the campaign in the suite of his Majesty; in
writing to my wife; I spoke of the Emperor; and the good princess was
delighted that she showed my letters to her。  In fact; everything having
the least connection with her husband interested the Empress to a degree
which proved well the singu
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