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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第7部分

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castle of Stupinigi; situated a short distance from the town。

The Pope rejoined their Majesties at Stupinigi; the Holy Father had left
Paris almost at the same time as ourselves; and before his departure had
received from the Emperor magnificent presents。  Among these was a golden
altar with chandeliers; and holy vessels of the richest workmanship; a
superb tiara; Gobelin tapestries; and carpets from the Savonnerie; with a
statue of the Emperor in Sevres porcelain。  The Empress also made to his
Holiness a present of a vase of the same manufacture; adorned with
paintings by the best artists。  This masterpiece was at least four feet
in height; and two feet and a half in diameter at the mouth; and was made
expressly to be offered to the Holy Father; the painting representing; if
my memory is correct; the ceremony of the coronation。

Each of the cardinals in the suite of the Pope had received a box of
beautiful workmanship; with the portrait of the Emperor set in diamonds;
and all the persons attached to the service of Pius VII。  had presents
more or less considerable; all these various articles being brought by
the furnishers to the apartments of his Majesty; where I took a list of
them; by order of his Majesty; as they arrived。

The Holy Father also made in return very handsome presents to the
officers of the Emperor's household whose duties had brought them near
his person during his stay at Paris。

From Stupinigi we went to Alexandria。  The Emperor; the next day after
his arrival; rose early; visited the fortifications of the town; reviewed
all the positions of the battlefield of Marengo; and returned only at
seven o'clock; and after having broken down five horses。  A few days
after he wished the Empress to see this famous plain; and by his orders
an army of twenty…five or thirty thousand men was assembled。  The morning
of the day fixed for the review of these troops; the Emperor left his
apartment dressed in a blue coat with long skirts; much worn; and even
with holes in some places。  These holes were the work of moths and not of
balls; as has been said in certain memoirs。  On his head his Majesty wore
an old hat edged with gold lace; tarnished and frayed; and at his side a
cavalry saber; such as the generals of the Republic wore; this was the
coat; hat; and sword that he had worn on the day of the battle of
Marengo。  I afterwards lent these articles to Monsieur David; first
painter to his Majesty; for his picture of the passage of Mont St。
Bernard。  A vast amphitheater had been raised on this plain for the
Empress and the suite of their Majesties; the day was perfect; as is each
day of the month of May in Italy。  After riding along the ranks; the
Emperor took his seat by the side of the Empress; and made to the troops
a distribution of the cross of the Legion of Honor; after which he laid
the corner stone of a monument; which he had directed to be raised on the
plain to the memory of the soldiers who had fallen on the battlefield。
When his Majesty; in the short address which he made to the army on this
occasion; pronounced in a strong voice; vibrating with emotion; the name
of Desaix; who here died gloriously for his country; a murmur of grief
ran through the ranks of the soldiers。  As for me; I was moved to tears;
and as my eyes fell on this army; on its banners; on the costume of the
Emperor; I was obliged to turn from time to time towards the throne of
her Majesty the Empress; to realize that this was not the 14th of June in
the year 1800。

I think it was during this stay at Alexandria; that Prince Jerome
Bonaparte had an interview with the Emperor; in which the latter
seriously and earnestly remonstrated with his brother; and Prince Jerome
left the cabinet visibly agitated。  This displeasure of the Emperor arose
from the marriage contracted by his brother; at the age of nineteen; with
the daughter of an American merchant。

His Majesty had this union annulled on the plea of minority; and made a
decree forbidding the officers of the civil state to receive; on their
registers; the record of the certificate of the celebration of the
marriage of Monsieur Jerome with Mademoiselle Patterson。  For some time
the Emperor treated him with great coolness; and kept him at a distance;
but a few days after the interview at Alexandria; he sent him to Algiers
to claim as subjects of the Empire two hundred Genoese held as slaves。
The young prince acquitted himself handsomely of this mission of
humanity; and returned in the month of August to the port of Genoa; with
the captives whom he had just released。  The Emperor was well satisfied
with the manner in which his brother had carried out his instructions;
and said on this occasion; that 〃Prince Jerome was very young and very
thoughtless; that he needed more weight in his head; but that;
nevertheless; he hoped to make something of him。〃

This brother of his Majesty was one among the few persons whom he really
loved; although he had often given him just cause for anger。


Their Majesties remained more than a month at Milan; and I had ample
leisure to acquaint myself with this beautiful capital of Lombardy。  This
visit was a continual succession of fetes and gayeties; and it seemed
that the Emperor alone had time to give to work; for he shut himself up;
as was his custom; with his ministers; while all the persons of his suite
and of his household; whose duties did not detain them near his Majesty;
were eagerly taking part in the sports and diversions of the Milanese。  I
will enter into no details of the coronation; as it was almost a
repetition of what had taken place at Paris a few months before; and as
all solemnities of this sort are alike; every one is familiar with the
least details。  Amid all these fete days there was one day of real
happiness to me: it was that on which Prince Eugene; whose kindness to me
I have never forgotten; was proclaimed viceroy of Italy。  Truly; no one
could be more worthy than he of a rank so elevated; if to attain it only
nobility; generosity; courage; and skill in the art of governing; were
needed; for never did prince more sincerely desire the prosperity of the
people confided to his care。  I have often observed how truly happy he
was; and what genuine delight beamed from his countenance when he had
shed happiness around him。

The Emperor and Empress went one day to breakfast in the environs of
Milan; on a little island called Olona。  While walking over it; the
Emperor met a poor woman; whose cottage was near the place where their
Majesties' table had been set; and he addressed to her a number of
questions。  〃Monsieur;〃 replied she (not knowing the Emperor); 〃I am very
poor; and the mother of three children; whom I have great difficulty in
supporting; because my husband; who is a day laborer; has not always
work。〃 〃How much would it take;〃 replied his Majesty; 〃to make you
perfectly happy?〃〃O Sire; it would take a great deal of money。〃〃But
how much; my good woman; how much would be necessary?〃〃Ah; Monsieur;
unless we had twenty louis;  we would not be above want; but what chance
is there of our ever having twenty louis?〃

The Emperor gave her; on the spot; the sum of three thousand francs in
gold; and ordered me to untie the rolls and pour them all into the good
woman's lap。

At the sight of so much gold the latter grew pale; reeled; and I saw she
was fainting。  〃All; that is too much; Monsieur; that is indeed too much。
Surely you could not be making sport of a poor woman!〃

The Emperor assured her that it was indeed all hers; and that with this
money she could buy a little field; a flock of goats; and raise her
children well。

His Majesty did not make himself known; for he liked; in dispensing his
benefits; to preserve his incognito; and I knew; during his life; a large
number of instances similar to the foregoing。  It seems that historians
have made it a point to pass them over in silence; and yet it is; I
think; by the rehearsal of just such deeds that a correct idea of the
Emperor's character can and should be formed。

Deputations from the Ligurian Republic; with the Doge at their head; had
come to Milan to entreat the Emperor to annex Genoa and its territory to
the Empire; which demand his Majesty took care not to refuse; and by a
decree formed of the Genoese states three departments of his Italian
kingdom。  The Emperor and Empress set out from Milan to visit these
departments and some others。

We had been at Mantua a short time; when one evening; about six o'clock;
Grand Marshal Duroc gave me an order to remain alone in a little room
adjoining that of the Emperor; and informed me that Count Lucien
Bonaparte would arrive soon。  He came in a few moments; and as soon as he
announced himself; I introduced him into; the Emperor's bedroom; and then
knocked at the door of the Emperor's cabinet; to inform him of his
arrival。  After saluting each other; the two brothers shut themselves up
in the room; and there soon arose between them a very animated
discussion; and being compelled to remain in the little saloon; much
against my will; I overheard a great part of the conversation。  The
Emperor was urging his brother to get a divorce; and promised him a crown
if he would do this; but Lucien replied that he would never abandon the
mother of his children; which refusal irritated the Emperor so greatly;
that his expressions became harsh and even insulting。  When this
altercation had lasted more than an hour; M。 Lucien came out from it in a
deplorable condition; pale and disheveled; his eyes red and filled with
tears; and we did not see him again; for; on quitting his brother; he
returned to Rome。

The Emperor was greatly troubled by this refusal of his brother; and did
not open his mouth on retiring。  It has been maintained that the
disagreement between the brothers was caused by the elevation of the
First Consul to the Empire; and Lucien's disapproval of this step; but
that is a mistake。  It is indeed true that the latter had proposed to
continue the Republic under the government of two consuls; who were to be
Napoleon and Lucien; one to be at the head of the department of war and
foreign relat
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