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a house-boat on the styx-第16部分

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permitted to cross the gangplank。  Our husbands and brothers and

friends go there; the door closes on them; and they are as completely

lost to us as though they never existed。  We don't know what goes on

in there。  Socrates tells me that their amusements are of a most

innocent nature; but how do I know what he means by that?

Furthermore; it keeps him from home; while I have to stay at home and

be entertained by my sons; whom the Encyclopaedia Britannica rightly

calls dull and fatuous。  In other words; club life for him; and

dulness and fatuity for me。〃

〃I think myself they're rather queer about letting women into that

boat;〃 said Queen Elizabeth。  〃But it isn't Sir Walter's fault。  He

told me he tried to have them establish a Ladies' Day; and that they

agreed to do so; but have since resisted all his efforts to have a

date set for the function。〃

〃It would be great fun to steal in there now; wouldn't it;〃 giggled

Ophelia。  〃There doesn't seem to be anybody about to prevent our

doing so。〃

〃That's true;〃 said Xanthippe。  〃All the windows are closed; as if

there wasn't a soul there。  I've half a mind to take a peep in at the


〃I am with you;〃 said Elizabeth; her face lighting up with pleasure。

It was a great novelty; and an unpleasant one to her; to find some

place where she could not go。  〃Let's do it;〃 she added。

So the three women tiptoed softly up the gang…plank; and; silently

boarding the house…boat; peeped in at the windows。  What they saw

merely whetted their curiosity。

〃I must see more;〃 cried Elizabeth; rushing around to the door; which

opened at her touch。  Xanthippe and Ophelia followed close on her

heels; and shortly they found themselves; open…mouthed in wondering

admiration; in the billiard…room of the floating palace; and Richard;

the ghost of the best billiard…room attendant in or out of Hades;

stood before them。

〃Excuse me;〃 he said; very much upset by the sudden apparition of the

ladies。  〃I'm very sorry; but ladies are not admitted here。〃

〃We are equally sorry;〃 retorted Elizabeth; assuming her most

imperious manner; 〃that your masters have seen fit to prohibit our

being here; but; now that we are here; we intend to make the most of

the opportunity; particularly as there seem to be no members about。

What has become of them all?〃

Richard smiled broadly。  〃I don't know where they are;〃 he replied;

but it was evident that he was not telling the exact truth。

〃Oh; come; my boy;〃 said the Queen; kindly; 〃you do know。  Sir Walter

told me you knew everything。  Where are they?〃

〃Well; if you must know; ma'am;〃 returned Richard; captivated by the

Queen's manner; 〃they've all gone down the river to see a prize…fight

between Goliath and Samson。〃

〃See there!〃 cried Xanthippe。  〃That's what this club makes possible。

Socrates told me he was coming here to take luncheon with Carlyle;

and they've both of 'em gone off to a disgusting prize…fight!〃

〃Yes; ma'am; they have;〃 said Richard; 〃and if Goliath wins; I don't

think Mr。 Socrates will get home this evening。〃

〃Betting; eh?〃 said Xanthippe; scornfully。

〃Yes; ma'am;〃 returned Richard。

〃More club!〃 cried Xanthippe。

〃Oh no; ma'am;〃 said Richard。  〃Betting is not allowed in the club;

they're very strict about that。  But the shore is only ten feet off;

ma'am; and the gentlemen always go ashore and make their bets。〃

During this little colloquy Elizabeth and Ophelia were wandering

about; admiring everything they saw。

〃I do wish Lucretia Borgia and Calpurnia could see this。  I wonder if

the Caesars are on the telephone;〃 Elizabeth said。  Investigation

showed that both the Borgias and the Caesars were on the wire; and in

short order the two ladies had been made acquainted with the state of

affairs at the house…boat; and as they were both quite as anxious to

see the interior of the much…talked…of club…house as the others; they

were not long in arriving。  Furthermore; they brought with them half

a dozen more ladies; among whom were Desdemona and Cleopatra; and

then began the most extraordinary session the house…boat ever knew。

A meeting was called; with Elizabeth in the chair; and all the best

ladies of the Stygian realms were elected members。  Xanthippe; amid

the greatest applause; moved that every male member of the

organization be expelled for conduct unworthy of a gentleman in

attending a prize…fight; and encouraging two such horrible creatures

as Goliath and Samson in their nefarious pursuits。  Desdemona

seconded the motion; and it was carried without a dissenting voice;

although Mrs。 Caesar; with becoming dignity; merely smiled approval;

not caring to take part too actively in the proceedings。

The men having thus been disposed of in a summary fashion; Richard

was elected Janitor in Charon's place; and the club was entirely

reorganized; with Cleopatra as permanent President。  The meeting then

adjourned; and the invaders set about enjoying their newly acquired

privileges。  The smoking…room was thronged for a few moments; but

owing to the extraordinary strength of the tobacco which the faithful

Richard shovelled into the furnace; it developed no enduring

popularity; Xanthippe; with a suddenly acquired pallor; being the

first to renounce the pastime as revolting。

So fast and furious was the enjoyment of these thirsty souls; so long

deprived of their rights; that night came on without their observing

it; and with the night was brought the great peril into which they

were thrown; and from which at the moment of writing they had not

been extricated; and which; to my regret; has cut me off for the

present from any further information connected with the Associated

Shades and their beautiful lounging…place。  Had they not been so

intent upon the inner beauties of the House…boat on the Styx they

might have observed approaching; under the shadow of the westerly

shore; a long; rakish craft propelled by oars; which dipped softly

and silently and with trained precision in the now jet…black waters

of the Styx。  Manning the oars were a dozen evil…visaged ruffians;

while in the stern of the approaching vessel there sat a grim…faced;

weather…beaten spirit; armed to the teeth; his coat sleeves bearing

the skull and cross…bones; the insignia of piracy。

This boat; stealing up the river like a thief in the night; contained

Captain Kidd and his pirate crew; and their mission was a mission of

vengeance。  To put the matter briefly and plainly; Captain Kidd was

smarting under the indignity which the club had recently put upon

him。  He had been unanimously blackballed; even his proposer and

seconder; who had been browbeaten into nominating him for membership;

voting against him。

〃I may be a pirate;〃 he cried; when he heard what the club had done;

〃but I have feelings; and the Associated Shades will repent their

action。  The time will come when they'll find that I have their club…

house; and they haveits debts。〃

It was for this purpose that the great terror of the seas had come

upon this; the first favorable opportunity。  Kidd knew that the

house…boat was unguarded; his spies had told him that the members had

every one gone to the fight; and he resolved that the time had come

to act。  He did not know that the Fates had helped to make his

vengeance all the more terrible and withering by putting the most

attractive and fashionable ladies of the Stygian country likewise in

his power; but so it was; and they; poor souls; while this fiend;

relentless and cruel; was slowly approaching; sang on and danced on

in blissful unconsciousness of their peril。

In less than five minutes from the time when his sinister…craft

rounded the bend Kidd and his crew had boarded the house…boat; cut

her loose from her moorings; and in ten minutes she had sailed away

into the great unknown; and with her went some of the most precious

gems in the social diadem of Hades。

The rest of my story is soon told。  The whole country was aroused

when the crime was discovered; but up to the date of this narrative

no word has been received of the missing craft and her precious

cargo。  Raleigh and Caesar have had the seas scoured in search of

her; Hamlet has offered his kingdom for her return; but unavailingly;

and the men of Hades were cast into a gloom from which there seems to

be no relief。

Socrates alone was unaffected。

〃They'll come back some day; my dear Raleigh;〃 he said; as the knight

buried his face; weeping; in his hands。  〃So why repine?  I'll never

lose my Xanthippepermanently; that is。  I know that; for I am a

philosopher; and I know there is no such thing as luck。  And we can

start another club。〃

〃Very likely;〃 sighed Raleigh; wiping his eyes。  〃I don't mind the

club so much; but to think of those poor women〃

〃Oh; they're all right;〃 returned Socrates; with a laugh。  〃Caesar's

wife is along; and you can't dispute the fact that she's a good

chaperon。  Give the ladies a chance。  They've been after our club for

years; now let 'em have it; and let us hope that they like it。  Order

me up a hemlock sour; and let's drink to their enjoyment of club


Which was done; and I; in spirit; drank with them; for I sincerely

hope that the 〃New Women〃 of Hades are having a good time。

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