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a mountain europa-第13部分

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Placing Clayton and Easter in a corner of the room; the attendants themselves took part in the dancing; and such dancing Clayton had never seen。  Doors and windows were full of faces; and the room was crowded; from the kitchen came coarse laughter and the rattling of dishes。

Occasionally Hicks would disappear with several others; and would return with his face redder than ever。

Easter became uneasy。 Once she left Clayton's side and expostulated with her father; but he shook her from his arm roughly。  Raines saw this; and a moment later he led the old mountaineer from the room。  Thereafter the latter was quieter; but only for a little while。 Several times the kitchen was filled and emptied; and ever was the crowd unsteadier。 Soon even Raines's influence was of no avail; and the bottle was passed openly from guest to guest。

〃Whyn't ye dance?〃

Clayton felt his arm grasped; and Hicks stood swaying before him。

〃Whyn't ye dance?〃 he repeated。  〃 Can't ye dance? Mebbe ye air too good…like Sherd。 Well; Easter kin; Hyar; Mart; come 'n' dance with the gal。 She air the best dancer in these parts。〃

Clayton had his hand upon Easter as though to forbid her。 The mountaineer saw the movement; and his face flamed; but before he could speak; the girl pressed Clayton's arm; and; with an appealing glance; rose to her feet。

That's right;〃 said her father; approvingly; but with a look of drunken malignancy toward Clayton。  〃Now;〃 he called out; in a loud voice; 〃I want this couple to have the floor; 'n' everybody  to look on 'n' see what is dancin'。 Start the fiddles; boys。〃

It was dancing。 The young mountaineer was a slender; active fellow; not without grace; and Easter seemed hardly to touch the floor。 They began very slowly at first; till Easter; glancing aside at Clayton and seeing his face deepen with interest; and urged by the remonstrance of het father; the remarks of the onlookers; and the increasing abandon of the music; gave herself up to the dance。 The young mountaineer was no mean partner。  Forward and back they glided; their swift feet beating every note of the music; Faster receding before her partner; and now advancing toward him; now whirling away with a disdainful toss of her head and arms; and now giving him her hand and whirling till her white skirts floated from the floor。 At last; with head bent coquettishly toward her partner; she danced around him; and when it seemed that she would be caught by his outstretched hands she slipped from his clasp; and; with burning cheeks; flashing eyes; and bridal wreath showering its pink…flecked petals about her; flew to Clayton's side。

Mebbe ye don't like that;〃 cried Hicks; turning to Raines; who had been gravely watching the scene。

 Raines said nothing in reply; but only looked the drunken man in the face。

〃You two;〃 he continued; indicating Clayton with an angry shake of his head; 〃 air a…tryin' to spile ever'body's fun。  Both of ye air too high…heeled fer us folks。 Y'u hev got mighty good now that ye air a preacher;〃 he added; with a drunken sneer; irritated beyond endurance by Raines's silence and his steady look。 〃I want ye to know Bill Hicks air a…runnin' things here; 'n' I don't want no meddlin'。 I'll drink right here in front o' ye 〃…holding a bottle defiantly above his head…〃 'n' I mean to dance; too; I warn ye now;〃 he added; staggering toward the door; 〃I don't want no med…dlin'。〃

Easter had buried her face in her hands。 Her mother stood near her husband; helplessly trying to get him away; and fearing to arouse him more。 Raines was the most composed man in the room; and a few moments later; when dancing was resumed; Clayton heard his voice at his ear:

〃You'd better go upstairs 'n' wait till it's time to go;〃 he said。 〃 He hev got roused ag'in ye; and ag'in me too。 I'll keep out o' his way so as not to aggravate him; but I'll stay hyar fer fear something will happen。  Mebbe he'll sober up a little; but I'm afeard he'll drink more'n ever。〃

A moment later; unseen by the rest; the two mounted the stairway to the little room where Easter's girlhood had been passed。 To Clayton the peace of the primitive little chamber was an infinite relief。 A dim light showed a rude bed in one corner and a pine table close by; whereon lay a few books and a pen and an ink…bottle。 Above; the roof rose to a sharp angle; and the low; unplastered walls were covered with pietures cut from the books he had given her。 A single window opened into the night over the valley and to the mountains beyond。 Two small cane…bottom chairs were near this; and in these they sat down。  In the east dark clouds were moving swiftly across the face of the moon; checking its light anJ giving the dim valley startling depth  and  blackness。  Rain…drops struck the roof at intervals; a shower of apple…blossoms rustled against the window and drifted on; and below the muffled sound of music and shuffling feet was now and then pierced by the shrill calls of the prompter。  There was something ominous in the persistent tread of feet and the steady flight of the gloomy clouds; and quivering with vague fears; Easter sank down from her chair to Clayton's feet; and burst into tears; as he put his arms tenderly about her。

Has he ever treated you badly?

〃 No; no;〃 she answered; 〃it's only the whiskey。〃

It was not alone of her father's behavior that she was thinking。  Memories were busy within her; and a thousand threads of feeling were tightening her love of home; the only home she had ever known。  Now she was leaving it for a strange world of which she knew nothing; and the thought pierced her like a physical pain。

〃Are we ever coming back ag'in?〃 she asked; with sudden fear。

Yes; dear;〃 answered Clayton; divining her thoughts; 〃whenever you wish。〃

After that she grew calmer; and remained quiet so long that she seemed to have fallen asleep like a tired child relieved of its fears。 Leaning forward; he looked into the darkness。 It was after midnight; surely。 The clouds had become lighter; more luminous; and gradually the moon broke through them; lifting the pall from the valley; playing about the edge of the forest; and quivering at last on the window。 As he bent back to look at the sleeping girl; the moonlight fell softly upon her face; revealing its purity of color; and touching the loosened folds of her hair; and shining through a tear…drop which had escaped from her closed lashes。 How lovely the face was! How pure!  How child…like with all its  hidden strength!  How absolute her confidence in him! How great  her love! It was of her love that he thought; not of his own;  but with a new realization of her dependence upon him for happiness;  his clasp tightened about her almost unconsciously。 She stirred slightly;  and; bending his head lower; Clayton whispered in her ear:

Have you been asleep; dear?

She lifted her face and looked tenderly into his eyes; shaking her head slowly; and then; as he bent over again; she clasped her arms about his neck and strained his face to hers。

Not until the opening of the door at the stair…way stirred them did they notice that the music and dancing below had ceased。 The door was instantly closed again after a slight sound of scuffling; and in the moment of stillness that followed; they heard Raines say calmly:

〃No; you can't go up thar。〃

A brutal oath answered him; and Easter started to her feet when she heard her father's voice; terrible with passion; but Clayton held her back; and hurried down the stairway。

〃Ef ye don't come away from that door;〃 he could hear Hicks saying; 〃 'n' stop this meddlin'; I'll kill you 'stid o' the furriner。〃

As Clayton thrust the door open; Raines was standing a few feet from the stairway。  The drunken man was struggling in the grasp of  several mountaineers; who were coaxing and dragging him across the room。   About them were several other men scarcely able to stand; and behind  these a crowd of shrinking women。

Git back! git back! 〃 said Raines; in low; hurried tones。

But Hicks had caught sight of Clayton。 For a moment he stood still; glaring at him。 Then; with a furious effort; he wrenched himself from the men who held him; and thrust his hand into his pocket; backing against the wall。 The crowd fell away from him as a weapon was drawn and levelled with unsteady hand at Clayton。 Raines sprang forward; Clayton felt his arm clutched; and a figure darted past him。 The flash came; and when Raines wrenched the weapon from the mountaineer's grasp the latter was standing rigid; with horror…stricken eyes fixed upon the smoke; in which Easter's white face showed like an apparition。  As the smoke drifted aside; the girl was seen with both hands at her breast。  Then; while a silent terror held every one; she turned; and; with outstretched hands; tottered toward Clayton; and as he caught her in his arms; a low moan broke from her lips。

Some one hurried away for a physician; but the death…watch was over before he came。

 For a long time the wounded girl lay apparently unconscious; her face white and quiet。 Only when a wood…thrush called from the woods close by were her lids half raised; and as Clayton pushed the shutter open above her and lifted her gently; she opened her eyes with a grateful look and turned her face eagerly to the cool air。

The dawn was breaking。  The east was already aflame with bars of rosy light; gradually widening。 Above them a single star was poised; and in the valley below great white mists were stirring from sleep。  For a moment she seemed to be listlessly watching the white; shapeless things; trembling as with life; and creeping silently into wood and up glen; and then her lashes drooped wearily together。

The door opened as Clayton let her sink upon the bed; breathing as if asleep; and he turned; expecting the physician。   Raines; too; rose eagerly; stopped suddenly; and shrank back with a shudder of repulsion as the figure of the wretched father crept; half crouching; within。


The girl's tone was full of gentle reproach; and so soft that it reached only Clayton's ears。


This time his name was uttered with an appeal ever so gentle。

Pore dad!  Pore dad! 〃 she whispered。 Her clasp tightened suddenly on Clayton's hand; and her eyes were held to his; even wh
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