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unto this last-第15部分

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and the question for the nation is not how much labour it

employs; but how much life it produces。 For as consumption is the

end and aim of production; so life is the end and aim of


    I left this question to the reader's thought two months ago;

choosing rather that he should work it out for himself than have

it sharply stated to him。 But now; the ground being sufficiently

broken (and the details into which the several questions; here

opened; must lead us; being too complex for discussion in the

pages of a periodical; so that I must pursue them elsewhere); I

desire; in closing the series of introductory papers; to leave

this one great fact clearly stated。 THERE IS NO WEALTH BUT LIFE。

Life; including all its powers of love; of joy; and of

admiration。 That country is the richest which nourishes the

greatest number of noble and happy human beings; that man is

richest who; having perfected the functions of his own life to

the utmost; has also the widest helpful influence; both personal;

and by means of his possessions; over the lives of others。

    A strange political economy; the only one; nevertheless; that

ever was or can be: all political economy founded on

self…interest(32*) being but the fulfilment of that which once

brought schism into the Policy of angels; and ruin into the

Economy of Heaven。

    〃The greatest number of human beings noble and happy。〃 But is

the nobleness consistent with the number? Yes; not only

consistent with it; but essential to it。 The maximum of life can

only be reached by the maximum of virtue。 In this respect the law

of human population differs wholly from that of animal life。 The

multiplication of animals is checked only by want of food; and by

the hostility of races; the population of the gnat is restrained

by the hunger of the swallow; and that of the swallow by the

scarcity of gnats。 Man; considered as an animal; is indeed

limited by the same laws: hunger; or plague; or war; are the

necessary and only restraints upon his increase;  effectual

restraints hitherto;  his principal study having been how most

swiftly to destroy himself; or ravage his dwelling…places; and

his highest skill directed to give range to the famine; seed to

the plague; and sway to the sword。 But; considered as other than

an animal; his increase is not limited by these laws。 It is

limited only by the limits of his courage and his love。 Both of

these have their bounds; and ought to have; his race has its

bounds also; but these have not yet been reached; nor will be

reached for ages。

    In all the ranges of human thought I know none so melancholy

as the speculations of political economists on the population

question。 It is proposed to better the condition of the labourer

by giving him higher wages。 〃Nay;〃 says the economist;  〃if you

raise his wages; he will either people down to the same point of

misery at which you found him; or drink your wages away。〃 He

will。 I know it。 Who gave him this will? Suppose it were your own

son of whom you spoke; declaring to me that you dared not take

him into your firm; nor even give him his just labourer's wages;

because if you did he would die of drunkenness; and leave half a

score of children to the parish。 〃Who gave your son these

dispositions?〃  I should enquire。 Has he them by inheritance or

by education? By one or other they must come; and as in him; so

also in the poor。 Either these poor are of a race essentially

different from ours; and unredeemable (which; however; often

implied; I have heard none yet openly say); or else by such care

as we have ourselves received; we may make them continent and

sober as ourselves…wise and dispassionate as we are models

arduous of imitation。 〃But;〃 it is answered; 〃they cannot receive

education。〃 Why not? That is precisely the point at issue。

Charitable persons suppose the worst fault of the rich is to

refuse the people meat; and the people cry for their meat; kept

back by fraud; to the Lord of Multitudes。(33*) Alas! it is not

meat of which the refusal is cruelest; or to which the claim is

validest。 The life is more than the meat。 The rich not only

refuse food to the poor; they refuse wisdom; they refuse virtue;

they refuse salvation。 Ye sheep without shepherd; it is not the

pasture that has been shut from you; but the Presence。 Meat!

perhaps your right to that may be pleadable; but other rights

have to be pleaded first。 Claim your crumbs from the table; if

you will; but claim them as children; not as dogs; claim your

right to be fed; but claim more loudly your right to be holy;

perfect; and pure。

    Strange words to be used of working people: 〃What! holy;

without any long robes nor anointing oils; these rough…jacketed;

rough…worded persons; set to nameless and dishonoured service?

Perfect!  these; with dim eyes and cramped limbs; and slowly

wakening minds? Pure  these; with sensual desire and grovelling

thought; foul of body; and coarse of soul?〃 It may be so;

nevertheless; such as they are; they are the holiest; perfectest;

purest persons the earth can at present show。 They may be what

you have said; but if so; they yet are holier than we; who have

left them thus。

    But what can be done for them? Who can clothe  who teach 

who restrain their multitudes? What end can there he for them at

last; but to consume one another?

    I hope for another end; though not; indeed; from any of the

three remedies for over…population commonly suggested by


    These three are; in brief  Colonization; Bringing in of

waste lands; or Discouragement of Marriage。

    The first and second of these expedients merely evade or

delay the question。 It will; indeed; be long before the world has

been all colonized; and its deserts all brought under

cultivation。 But the radical question is not how much habitable

land is in the world; but how many human beings ought to be

maintained on a given space of habitable land。

    Observe; I say; ought to be; not how many can be。 Ricardo;

with his usual inaccuracy; defines what he calls the 〃natural

rate of wages〃 as 〃that which will maintain the labourer。〃

Maintain him! yes; but how?  the question was instantly thus

asked of me by a working girl; to whom I read the passage。 I will

amplify her question for her。 〃Maintain him; how?〃 As; first; to

what length of life? Out of a given number of fed persons how

many are to be old  how many young; that is to say; will you

arrange their maintenance so as to kill them early  say at

thirty or thirty…five on the average; including deaths of weakly

or ill…fed children?  or so as to enable them to live out a

natural life? You will feed a greater number; in the first

case;(34*) by rapidity of succession; probably a happier number

in the second: which does Mr Ricardo mean to be their natural

state; and to which state belongs the natural rate of wages?

    Again: A piece of land which will only support ten idle;

ignorant; and improvident persons; will support thirty or forty

intelligent and industrious ones。 Which of these is their natural

state; and to which of them belongs the natural rate of wages?

    Again: If a piece of land support forty persons in

industrious ignorance; and if; tired of this ignorance; they set

apart ten of their number to study the properties of cones; and

the sizes of stars; the labour of these ten; being withdrawn from

the ground; must either tend to the increase of food in some

transitional manner; or the persons set apart for sidereal and

conic purposes must starve; or some one else starve instead of

them。 What is; therefore; the natural rate of wages of the

scientific persons; and how does this rate relate to; or measure;

their reverted or transitional productiveness?

    Again: If the ground maintains; at first; forty labourers in

a peaceable and pious state of mind; but they become in a few

years so quarrelsome and impious that they have to set apart

five; to meditate upon and settle their disputes;  ten; armed

to the teeth with costly instruments; to enforce the decisions;

and five to remind everybody in an eloquent manner of the

existence of a God; what will be the result upon the general

power of production; and what is the 〃natural rate of wages〃 of

the meditative; muscular; and oracular labourers?

    Leaving these questions to be discussed; or waived; at their

pleasure; by Mr Ricardo's followers; I proceed to state the main

facts bearing on that probable future of the labouring classes

which has been partially glanced at by Mr Mill。 That chapter and

the preceding one differ from the common writing of political

economists in admitting some value in the aspect of nature; and

expressing regret at the probability of the destruction of

natural scenery。 But we may spare our anxieties; on this head。

Men can neither drink steam; nor eat stone。 The maximum of

population on a given space of land implies also the relative

maximum of edible vegetable; whether for men or cattle; it

implies a maximum of pure air; and of pure water。 Therefore: a

maximum of wood; to transmute the air; and of sloping ground;

protected by herbage from the extreme heat of the sun; to feed

the streams。 All England may; if it so chooses; become one

manufacturing town; and Englishmen; sacrificing themselves to the

good of general
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