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almost anywhere.(2)For example,on the bus or train on the way home
from work.(3)A man will be reading the newspaper,seconds later it appears as if he
is trying to eat it.(4)Or he will
fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger sitting next to him.

(5)Another place where unplanned naps go on are in the lecture hall.(6)In some classes,a student will start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask
another student to shake the sleeper awake.(7)A more
embarrassing situation occurs when a student leans on one elbow and starting to
drift off to sleep.(8)The weight of
the head push the elbow off the desk,and this momentum carries the rest of the body along.(9)The student wakes up on the floor with no memory of how he got there.

(10)The worst time to fall asleep is when driving a car.(11)Police reports are full of accidents that occur when people conk out
and go off the road.(12)If the
drivers are lucky they are not seriously hurt.(13)One womans
car,for instance
went into the river.(14)She woke up
in four feet of water.(15)And thought
it was raining.(16)When people are really tired,nothing will stopthem from falling
asleep—no matter
where they are.

Exercise 22…2

Directions:pare the second version with the first one,and choose the correct answers from
the following choices(The exercise is mainly for sentence skills)

1.In sentence(2),                         2.In sentence(3),

a.missing ma                              a.run…on

b.missing apostrophe                         b.sentence fragment

c.sentence fragment                          c.mistake in subject…verb agreement

d.dangling modifier                           d.irregular verb mistake

3.In sentence(5),                         4.In sentence(7),

a.sentence fragment                          a.misplaced modifier

b.spelling error                                 b.dangling modifier

c.run…on                                          c.mistake in parallelism

d.mistake in subject…verb                   d.run…on


5.In sentenc(8),                           6.In sentence(11),

a.nonstandard English verb                a.irregular verb mistake

b.run…on                                          b.sentence fragment

c.ma mistake                              c.slang phrase

d.missing capital letter                       d.mistake in subject…verb agreement

7.In sentence(12),                       8.In sentence(13),

a.missing apostrophe                         a.mistake in parallelism

b.missing ma                              b.irregular verb mistake

c.irregular verb mistake                     c.missing apostrophe

d.sentence fragment                          d.missing capital letter

9.In sentence(13),                       10.In sentence(15),

a.missing ma around an               a.missing quotation mark


b.dangling modifier                           b.irregular verb mistake

c.run…on                                          c.sentence fragment

d.cliché                                            d.mistake in pronoun point of view


第二十三单元 如何用举例法推展篇章






4)Persuasion and argumentation(议论文)



23.1 举例法Examples


23.2 parison of Two Model Essays(两例范文的比较)


1)My Bad…Tempered Father


My father is easily angered by normal,everyday mistake.One day my father told me to wash the car and cut the grass.I did not hear exactly what he said,and so I asked him to repeat it.Then he went into a hysterical mood
and shouted,“Can't you

Another time he asked my mother to go to the store and buy groceries
with a fifty…dollar bill,and told her to spend no more than twenty dollars.She spent twenty…two dollars.As soon as he found out,he immediately grabbed the change
from her and shouted that she was never to do any errands for him again.He did not speak to her for the
rest of the day.

My father also gives my older brothers a hard time with his
irritable moods.One day,he told them to be home from their
dates by midnight;they came
home at 12∶15.He informed them that they were
grounded for three weeks.

To my father,making a simple mistake is like miting a severe crime.


2)My Generous Grandfather


My grandfather is the most generous person I know.He has given up a life of his own
in order to give his grandchildren everything they want.Not only has he given up many years
of his life to raise his children properly,but he is now sacrificing many more years to his grandchildren.

His generosity is also evident in his relationship with his
colleagues,neighbors and
friends.He has been
responsible for many good deeds and has always been there to help all the
people around him in times of trouble.Everyone knows that he will gladly lend a helping hand.

He is so generous that you almost have to feel sorry for him.If one day he suddenly became
selfish,it would be
earthshaking.That's my

23.3 Analysis of the Two Model Essays(两例范文的分析)

The first passage is more effective,for it offers specific examples that show us the father in action.We see for ourselves why the writer
describes the father as bad…tempered.It also uses transitional phrases or sentence to organize the
passange more clearly and logically.Using“one day”,the writer introduces us the first
example of his father's hot temper;“Another time”indicates the second example and the transitional sentence“My father also gives my older
brothers a hard time with his irritable moods”indicates another example will follow.It is the supporting examples and the transitional devices that make
the passage more effective and coherent.

The second writer,on the other hand,gives us no specific evidence.The writer tells us repeatedly that the grandfather is generous but
never shows us examples of that generosity.Just how,for instance,did the grandfather sacrifice his life for his children and
grandchildren?Did the
grandfather hold two jobs so that his soncould go to college,or so that his daughter could
finish her education?Does he give up time with his wife and friends to travel every day
to his daughter's house to baby sit,go to the store,and help with the dishes?We need to judge for ourselves whether the writer is making a valid
point about the grandfather,but with out specific details we cannot do so.In fact,we have almost no picture of the
grandfather at all.

Writing Assignment for Unit 23

Directions:Write a short passage of the title“My Sweet…Tempered Mother according to the given topic sentence.

Remember to provide specific details to illustrate your point and
use transitional words or phrases to make your writing more clearly and
coherently.You may write
your passage on the good qualities of a person by using some of the descriptive
words listed below.They are only suggestions,you can write about other qualities as well.

honest                hardworking         supportive           modest

open…minded       considerate           independent         good…humoured

cooperative         energetic              disciplined           patient

generous            trustworthy          neat                    courageous

ambitious            soft…hearted          reliable                unpretentious

My mother is the most sweet…tempered person I know.




第二十四单元 如何用比较与对照法推展篇章


24.1 parison and Contrast(比较与对照)

Often we may want to describe several aspects of two subjects that
have both similarities and differences.When we pare two things,we show how they are similar;when we contrast two things,we show how they are different.We may pare or contrast two schools,two cars,two friends,two jobs,two cities,etc..For this
purpose,we may employ
the bined techniques of parison and contrast.In writing the essay,you should always bear two
important decisions in mind:①Whether you are to do a parison,a contrast,or a mixture,or②Whether you
are to use an item…to…item(逐事比较)or point…to…point(逐点比较)method of development(both have been explained and illustrated in Unit14)

Model Essay 24…1

Shanghai and New York are two of the biggest cities in the world.They are different in some ways,but they are similar in some other

Shanghai is one of the most densely populated cities in Asia,and New York is one of the most
densely populated cities in North America.The population of Shanghai is homogenous,but thepopulation of New York is
heterogeneous.The people in
Shanghai speak Chinese;the people in New York speak English instead.The cost of living in Shanghai is
generally low in parison with that in New York.While the people in Shanghai take buses or ride bikes to go to work,the people in New York drive cars
or take subways to get to work.The people in Shanghai use fans to keep cool,where as the people in Ne
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