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tuation梬ell under control; but deep inside; Dantrag almost hoped that she did not; hoped that his fight with Drizzt would be thrust upon him。 He felt his sentient sword's agreement with that thought; felt a wave of vicious hunger emanate from the weapon。

Dantrag let his thoughts continue down that path。 He would carry the slain renegade's body in to his mother at the high ritual; would let her and the other matron mothers (and Uthegental Armgo; who sat in the audience) witness the result of his prowess。

The thought was not an unpleasant one。

〃Head first;〃 Catti…brie mouthed silently as the panions came up into the main level within the marble cylinder。 Guenhwyvar crouched in front of her; ready to spring; Drizzt and Entreri stood to either side of the cat; weapons drawn。 Catti…brie bent back Taulmaril。

A high…ranking drow soldier; a female; stood right before the opening as the marble door slid aside。 Wide went her red eyes; and she threw her hands up before her。

Catti…brie's arrow blew right through the meager defense; blew right through the female; and took down the drow behind her as well。 Guenhwyvar leaped in the arrow's wake; easily clearing the two falling dark elves and barreling into a host of others; scattering them all across the circular room。

Out went Drizzt and Entreri; one on either side of the opening; their flashing weapons leading。 They came back into Catti…brie's line of sight almost immediately; both of them bearing suddenly blood…stained blades。

Catti…brie fired again; right between them; pounding a


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hole in the fleshy drow wall blocking the entrance to the exit corridor。 Then she leaped out; between her panions; with Drizzt and Entreri doing equally brilliant sword work on either side of her。 She fired again; nailing a drow to one of the side doors in the circular room。 Entreri's dagger bit hard into a drow heart; Drizzt's scimitars crossed up an opponent's attack routine; then countered; one over the other in opposing; diagonal; downward swipes; drawing a neat X on the draw's throat。

But this was Guenhwyvar's show。 Inside the crowded room; nothing in all the world could have created more general havoc and panic than six hundred pounds of snarling; clawing fury。 Guenhwyvar dashed this way and that; swiping one drow on the backside; tripping up another with a bite to the ankle。 The cat actually killed no dark elves in that wild rush through the room and into the corridor; but left many wounded; and many more fleeing; terrified; in its wake。

Catti…brie was first into the corridor。

〃Shoot the damned door!〃 Entreri cried to her; but she needed no prodding and put the first and second arrows away before the assassin even finished the mand。 Soon she could hardly even see the door for the blazing shower of sparks igniting all about it梑ut what she could make out continued to appear solid。

〃Open; oh; open!〃 the young woman shouted; thinking that they were going to be trapped in the corridor。 Once the chaos in the room behind them subsided; their enemies would overwhelm them。 Just to accentuate Catti…brie's fears; the corridor suddenly went black。

Good fortune alone saved them; for the woman's next shot struck one of the opening mechanisms within the door; and up it slid。 Still running blindly; Catti…brie stumbled out into the Baenre pound; Drizzt and Entreri; and then Guenhwyvar; ing fast behind。

They saw the streaks of glowing house emblems; leaving a residual trail of light as several lizard…riders swarmed to the area of the motion。 The panions had to make their choice immediately; as crossbow quarrels clicked off the stone around them。 Entreri took up the lead。 His first


Starless Night

thought was to go for the fence; but he realized that the three of them; with only one spider mask; could not get past that barrier in time。 He ran to the right; around the side of the great mound。 It was an uneven wall; for the structure was really a tight cluster of several huge stalagmites。 Catti…brie and Drizzt came right behind; but Guenhwyvar pivoted pletely about just outside the doorway; and rushed back in; scattering the closest pursuing dark elves。

Entreri's mind worked furiously; trying to remember the general layout of the huge pound; trying to discern how many guards were likely on duty; and where they were all normally located。 The immense house grounds covered nearly half a mile in one direction and a quarter of a mile in the other; and many of the guards; if Entreri chose correctly; would never get near the fighting。

It seemed as if all the drow of the house were about them now; though; a mounting frenzy on all sides of the escaping prisoners。

〃There's nowhere to go!〃 Catti…brie cried。 A javelin slammed the stone just above her head; and she swung about; Taulmaril ready。 The enemy dark elf was already moving; diving out of sight behind a mound near the fence; but Catti…brie let fly anyway。 The magical arrow skipped off the stone and slammed the fence; disintegrating into a tremendous shower of silver and purple sparks。 For a moment; the woman dared to hope that luck had shown her a way to blow through the barrier; but when the sparks cleared; she realized that the strand of the mighty fence wasn't even scratched。

Catti…brie hesitated for a moment to consider the shot; but Drizzt slammed roughly against her back; forcing her to run on。

Around another bend went the assassin; only to find that many drow were ing at them from the other direction。 With enemies so close; to run out into the open pound would have been suicide; and they could go neither forward nor back the way they had e。 Entreri rushed forward anyway; then cut a sharp right; leaping up onto the mound; onto a narrow; ascending walkway used mostly by the goblin slaves the Baenre family had put to work


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sculpting the outside of the gorgeous palace。

The ledge was not difficult for the assassin; who was used to running along the high; narrow gutters of the great houses of southern cities。 Neither was it difficult for Drizzt; so agile and balanced。 If Catti…brie had found the time to pause a moment and consider her course; though; she likely would not have been able to go on。 They were running up a path a foot and a half wide; open on one side (to an increasingly deep drop) and with an uneven wall on the other。 But the dark elves were not far behind; and none of the fugitives had time to consider his or her course。 Catti…brie not only paced Entreri step for step; but she managed to fire off a couple of shots into the pound below; just to keep her enemies scrambling for cover。

Entreri thought that they had met an obstacle when he rounded a bend to find two stupidly staring goblin workers。 The terrified slaves wanted no part of any fight; though; and they dove over the edge of the walkway; sliding the bumpy ride down the side of the mound。

Around the next bend the assassin spotted a wide and decorated balcony; five feet to the side of the continuing walkway。 Entreri leaped onto it; seeing a better carved stairway ascending from that point。

As soon as he landed; two dark elves burst out of doors set in the back of the balcony; against the mound。 A silver…streaking arrow greeted the first; blowing her back into the carved room; and Entreri made short work of the other; finishing her before Drizzt and Catti…brie had even leaped across to join him。

Then came Guenhwyvar; the panther flying past the three surprised panions to take up the lead along the stairway。

Higher and higher went the panions; fifty feet; a hundred feet; two hundred feet; off the ground。 Huffing and puffing; the tired group ran on; having no choice。 Finally; after they had put a thousand feet below them; the huge stalagmite became a stalactite; and the stair gave way to horizontal walkways; connecting many of the larger hanging stones over the Baenre pound。

A group of drow charged along the walkway from the


Starless Night

other direction; cutting off the panions。 The dark elves fired their hand…crossbows as they came; into the great panther as Guenhwyvar flattened its ears and charged。 Darts stung the cat; pumping their poison; but Guenhwyvar would not be stopped。 Realizing this; the trailing members of the group turned and fled; and some of those caught too close to the cat simply leaped over the side of the railed walkway; using their innate powers of levitation to keep them aloft。

Catti…brie immediately hit one of them with an arrow; the force of the impact spinning the dying drow over and over in midair; to hang grotesquely at a diagonal; upside…down angle; lines of his blood running freely from the wound to scatter like rain on the stone floor many hundreds of feet below。 The other levitating dark elves; realizing how vulnerable they were; quickly dropped from sight。

Guenhwyvar buried the remaining elves on the walkway。 Entreri came right behind and finished off those wounded drow left broken in the fierce panther's wake。 Entreri looked back to his panions and gave a determined shout; seeing running room ahead of them。

Catti…brie responded in kind; but Drizzt kept silent。 He knew better than the others how much trouble he and his friends were really in。 Many of the Baenre drow could likely levitate; an ability that Drizzt had for some reason lost after he had spent some time on the surface。 The Baenre soldiers would be up all along the walkways before long; hiding among the stalactites with their hand…crossbows ready。

The walkway came to another stalactite and split both ways around the structure。 Guenhwyvar went left; Entreri

right…Suspecting an ambush; the assassin rushed around the bend in a slide on his knees。 A single drow was waiting for him; arm extended。 The dark elf snapped the hand…crossbow down as soon as she saw the assassin ing in low。 She fired but missed; and Entreri's sword punctured her side。 Up came the assassin in a flourish。 Having no time for any extended battles; Entreri used his prodding sword as leverage and heaved the female over the railing。

Drizzt and Catti…brie heard a roar and saw a dark elf;


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swatted by the panther; go tumbling away on the left as well。 Catti…brie started that 
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