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Drizzt and Catti…brie heard a roar and saw a dark elf;


R。 A。 Salvatore

swatted by the panther; go tumbling away on the left as well。 Catti…brie started that way to follow; but heard a whistle from behind and looked over her shoulder just as Drizzt's tattered green cloak waved in the air。 The woman reflexively ducked; then stood staring at a crossbow dart that had tangled up in the thick cloth; a crossbow dart that had been aimed at the back of her head。

Drizzt dropped the cloak and skipped to Catti…brie's side; affording her a fine view of the walkway behind them and the group of drow fast approaching。

On the narrow walkway; there was no better weapon in all the world than Taulmaril。

Streak after streak flashed down the length; killing and wounding several drow。 Catti…brie thought she could keep up the attack indefinitely; until all the pursuing enemies were slain; but suddenly Drizzt grabbed her by the shoulders and heaved her to the side; falling flat with her under him halfway around the round stalactite。

A lightning bolt slammed the stone; right where they had been standing; showering them both with multicolored sparks。

〃Damn wizard!〃 the fiery woman shouted。 She came up on one knee and fired again; thinking she had located the mage。 Her arrow dove for the approaching group; but hit some magical barrier and exploded into nothingness。

〃Damn wizard!〃 Catti…brie cried again; then she was running; pulled on by Drizzt。

The walkway beyond the stalactite was clear; and the panions far outdistanced those pursuing; as the dark elves had to be wary of any ambush near the pillar。

Many intersecting walkways; a virtual maze above the great pound; presented themselves; and very few Baenre soldiers were anywhere to be seen。 Again it seemed as though the friends had some running room; but where could they go? The entire cavern of Menzoberranzan was opened wide before them; below them; but the walkways ended far short of the perimeter of the Baenre pound in every direction; and few stalactites hung low enough to join with the great stalagmite mounds that might have offered them a way to get back to the ground。


Starless Night

Guenhwyvar; apparently sharing those confused thoughts; fell back into the group; and Entreri again took up the lead。 He soon came to a fork in the walkway and looked back to Drizzt for guidance; but the drow only shrugged。 Both of the seasoned warriors realized that the defenses were fast organizing around them。

They came to another stalactite pillar and followed a ringing walkway ascending its curving side。 They found a door; for this one pillar was hollowed; but there was only a single; empty room inside梟o place to hide。 At the top of the ascending ring; the bridging walkways continued on in two directions。 Entreri started left; then stopped abruptly and fell flat to his back。

A javelin soared just over him; hitting and sinking into the stone stalactite right in front of Catti…brie's face。 The young woman stared at it as writhing black tentacles arched along its quivering length; crackling and biting at the rock。 Catti…brie could only imagine what pains that evil…looking enchantment might cause。

〃Lizard…riders;〃 Drizzt whispered into her ear; pulling her along once more。 Catti…brie looked all about for a shot and heard the scuttling feet of subterranean lizards as they ran along the cavern's ceiling。 But in the dimly lit view afforded her by her magical circlet; she made out no clear targets。

〃Drizzt Do'Urden!〃 came a cry from a lower; parallel walkway。 Drizzt stopped and looked that way; to see Berg'inyon Baenre on his lizard; hanging under the closest edge of the stone walkway and readying a javelin。 The young Baenre's throw was remarkable; given the distance and his curious angle; but still the weapon fell short。

Catti…brie responded with a shot as the rider darted back under the stone bridge; her arrow skimming the stone and flying freely to the ground so very far below。

〃That was a Baenre;〃 Drizzt explained to her; 〃a dangerous one indeed!〃

〃Was;〃 Catti…brie replied evenly; and she took up her bow and fired again; this time aiming for the center of the lower bridge。 The magical arrow burrowed through the stone; and there came a shriek。


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Berg'inyon fell free from below the bridge; and his dead lizard tumbled after。 Out of the panions' sight; the young noble enacted his levitational powers and turned about in the air; slowly descending to the cavern floor。

Drizzt kissed Catti…brie on the cheek in admiration of the remarkable shot。 Then they ran on; after Entreri and Guenhwyvar。 Around the next stalactite; the two saw Entreri and the cat bury another dark elf。

It all seemed so hopeless; though; to no avail。 They could keep scoring minor victories for hours on end and not deplete the resources of House Baenre。 Even worse; sooner or later the pound's defense would organize fully; and the matron mother and high priestesses; and probably more than a few powerful wizards as well; would e out of the domed chapel to join in the chase。

They climbed a walkway ringing another stalactite; going to the highest worked levels of the cavern。 Still there were drow above them; they knew; hiding in the shadows; on their lizard mounts; carefully picking their shots。

Guenhwyvar stopped suddenly and sprang straight up; disappearing into a cluster of hanging stones fully twenty…five feet above the walkway。 Back down came the mighty panther; raking and gouging the lizard it brought along。 The two crashed to the stone walkway; rolling and biting; and for a moment; Drizzt thought that Guenhwyvar would surely go over the side。

Entreri skidded to a stop a safe distance from the bat…tfing beasts; but the ranger sprang beyond him; putting his scimitars to deadly work on the entangled lizard。

Catti…brie had wisely kept her stare upward; and when a drow drifted slowly out of the stalactite cluster; Taulmaril was waiting。 The dark elf fired his hand…crossbow and missed; the quarrel skipping off the bridge behind her; Catti…brie responded and blew the tip off a stalactite just to the side of the drow。

The drow realized immediately that he could not win against the woman and that deadly bow。 He scrambled along the stalactites; kicking off them and flying along the cavern's ceiling。 Another arrow cracked into the stone; not so far behind; and then another blew out the hanging stone


Starless Night

right in front of him; just as he went to grab at it。

The levitating drow was stuck with no handholds; hanging in midair twenty feet up and now a few dozen feet to the side of the walkway。 He should have released his levi…tation spell and dropped for the ground; recalling the magical energies when he was far below Catti…brie's level。 He went up instead; seeking the safety of the nooks in the uneven ceiling。

Catti…brie took deadly aim and let fly。 The streaking arrow drove right through the doomed drow and thundered up into the ceiling above; disappearing into the stone。 A split second later; there came another explosion from above; from somewhere above the cavern roof。

Catti…brie stared curiously; trying to decipher the meaning of that second blast。


Chapter 25


atron Baenre swelled with pride as the ritual continued; undisturbed by the events in the pound。 She did not know that Dantrag and Berg'inyon had gone out from the chapel; did not know that her vicious Duk…Tak was dead; slain by the very renegade Matron Baenre hoped to soon present before the other ruling matron mothers。

All that Matron Baenre knew was the sweet taste of power。 She had brought together the most powerful alliance in recent drow history; with herself at its head。 She had out…maneuvered K'yorl Odran; always a clever one; and had virtually cowed Mez'Barris Armgo; the second most influential drow in all the city。 Lloth was smiling brightly on the matron mother of House Baenre; she believed。

All she heard was the singing; and not the sounds of battle; and all she saw; looking up; was die magnificent illusion of the Spider Queen; going through its perpetual shift from arachnid to drow and back to arachnid。 How could she; or any of the others; watching that specter with similar awe; know of the raging fight nearly a thousand feet above


Starless Night

the roof of that domed chapel; along the bridged stalactites of House Baenre?

* * * ?*

〃A tunnel!〃 Catti…brie cried to Drizzt。 She grabbed him by the shoulder and turning him toward the still…levitating dead drow。

Drizzt looked at her as though he did not understand。

〃Up above!〃 she cried。 Catti…brie brought her bow up and fired again into the general area。 The arrow slammed into the base of a stalactite; but did not go through。

〃If s up there; I tell ye!〃 the young woman exclaimed。 〃Another tunnel; above the cavern!〃

Drizzt looked doubtfully to the area。 He did not question Catti…brie's claim; but he had no idea of how they might get to this supposed tunnel。 The closest walkway was fully a dozen feet from the area; and to get to that walkway; though it was barely thirty feet away from and a few feet higher than their current position; the panions would have to take a roundabout route; many hundreds of yards of running。

〃What is it?〃 cried Entreri; rushing back to join his hesitating panions。 Looking past them; back down the walkway; the assassin saw the forms of many gathering drow。

〃There may be a tunnel above us;〃 Drizzt quickly explained。

Entreri's scowl showed that he hardly believed the information valuable; but his doubts only spurred Catti…brie on。 Up came her bow and off flew the arrows; one after another; all aimed for the base of that stubborn stalactite。

A fireball exploded on their walkway; not far behind them; and the whole bridge shuddered as the metal and stone in the area of the blast melted and shifted; threatening to break apart。

Catti…brie spun about and let fly two quick shots; killing one drow and driving the others back behind the protection of the closest supporting stalactite。 From somewhere in the darkness ahead; Guenhwyvar growled and crossbows clicked。


R。 A。 Salvatore

〃We must be off!〃 Entreri 
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