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re joined。〃

   Catti…brie's look went from surprise to incredulity。 She couldn't believe Drizzt would demand this of her! She had spent days?weeks!梐lone in the mountains; practicing with this sword; connecting with its unnatural intelligence; trying to establish a bond。

   〃Have you forgotten our encounter?〃 Drizzt asked; somewhat cruelly。 Catti…brie blushed a deep red。 Indeed; she had not forgotten; and never would; and what a fool she felt when she realized how she梠r at least how her sword; using her body梙ad thrown herself at Drizzt。

   〃Give me the sword;〃 Drizzt said firmly; waving Twinkle's hilt before the stunned young woman。 〃It is right that we are joined。〃

   Catti…brie clutched Khazid'hea defensively。 She closed her eyes then; and seemed to sway; and Drizzt got the impression she was muning with the blade; hearing its feelings。

   When she opened her eyes once more; Drizzt's free hand moved for the sword; and; to the drow's surprise and satisfaction; the sword tip came up suddenly; nicking his hand and forcing him back。

   〃The sword does not want ye!〃 Catti…brie practically growled。

   〃You would strike me?〃 Drizzt asked; and his question calmed the young woman。

   〃Just a reaction;〃 she stammered; trying to apologize。

   Just a reaction; Drizzt silently echoed; but exactly the reaction he had hoped to see。 The sword was willing to defend her right to wield it; the sword had rejected him in light of its rightful owner。

   In the blink of an eye; Drizzt flipped Twinkle over and replaced it on his belt。 His smile clued Catti…brie to the truth of the encounter。

   〃A test;〃 she said。 〃Ye just gived me a test!〃

   〃It was necessary。〃

   〃Ye never had any mind to take Khazid'hea;〃 the woman went on; her volume rising with her ire。 〃Even if I'd taken yer offer。。。〃

   〃I would have taken the sword;〃 Drizzt answered honestly。 〃And I would have placed it on display in a secure place in the Hall of Dumathoin。〃

   〃And ye would have taken back Twinkle;〃 Catti…brie huffed。

   〃Ye lyin' drow!〃

   Drizzt considered the words; then shrugged and nodded his agreement with the reasoning。

   Catti…brie gave an impertinent pout and tossed her head; which sent her auburn mane flying over her shoulder。 〃The sword just knows now that I'm the better fighter;〃 she said; sounding sincere。

   Drizzt laughed aloud。

   〃Draw yer blades; then!〃 Catti…brie huffed; falling back into a ready posture。 〃Let me show ye what me and me sword can do!〃

   Drizzt's smile was wide as his scimitars came into his hands。 These would be the last and most crucial tests; he knew; to see if Catti…brie had truly taken control of the sword。

   Metal rang out in the clear morning air; the two friends hopping about for position; their breath blowing clouds in the chill air。 Soon after the sparring had begun; Drizzt's guard slipped; presenting Catti…brie with a perfect strike。

   In came Khazid'hea; but it stopped far short; and the young woman jumped back。 〃Ye did that on purpose!〃 she accused; and she was right; and by not going for a vicious hit; she and her sword had passed the second test。

   Only one test to go。

   Drizzt said nothing as he went back into his crouch。 He wasn't wearing the bracers; Catti…brie noticed; and so he wouldn't likely be off balance。 She came on anyway; gladly and fiercely; and put up a fine fight as the sun broke clear of the horizon and began its slow climb into the eastern sky。

   She couldn't match the drow; though; and; in truth; hadn't seen Drizzt fight with this much vigor in a long time。 When the sparring ended; Catti…brie was sitting on her rump; a scimitar resting easily atop each of her shoulders and her own sword lying on the ground several feet away。

   Drizzt feared that the sentient sword would be outraged that its wielder had been so clearly beaten。 He stepped away from Catti…brie and went to Khazid'hea first; bending low to scoop it up。 The drow paused; though; his hand just an inch from the pommel。

   No longer did Khazid'hea wear the pommel of a unicorn; nor even the fiendish visage it had taken when in the hands of Dantrag Baenre。 That pommel resembled a sleek feline body now; something like Guenhwyvar running flat out; legs extended front and back。

   More important to Drizzt; though; there was a rune inscribed on the side of that feline; the twin mountains; symbol of Dumathoin; the dwarven god; Catti…brie's god; the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain。

   Drizzt picked up Khazid'hea; and felt no enmity or any of the desire the sword had previously shown him。 Catti…brie was beside him; then; smiling in regard to his obvious approval of her choice for a pommel。

   Drizzt handed Khazid'hea back to its rightful owner。

Chapter 14


   Baenre felt strong again。 Lloth was back; and Lloth was with her; and K'yorl Odran; that wretched K'yorl; had badly erred。 Always before; the Spider Queen had kept House Oblodra in her favor; even though the so…called 〃priestesses〃 of the house were not pious and sometimes openly expressed their disdain for Lloth。 These strange powers of the Oblodrans; this psionic strength; had intrigued Lloth as much as it had frightened the other houses in Menzoberranzan。 None of those houses wanted a war against K'yorl and her clan; and Lloth hadn't demanded one。 If Menzoberranzan was ever attacked from the outside; particularly from the illithids; whose cavern lair was not so far away; K'yorl and the Oblodrans would be of great help。

   But no more。 K'yorl had crossed over a very dangerous line。 She had murdered a matron mother; and; while that in itself was not unmon; she had intended to usurp power from Lloth's priestesses; and not in the name of the Spider Queen。

   Matron Baenre knew all of this; felt the will and strength of Lloth within her。 〃The Time of Troubles has passed;〃 she announced to her family; to everyone gathered in her house; in the nearly repaired chapel。

   Mez'Barris Armgo was there as well; in a seat of honor on the central dais; at Matron Baenre's personal invitation。

   Matron Baenre took the seat next to the matron mother of the second house as the gathered crowd exploded in cheers; and then; led by Triel; in song to the Spider Queen。

   Ended? Mez'Barris asked of Baenre; using the silent hand code; for they could not have been heard above the roar of two thousand Baenre soldiers。

   The Time of Troubles has ended; Baenre's delicate fingers responded。

   Except for House Oblodra; Mez'Barris reasoned; to which Baenre only chuckled wickedly。 It was no secret in Menzoberranzan that House Oblodra was in serious trouble。 No secret indeed; for the tanar'ri and other fiends continued to circle the Oblodran pound; plucking kobolds from the ledges along the Clawrift; even attacking with abandon any Oblodran who showed herself。

   K'yorl will be forgiven? Mez'Barris asked; popping up her left thumb at the end of the code to indicate a question。

   Matron Baenre shook her head once briskly; then pointedly looked away; to Triel; who was leading the gathering in rousing prayers to the Spider Queen。

   Mez'Barris tapped a long; curving fingernail against her teeth nervously; wondering how Baenre could be so secure in this decision。 Did Baenre plan to go after House Oblodra alone; or did she mean to call Barrison del'Armgo into yet another alliance? Mez'Barris did not doubt that her house and House Baenre could crush House Oblodra; but she wasn't thrilled at the prospect of tangling with K'yorl and those unexplored powers。

   Methil; invisible and standing off to the side of the dais; read the visiting matron mother's thoughts easily; and then; in turn; imparted them to Matron Baenre。

   〃It is the will of Lloth;〃 Matron Baenre said sharply; turning back to regard Mez'Barris。 〃K'yorl has denounced the Spider Queen; and; thus; she will be punished。〃

   〃By the Academy; as is the custom?〃 Mez'Barris asked; and hoped。

   A fiery sparkle erupted behind Matron Baenre's red…glowing eyes。 〃By me;〃 she answered bluntly; and turned away again; indicating that Mez'Barris would garner no further information。

   Mez'Barris was wise enough not to press the point。 She slumped back in her chair; trying to sort out this surprising; disturbing information。 Matron Baenre had not declared that an alliance of houses would attack Oblodra; she had declared a personal war。 Did she truly believe she could defeat K'yorl? Or were those fiends; even the great tanar'ri; more fully under her control than Mez'Barris had been led to believe? That notion scared the matron mother of Barrison del'Armgo more than a little; for; if it were true; what other 〃punishments〃 might the angry and ambitious Matron Baenre hand out?

   Mez'Barris sighed deeply and let the thoughts pass。 There was little she could do now; sitting in the chapel of House Baenre; surrounded by two thousand Baenre soldiers。 She had to trust in Baenre; she knew。

   No; she silently corrected herself; not trust; never that。 Mez'Barris had to hope Matron Baenre would think she was more valuable to the cause梬hatever it might now be梐live than dead。


   Seated atop a blue…glowing driftdisk; Matron Baenre herself led the procession from House Baenre; down from the Qu'ellarz'orl and across the city; her army singing Lloth's praises every step。 The Baenre lizard riders; Berg'inyon in mand; flanked the main body; sweeping in and around the other house pounds to ensure that no surprises would block the trail。

   It was a necessary precaution whenever the first matron mother went out; but Matron Baenre did not fear any ambush; not now。 With the exception of Mez'Barris Armgo; no others had been told of the Baenre march; and certainly the lesser houses; either alone or in unison; would not dare to strike at the first house unless the attack had been perfectly coordinated。

   From the opposite end of the great cavern came another procession; also led by a Baenre。 Triel; Gromph; and the other mistresses and masters of the drow Academy came from their structures; leading their students; every one。 Normally it was this very force; the powerful Academy; that exacted punishment on an in
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