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erdark; that was no small event。

   One drow wizard; intent on a lightning bolt that would defeat the nearest enemies; interrupted his spell and enacted a globe of darkness instead; aiming it at the tip of the sun as it peeked over the horizon; thinking to blot out the light。 The spell went off and did nothing more than a put a black dot in the air a long way off; and as the wizard squinted against the glare; wondering what he might try next; those defenders closest charged in and cut him down。

   Another drow battling a dwarf had his opponent all but beaten。 So intent was he on the kill that he hardly noticed the ing dawn梪ntil the tip of the sun broke the horizon; sending a line of light; a line of agony; to sensitive drow eyes。 Blinded and horrified; the dark elf whipped his weapons in a frenzy; but he never got close to hitting the mark。

   Then he felt a hot explosion across his ribs。

   All these dark elves had seen things in the normal spectrum of light before; but not so clearly; not in such intense light; not with colors so rich and vivid。 They had heard of the terrible sunshine桞erg'inyon had witnessed a dawn many years before; had watched it over his shoulder as he and his drow raiding party fled back for the safe darkness of the lower tunnels。 Now the weapon master and his charges did not know what to expect。 Would the infernal sun burn them as it blinded them? They had been told by their elders that it would not; but had been warned they would be more vulnerable in the sunlight; that their enemies would be bolstered by the brightness。

   Berg'inyon called his forces into tight battle formations and tried to regroup。 They could still win; the weapon master knew; though this latest development would cost many drow lives。 Dark elves could fight blindly; but what Berg'inyon feared here was more than a loss of vision。 It was a loss of heart。 The rays slanting down from the mountains were beyond his and his troops' experience。 And as frightening as it had been to walk under the canopy of unreachable stars; this event; this sunrise; was purely terrifying。

   Berg'inyon quickly conferred with his wizards; tried to see if there was some way they could counteract the dawn。 What he learned instead distressed him as much as the infernal light。 The drow wizards in Keeper's Dale had eyes also in other places; and from those far…seeing mages came the initial whispers that dark elves were deserting in the lower tunnels; that those drow who had been stopped in the tunnels near the eastern door had retreated from Mithril Hall and had fled to the deeper passages on the eastern side of Fourthpeak。 Berg'inyon understood that information easily enough; those drow were already on the trails leading back to Menzoberranzan。

   Berg'inyon could not ignore the reports' implications。 Any alliance between dark elves was tentative; and the weapon master could only guess at how widespread the desertion might be。 Despite the dawn; Berg'inyon believed his force would win in Keeper's Dale and would breach the western door; but suddenly he had to wonder what they would find in Mithril Hall once they got there。

   Matron Baenre and their allies? King Bruenor and the renegade; Drizzt; and a host of dwarves ready to fight? The thought did not sit well with the worried weapon master。

   Thus; it was not greater numbers that won the day in Keeper's Dale。 It was not the courage of Berkthgar or Besnell; or the ferocity of Belwar and his gnomes; or the wisdom of Stumpet Rakingclaw。 It was the dawn and the distrust among the enemy ranks; the lack of cohesion and the very real fear that supporting forces would not arrive; for every drow soldier; from Berg'inyon to the lowest moner; understood that their allies would think nothing of leaving them behind to be slaughtered。

   Berg'inyon Baenre was not questioned by any of his soldiers when he gave the order to leave Keeper's Dale。 The lizard riders; still more than three hundred strong; rode out to the rough terrain of the north; their sticky…footed mounts leaving enemies and allies alike far behind。

   The very air of Keeper's Dale tingled from the tragedy and the excitement; but the sounds of battle died away to an eerie stillness; shattered occasionally by a cry of agony。 Berkthgar the Bold stood tall and firm; with Stumpet Rakingclaw and Terrien Doucard; the new leader of the Knights in Silver; flanking him; and their victorious soldiers waiting; tensed; behind them。

   Ten feet away; Belwar Dissengulp stood point for the depleted svirfneblin ranks。 The most honored burrow warden held his strong arms out before him; cradling the body of noble Firble; one of many svirfnebli who had died this day; so far from; but in defense of; their home。

   They did not know what to make of each other; this almost…seven…foot barbarian; and the gnome who was barely half his height。 They could not talk to each other; and had no prehensible signs of friendship to offer。

   They found their only mon ground among the bodies of hated enemies and beloved friends; piled thick in Keeper's Dale。


   Faerie fire erupted along Drizzt's arms and legs; outlining him as a better target。 He countered by dropping a globe of darkness over himself; an attempt to steal the enemy's advantage of three…to…one odds。

   Out snapped the ranger's scimitars; and he felt a strange urge from one; not from Twinkle; but from the other blade; the one Drizzt had found in the lair of the dragon Dracos Icingdeath; the blade that had been forged as a bane to creatures of fire。

   The scimitar was hungry; Drizzt had not felt such an urge from it since 。。。

   He parried the first attack and groaned; remembering the other time his scimitar had revealed its hunger; when he had battled the balor Errtu。 Drizzt knew what this meant。

   Baenre had brought friends。


   Catti…brie fired another arrow; straight at the withered old matron mother's laughing visage。 Again the enchanted arrow merely erupted into a pretty display of useless sparks。 The young woman turned to flee; as Drizzt had ordered。 She grabbed her father; meaning to pull him along。

   Bruenor wouldn't budge。 He looked to Baenre and knew she was the source。 He looked at Baenre and convinced himself that she had personally killed his boy。 Then Bruenor looked past Baenre; to the old dwarf。 Somehow Bruenor knew that dwarf。 In his heart; the eighth king of Mithril Hall recognized the patron of his clan; though he could not consciously make the connection。

   〃Run!〃 Catti…brie yelled at him; taking him temporarily from his thoughts。 Bruenor glanced at her; then looked behind; back down the tunnel。

   He heard fighting in the distance; from somewhere behind them。

   Quenthel's spell went off then; and a wall of fire sprang up in the narrow tunnel; cutting off retreat。 That didn't bother determined Bruenor much; not now。 He shrugged himself free of Catti…brie's hold and turned back to face Baenre梚n his own mind; to face the evil dark elf who had killed his boy。

   He took a step forward。

   Baenre laughed at him。


   Drizzt parried and struck; then; using the cover of the darkness globe; quick…stepped to the side; too quickly for the dark elf ing in at his back to realize the shift。 She bored in and struck hard; hitting the same drow that Drizzt had just wounded; finishing her。

   Hearing the movement; Drizzt came right back; both his blades whirling。 To the female's credit; she registered the countering move in time to parry the first attack; the second and the third; even the fourth。

   But Drizzt did not relent。 He knew his fury was a dangerous thing。 There remained one more enemy in the darkness globe; and for Drizzt to press against a single opponent so forcefully left him vulnerable to the other。 But the ranger knew; too; that his friends sorely needed him; that every moment he spent engaged with these warriors gave the powerful priestesses time to destroy them all。

   The ranger's fifth attack; a wide…arcing left; was cleanly picked off; as was the sixth; a straightforward right thrust。 Drizzt pressed hard; would not relinquish the offensive。 He knew; and the female knew; that her only hope would be in her lone remaining ally。

   A stifled scream; followed by the growl of a panther ended that hope。

   Drizzt's fury increased; and the female continued to fall back; stumbling now in the darkness; suddenly afraid。 And in that moment of fear; she banged her head hard against a low stalactite; an obstacle her keen drow senses should have detected。 She shook off the blow and managed to straighten her posture; throwing one sword out in front to block another of the ranger's furious thrusts。

   She missed。

   Drizzt didn't; and Twinkle split the fine drow armor and dove deep into the female's lung。

   Drizzt yanked the blade free and spun about。

   His darkness globe went away abruptly; dispelled by the magic of the waiting tanar'ri。


   Bruenor took another step; then broke into a run。 Catti…brie screamed; thinking him dead; as a line of fire came down on him。

   Furious; frustrated; the young woman fired her bow again; and more harmless sparks exploded in the air。 Through the tears of outrage that welled in her blue eyes she hardly noticed that Bruenor had shrugged off the stinging hit and broke into a full charge again。

   Bladen'Kerst stopped the dwarf; enacting a spell that surrounded Bruenor in a huge block of magical; translucent goo。 Bruenor continued to move; but so slowly as to be barely perceptible; while the three drow priestesses laughed at him。

   Catti…brie fired again; and this time her arrow hit the block of goo; diving in several feet before stopping and hanging uselessly in place above her father's head。

   Catti…brie looked to Bruenor; to Drizzt and the horrid; twelve…foot fiend that had appeared to the right; and to Regis; groaning and trying to crawl at her left。 She felt the heat as fires raged in the tunnel behind her; heard the continuing battle back; that way which she did not understand。

   They needed a break; a turn in the tide; and Catti…brie thought she saw it then; and a moment of hope came to her
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