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   They needed a break; a turn in the tide; and Catti…brie thought she saw it then; and a moment of hope came to her。 Finished with the kill; Guenhwyvar growled and crouched; ready to spring upon the tanar'ri。

   That moment of hope for Catti…brie was short…lived; for as the panther sprang out; one of the priestesses casually tossed something into the air; Guenhwyvar's way。 The panther dissipated into gray mist in midleap and was gone; sent back to the Astral Plane。

   〃And so we die;〃 Catti…brie whispered; for this enemy was too strong。 She dropped Taulmaril to the floor and drew Khazid'hea。 A deep breath steadied her; reminded her that she had run close to death's door for most of her adult life。 She looked to her father and prepared to charge; prepared to die。

   A shape wavered in front of the block of goo; between Catti…brie and Bruenor; and the look of determination on the young woman's face turned to one of disgust as a gruesome; octopus…headed monster materialized on this side of the magical block; calmly walking梟o; floating梩oward her。

   Catti…brie raised her sword; then stopped; overwhelmed suddenly by a psionic blast; the likes of which she had never known。

   Methil waded in。


   Berg'inyon's force pulled up and regrouped when they had cleared Keeper's Dale pletely; had left the din of battle far behind and were near the last run for the tunnels back to the Under…dark。 Dimensional doors opened near the lizard rulers; and drow wizards (and those other dark elves fortunate enough to have been near the wizards when the spells were enacted) stepped through。 Stragglers; infantry drow and a scattering of humanoid allies; struggled to catch up; but they could not navigate the impossible terrain on this sign of the mountain。 And they were of no concern to the Baenre weapon master。

   All those who had escaped Keeper's Dale looked to Berg'inyon for guidance as the day brightened about them。

   〃My mother was wrong;〃 Berg'inyon said bluntly; an act of blasphemy in drow society; where the word of any matron mother was Lloth…given law。

   Not a drow pointed it out; though; or raised a word of disagreement。 Berg'inyon motioned to the east; and the force lumbered on; into the rising sun; miserable and defeated。

   〃The surface is for surface…dwellers;〃 Berg'inyon remarked to one of his advisors when she walked her mount beside his。 〃I shall never return。〃

   〃What of Drizzt Do'Urden?〃 the female asked; for it was no secret that Matron Baenre wanted her son to slay the renegade。

   Berg'inyon laughed at her; for not once since he had witnessed Drizzt's exploits at the Academy had he entertained any serious thoughts of fighting the renegade。


   Drizzt could see little beyond the gigantic glabrezu; and that spectacle was enough; for the ranger knew he was not prepared for such a foe; knew that the mighty creature would likely destroy him。

   Even if it didn't defeat him; the glabrezu would surely hold him up long enough for Matron Baenre to kill them all!

   Drizzt felt the savage hunger of his scimitar; a blade forged to kill such beasts; but he fought off the urge to charge; knew that he had to find a way around those devilish pincers。

   He noted Guenhwyvar's futile leap and disappearance。 Another ally lost。

   The fight was over before it had begun; Drizzt realized。 They had killed a couple of elite guards and nothing more。 They had walked headlong into the pinnacle of Menzoberranzan's power; the most high priestesses of the Spider Queen; and they had lost。 Waves of guilt washed over Drizzt; but he dismissed them; refused to accept them。 He had e out; and his friends had e beside him; because this had been Mithril Hall's only chance。 Even if Drizzt had known that Matron Baenre herself was leading this march; he would have e out here; and would not have denied Bruenor and Regis and Catti…brie the opportunity to acpany him。

   They had lost; but Drizzt meant to make their enemy hurt。

   〃Fight on; demon spawn;〃 he snarled at the glabrezu; and he fell into a crouch; waving his blades; eager to give his scimitar the meal it so greatly desired。

   The tanar'ri straightened and held out a curious metal coffer。

   Drizzt didn't wait for an explanation; and almost unintentionally destroyed the only chance he and his friends had; for as the tanar'ri moved to open the coffer; Drizzt; with the enchanted ankle bracers speeding his rush; yelled and charged; right past the lowered pincers; thrusting his scimitar into the fiend's belly。

   He felt the surge of power as the scimitar fed。


   Catti…brie was too confused to strike; too overwhelmed to even cry out in protest as Methil came right up to her and the wretched tentacles licked her face。 Then; through the confusion; a single voice; the voice of Khazid'hea; her sword; called out in her head。


   She did; and though her aim was not perfect; Khazid'hea's wicked edge hit Methil on the shoulder; nearly severing the illithid's arm。

   Out of her daze; Catti…brie swept the tentacles from her face with her free hand。

   Another psionic wave blasted her; crippling her once more; stealing her strength and buckling her legs。 Before she went down; she saw the illithid jerk weirdly; then fall away; and saw Regis; staggering; his hair still dancing wildly。 The halfling's mace was covered in blood; and he fell sidelong; over the stumbling Methil。

   That would have been the end of the illithid; especially when Catti…brie regained her senses enough to join in; except that Methil had anticipated such a disaster and had stored enough psionic energy to get out of the fight。 Regis lifted his mace for another strike; but felt himself sinking as the illithid dissipated beneath him。 The halfling cried out in confusion; in terror; and swung anyway; but his mace clanged loudly as it hit only the empty stone floor beneath him。


   It all happened in a mere instant; a flicker of time in which poor Bruenor had not gained an inch toward his taunting foes。

   The glabrezu; in pain greater than anything it had ever known; could have killed Drizzt then。 Every instinct within the wicked creature urged it to snap this impertinent drow in half。 Every instinct except one: the fear of Errtu's reprisal once the tanar'ri got back to the Abyss梐nd with that vile scimitar chewing away at its belly; the tanar'ri knew it would soon make that trip。

   It wanted so much to snap Drizzt in half; but the fiend had been sent here for a different reason; and evil Errtu would accept no explanations for failure。 Growling at the renegade Do'Urden; taking pleasure only in the knowledge that Errtu would soon return to punish this one personally; the glabrezu reached across and tore open the shielding coffer; producing the shining black sapphire。

   The hunger disappeared from Drizzt's scimitar。 Suddenly; the ranger's feet weren't moving so quickly。

   Across the Realms; the most poignant reminder of the Time of Troubles were the areas known as dead zones; wherein all magic ceased to exist。 This sapphire contained within it the negative energy of such a zone; possessed the antimagic to steal magical energy; and not Drizzt's scimitars or his bracers; not Khazid'hea or the magic of the drow priestesses; could overe that negative force。

   It happened for only an instant; for a consequence of revealing that sapphire was the release of the summoned tanar'ri from the Material Plane; and the departing glabrezu took with it the sapphire。

   For only an instant; the fires stopped in the tunnel behind Catti…brie。 For only an instant; the shackles binding Gandalug lost their enchantment。 For only an instant; the block of goo surrounding Bruenor was no more。

   For only an instant; but that was long enough for Gandalug; teeming with centuries of rage; to tear his suddenly feeble shackles apart; and for Bruenor to surge ahead; so that when the block of goo reappeared; he was beyond its influence; charging hard and screaming with all his strength。

   Matron Baenre had fallen unceremoniously to the floor; and her driftdisk reappeared when magic returned; hovering above her head。

   Gandalug launched a backhand punch to the left; smacking Quenthel in the face and knocking her back against the wall。 Then he jumped to the right and caught Bladen'Kerst's five…headed snake whip in his hand; taking more than one numbing bite。

   The old dwarf ignored the pain and pressed on; barreling over the surprised Baenre daughter。 He reached around her other shoulder and caught the handle of her whip in his free hand; then pulled the thing tightly against her neck; strangling her with her own wicked weapon。

   They fell in a clinch。


   In all the Realms there was no creature more protected by magic than Matron Baenre; no creature shielded from blows more effectively; not even a thick…scaled ancient dragon。 But most of those wards were gone now; taken from her in the moment of antimagic。 And in all the Realms there was no creature more consumed by rage than Bruenor Battlehammer; enraged at the sight of the old; tormented dwarf he knew he should recognize。 Enraged at the realization that his friends; that his dear daughter; were dead; or soon would be。 Enraged at the withered drow priestess; in his mind the personification of the evil that had taken his boy。

   He chopped his axe straight overhead; the many…notched blade diving down; shattering the blue light of the driftdisk; blowing the enchantment into nothingness。 Bruenor felt the burn as the blade hit one of the few remaining magical shields; energy instantly coursing up the weapon's head and handle; into the furious king。

   The axe went from green to orange to blue as it tore through magical defense after magical defense; rage pitted against powerful dweomers。 Bruenor felt agony; but would admit none。

   The axe drove through the feeble arm that Baenre lifted to block; through Baenre's skull; through her jawbone and neck; and deep into her frail chest。


   Quenthel shook off Gandalug's heavy blow and instinctively moved for her sister。 Then; suddenly; her mother was dead 
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