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e sill。 Harkle considered the scene for just a moment; then seemed to collect his wits and moved right between the two。 He motioned Drizzt to take his feet away; then hopped up to sit on the window sill。

   〃Do join us;〃 Catti…brie said with obvious sarcasm梠bvious to Drizzt at least; for Harkle smiled dumbly。

   〃You were discussing the poem; of course;〃 the wizard reasoned。 It was partially true。 Drizzt and Catti…brie were talking as much about the news that Bruenor had left Mithril Hall as about the all…important poem。

   〃Of course you were;〃 Harkle said。 〃That is why I have e。〃

   〃Have you deciphered any more of the verse?〃 Drizzt asked; not too hopeful。 The drow liked Harkle; but had learned not to expect too much from the wizard。 Above all else; Harkle and his kin were unpredictable sorts; oftentimes of great help; as in the fight for Mithril Hall; and at other times more a detriment than an advantage。

   Harkle recognized the drow's ambivalent tone; and he found that he wanted to prove himself at that moment; wanted to tell the drow all of the information in his magical journal; to recite the poem word by word; exactly as the seer had told it。 Harkle bit back the words; though; fearful of the limitations of his spell and the potential consequences。

   〃We're thinking it's Baenre;〃 Catti…brie said。 〃Whoever's holding the Baenre throne; I mean。 'Given to Lloth and by Lloth given;' is what she said; and who better than the one sitting on Baenre's throne for the Spider Queen to give such a gift?〃

   Harkle nodded; letting Drizzt take up the thought; but believing that they were slipping off track。

   〃Catti…brie thinks that it is Baenre; but the seer spoke of the Abyss; and that makes me believe that Lloth has engaged a handmaiden;〃 said Drizzt。

   Harkle bit hard on his lip and nodded unconvincingly。

   〃Cadderly has an informant in the Abyss;〃 Catti…brie added。 〃An imp; or something akin to that。 He'll summon the beastie and try to find us a name。〃

   〃But I fear that my road 。 。 。〃 Drizzt began。

   〃Our road;〃 Catti…brie corrected; so firmly that Drizzt had to concede the point。

   〃I fear that our road will once again lead to Menzoberranzan;〃 Drizzt said with a sigh。 He didn't want to go back there; that much was obvious; but it was clear also that the ranger would charge headlong into the accursed city for the sake of a friend。

   〃Why there?〃 Harkle asked; his voice almost frantic。 The wizard saw where the seer's poem had guided Drizzt; and knew that the second line; the one concerning Drizzt's father's ghost; had forced the ranger to think of Menzoberranzan as the source of it all。 There were references in the poem to Menzoberranzan; but there was one word in particular that led Harkle to believe that the drow city was not their ultimate goal。

   〃We have already discussed that;〃 Drizzt replied。 〃Menzoberranzan would seem to be the dark road the seer spoke of。〃

   〃You think it is a handmaiden?〃 Harkle asked Drizzt。

   The drow half…nodded; half…shrugged。

   〃And you agree?〃 Harkle questioned Catti…brie。

   〃Might be that it is;〃 Catti…brie replied。 〃Or might be a matron mother。 That'd be me own guess。〃

   〃Aren't handmaidens female?〃 Harkle's question seemed irrelevant。

   〃All of Lloth's closest minions are female;〃 Catti…brie replied。 〃That's why the Spider Queen's one to be fearin';〃 she added with a wink; trying to break some of the tension。

   〃As are all of the matron mothers;〃 Harkle reasoned。

   Drizzt looked to Catti…brie; neither of them quite understanding what the unpredictable wizard might be getting at。

   Harkle flapped his arms suddenly; looking as if he was about to burst。 He hopped down from the window; nearly overturning Drizzt in his chair。 〃She said he!〃 the flustered wizard cried。 〃The blind hag said he! 'The traitor to Lloth is sought by he who hates him most!' 〃 Harkle stopped and gave a great; exasperated sigh。 Then there came a hissing sound and a line of gray smoke began wafting out of his pocket。

   〃Oh; by the gods;〃 the wizard moaned。

   Drizzt and Catti…brie both jumped to their feet; more because of the wizard's surprisingly acute reasoning than because of the present smoky spectacle。

   〃What foe; Drizzt?〃 Harkle pressed with all urgency; the wizard suddenly suspecting that his time was short。

   〃He;〃 Catti…brie echoed over and over; trying to jog her memory。 〃Jarlaxle?〃

   〃 'Who is most unshriven;' 〃 Harkle reminded her。

   〃Not the mercenary; then;〃 said Drizzt; for he had e to the conclusion that Jarlaxle was not as evil as many。 〃Berg'inyon Baenre; perhaps。 He has hated me since our days in the Academy。〃

   〃Think! Think! Think!〃 Harkle shouted as a great gout of smoke rose up from his pocket。

   〃What are you burning?〃 Catti…brie demanded; trying to pull the Harpell around so that she could better see。 To her surprise and horror; her hand went right through the wizard's suddenly…less…than…corporeal form。

   〃Never mind that!〃 Harkle snapped at her。 〃Think; Drizzt Do'Urden。 What foe; who is most unshriven; who festers in the swirl of Abyss and hates you above all? What beast must be freed; that only you can free?〃 Harkle's voice seem to trail away as his form began to fade。

   〃I have exceeded the limits of my spell;〃 the wizard tried to explain to his horrified panions。 〃And so I am out of it; I fear; sent away 。 。 。〃

   Harkle's voice came back strong; unexpectedly。 〃What beast; Drizzt? What foe?〃 And then he was gone; simply gone; leaving Drizzt and Catti…brie standing and staring blankly in the small room。

   That last call; as Harkle faded from view; reminded Drizzt of another time when he had heard such a distant cry。

   〃Errtu;〃 the drow whispered breathlessly。 He shook his head even as he spoke the obvious answer; for; though Harkle's reasoning seemed sound; it didn't make sense to Drizzt; not in the context of the poem。

   〃Errtu;〃 Catti…brie echoed。 〃Suren that one's hating ye above all; and Lloth'd likely know him; or know of him。〃

   Drizzt shook his head。 〃It cannot be; for never did I meet the tanar'ri in Menzoberranzan; as the blind seer declared。〃

   Catti…brie thought on that one for a moment。 〃She never said Menzoberranzan;〃 the woman replied。 〃Not once。〃

   〃In the home that was 。 。 。〃 Drizzt began to recite; but he nearly gagged on the words; on the sudden realization that his interpretation of their meaning might not be correct。

   Catti…brie caught it; too。 〃Ye never called that place yer home;〃 she said。 〃And ye often telled me that yer first home was 。 。 。〃

   〃Icewind Dale;〃 Drizzt said。

   〃And it was there that ye met Errtu; and made o' him an enemy;〃 Catti…brie reasoned; and Harkle Harpell seemed a wise man indeed at that moment。

   Drizzt winced; remembering well the power and wickedness of the evil balor。 It pained the ranger to think of Zaknafein in Errtu's clutches。


   Harkle Harpell lifted his head from his huge desk and stretched with a great yawn。

   〃Oh; yes;〃 he said; recognizing the pile of parchments spread on the desk before him。 〃I was working on my spell。〃

   Harkle sorted them out and studied them more closely。

   〃My new spell!〃 he cried in glee。 〃Oh; it is finally pleted; the fog of fate! Oh; joy; oh happy day!〃 The wizard leaped up from his chair and twirled about the room; his voluminous robes flying wide。 After so many months of exhausting research; his new spell was finally plete。 The possibilities rolled through Harkle's mind。 Perhaps the fog of fate would take him to Calimshan; on an adventure with a pasha; perhaps to Anauroch; the great desert; or perhaps even to the wastelands of Vaasa。 Yes; Harkle would like to go to Vaasa and the rugged Galena Mountains。

   〃I will have to learn more of the Galenas and have them fully in mind when I cast the spell;〃 he told himself。 〃Yes; yes; that's the trick。〃 With a snap of his fingers; the wizard rushed to his desk; carefully sorted and arranged the many parchments of the long and plicated spell and placed them in a drawer。 Then he rushed out; heading for the library of the Ivy Mansion; to gather information on Vaasa and neighboring Damara; the famed Bloodstone Lands。 He could hardly keep his balance; so excited was he about what he believed to be the initial casting of his new spell; the culmination of months of labor。

   For Harkle had no recollection of the true initial casting。 All of the last few weeks had been erased from his mind as surely as the pages of the enchanted journal that acpanied the spell were now blank once more。 As far as Harkle knew; Drizzt and Catti…brie were sailing off the coast of Waterdeep; in a pirate hunting ship whose name he did not know。


   Drizzt stood beside Cadderly in a square room; gorgeously decorated; though not a single piece of furniture was in it。 The walls were all of polished black stone; bare; except for twisted iron wall sconces; one set in the exact center of each wall。 The torches in these were not burning; not in the conventional sense。 They were made of black metal; not wood; each with a crystal ball set at its top。 The light梚t seemed that Cadderly could conjure whatever colored light he chose梕manated from the balls。 One was glowing red now; another yellow; and two green; giving the room a strange texture of colors and depth; with some hues seeming to perate more deeply into the glassy surface of the polished walls than others。

   All of that held Drizzt's attention for a while; an impressive spectacle indeed; but it was the floor that most amazed the dark elf; who had seen so many amazing sights in his seven decades of life。 The perimeter of the floor was black and glassy; like the walls; but the bulk of the floor area was taken up by a mosaic; a double…lined circle。 The area between the lines; about a foot wide; was filled with arcane runes。 A sign was etched inside; its star…like tips touching the innermost circle。 All of these designs had been cut into the floor; and were filled with crushed gemstones of various colors。 There was an emerald rune beside a ruby star; both of which were between the twin diamond lines of the outer circles。

   Drizzt had see
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