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gger; and dagger again; the last thrust painfully nicking the barbarian's hip。

The drow smiled wickedly。

Aegis…fang appeared in Wulfgar's waiting hands。

With one hand; grasping low on the warhammer's handle; Wulfgar sent the weapon into a flowing circular motion in front of him。 The drow took careful measure of the weapon's speed—Wulfgar carefully appraised the drow's examination。

In darted the dagger; behind the flowing hammer。 Wulfgar's other hand clapped against the handle just under his weapon's head and abruptly reversed the direction; parrying the drow's attack aside。

The drow was quick; snapping his sword in a downward angle for Wulfgar's shoulder even as his dagger hand was knocked wide。 Wulfgar's huge forearm flexed with the strain as he halted the heavy hammer's flow; snapping it back up in front of him。 He caught Aegis…fang halfway up the handle with his free hand and jabbed diagonally up; the warhammer's solid head intercepting the sword and driving it harmlessly away。

The end of the parry left the drow with one arm wide and low; the other wide and high; and left Wulfgar standing before his opponent in perfect balance; both hands grasping Aegis…fang。 Before the dark elf could recover his wide…flying blades; before he could set his feet to dive away; Wulfgar chopped him; the hammer crunching under his shoulder and driving down toward his opposite hip。 The drow fell back from the blow; then; as though the full weight of the incredible hit had not immediately registered; went into an involuntary backward hop that slammed him against the wall。

One leg buckling; one lung collapsed; the drow brought his sword horizontally before his face in a meager defense。 Hands low on the handle; Wulfgar brought the hammer up behind him and slammed it home with all his strength; through the blade and into the drow's face。 With a sickening crack; the drow's skull exploded; crushed between the unyielding stone of the wall and the unyielding metal of the mighty Aegis…fang。

* * * * *

A blinding streak of silver halted the drider's attacks and saved Bruenor Battlehammer。 The arrow didn't hit the drider; however。 It soared high; pegging the wounded drow (who had just about climbed back to the blasted ledge) to the stone wall。

The distraction; the moment to recover from the daggers; was all Bruenor needed。 He came in hard again; his many…notched axe smashing the drider's closest leg; his shield up high to block the now off…balance axe swipes。 The dwarf pressed right into the beast; using its bulk to offer him some cover from the enemies in the corridor; and bulled it backward before it could set its many legs against the charge。

Another of Catti…brie's arrows whipped past him; sparking as it ricocheted along the stone of the corridor。

Bruenor grinned widely; thankful that the gods had delivered to him an ally and friend as petent as Catti…brie。

* * * * *

The first two arrows enraged Vierna; the third; ing down the corridor; nearly took off her head。 Jarlaxle raced back from his position near the chamber's entrance to join her。

〃Formidable;〃 the mercenary admitted。 〃I have dead soldiers in the room。〃

Vierna raced forward; focusing on the dwarf battling her mutated brother。 〃Where is Drizzi Do'Urden?〃 she demanded; using magic to focus her voice so that Bruenor would hear her through the drider。

〃Ye hit me and ye're meaning to talk?〃 the dwarf howled; finishing his sentence with an exclamation point in the form of a chopping axe。 One of Dinin's legs fell free; and the dwarf barreled on; pushing the unbalanced drider back another few strides。

Vierna hardly had the chance to begin her intended spell before Jarlaxle grabbed her and hauled her down。 Her instinctive anger toward the mercenary was lost in the blast of yet another streaking arrow; this one driving a hole into the stone wall where the priestess had been standing。

Vierna remembered Entreri's warning about this group; had the evidence right before her as the battle continued to sour。 She trembled with rage; growled in decipher ably as she considered what the defeat might cost her。 Her thoughts fell inward; followed the path of her faith toward her dark deity; and cried out to Lloth。

〃Vierna!〃 Jarlaxle called from someplace remote。

Lloth could not allow her to fail; had to help her against this unexpected obstacle; that she might deliver the sacrifice。

〃Vierna!〃 She felt the mercenary's hands on her; felt the hands of a second drow helping Jarlaxle put her back on her feet。

〃Wishya!〃 came her unintentional cry; then she knew only calm; knew that Lloth had answered her call。

Jarlaxle and the other drow slammed against the tunnel's walls from the force of Vierna's magical outburst。 Each looked at her with trepidation。

The mercenary's features relaxed when Vierna bade him to follow her farther along the corridor; out of harm's way。

〃Lloth will help us finish what we have started here;〃 the priestess explained。

* * * * *

Catti…brie put another arrow into the corridor for good measure; then glanced about; searching for a more apparent target。 She studied the battle between Bruenor and the monstrous drider; but she knew that any shots she made at the bloated monster would be too risky given the furious melee。

Wulfgar apparently had his situation under control。 A drow lay dead at his feet as he peeked about the rubble of the collapsed corridor in search of the enemy who had not e in。 Pwent was nowhere to be found。

Catti…brie looked up to the blasted ledge above Bruenor and the drider for the draw who had not fallen; then to the other ledge; where Guenhwyvar had disappeared。 In a small alcove below that area the young woman saw a curious sight: a gathering of mists similar to that heralding the | panther's approach。 The cloud shifted colors; became orange; almost like a swirling ball of flames。

Catti…brie sensed an evil aura; gathering and overwhelming; and put her bow in line。 The hairs on the back of her neck tingled; something was watching her。

Catti…brie dropped the Heartseeker and spun about; snapping her short sword from its sheath with her turn; barely in time to bat aside the thrusting sword of a levitating drow that had silently descended from the ceiling。

Wulfgar; too; noticed the mist; and he knew that it demanded his attention; that he must be ready to strike out at it as soon as its nature was revealed。 He could not ignore Catti…brie's sudden cry; though; and when he looked at her; he found her hard pressed; nearly sitting on the floor; her short sword working furiously to keep her attacker at bay。

In the shadows some distance behind the young woman and her attacker; another dark shape began its descent。

* * * * *

The warm blood of his torn enemy mingled with the drool on Thibbledorf Pwent's beard。 The drow had stopped thrashing; but Pwent; reveling in the kill; had not。

A crossbow quarrel pierced his ear。 His head came up as he roared; the impaled helmet spike lifting the dead drow's arm weirdly。 There stood another enemy; advancing steadily。

Up leaped the battlerager; snapping his head from side to side; whipping the caught drow back and forth until the ebony skin ripped apart; freeing the helmet spike。

The approaching dark elf stopped his advance; trying to make some sense of the gruesome scene。 He was moving again—back the other way—when indomitable Pwent took up the roaring charge。

The drow was truly amazed at the stubby dwarf's frantic pace; amazed that he could not easily outdistance this enemy。 He wouldn't have run too far anyway; though; preferring to bait this dangerous one away from the main battle。

They went through a series of twisting corridors; the dark elf ten strides ahead。 His graceful steps barely seemed to alter as he leaped; landing and spinning about; sword ready and smile wide。

Pwent never slowed。 He merely ducked his head to put his helmet spike in line。 With his eyes to the stone; the battlerager realized the trap; too late; as he crossed the rim of a pit the drow had subtly leaped across。

Down went the battlerager; crashing and bouncing; the many points of his battle armor throwing sparks as he skidded along the stone。 He cracked a rib against the rounded top of a stalagmite mound some distance down; bounced pletely over; and landed flat on his back in a lower chamber。

He lay there for some time; admiring the cunning of his enemy and admiring the curious way the ceiling—tons of solid rock—continued to spin about。

* * * * *

No novice with the sword; Catti…brie worked her blade marvelously; using every defense Drizzt Do'Urden had shown her to gain back some measure of equal footing。 She was confident that the drow's initial advantage was fading; confident that she could soon get her feet under her and e back up evenly against this opponent。

Then; suddenly; she had no one to fight。

Aegis…fang twirled by her; its windy wake bringing her thick hair about; and hit the surprised dark elf full force; blasting him away。

Catti…brie spun about; her initial appreciation lost as soon as she recognized Wulfgar's protectiveness。 The mist near the barbarian was forming by then; taking on the substantial; corporeal body of a denizen of some vile lower plane; some enemy far more dangerous than the dark elf Catti…brie had been battling。

Wulfgar had e to her aid at the risk of his own peril; had put her safety above his own。

To Catti…brie; confident that she could have taken care of her own situation; that act seemed more stupid than altruistic。

Catti…brie went for her bow—she had to get to her bow。 Before she even had her hands on it; though; the monster; the yochlol; came fully to the plane。 Amorphous; it somewhat resembled a lump of half…melted wax; showing eight tentaclelike appendages and a central; gaping maw lined with long; sharp teeth。

Catti…brie sensed danger behind her before she could call out to Wulfgar。 She spun; bow in hand; and looked up to her enemy; to a drow's sword fast descending for her head。

Catti…brie shot first。 The arrow jolted the drow several inches from the floor and passed right through the dark elf to explode in a shower of sparks against the ceiling。 The dr
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