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Catti…brie shot first。 The arrow jolted the drow several inches from the floor and passed right through the dark elf to explode in a shower of sparks against the ceiling。 The drow was still standing when he came back to the floor; still holding his sword; his expression revealing that he was not quite sure what had just happened。

Catti…brie grabbed her bow like a club and jumped up to meet him; pressing him fiercely until his mind registered the fact that he was dead。

She looked back once; to see Wulfgar grabbed by one of the yochlol's tentacles; then another。 All the barbarian's incredible strength could not keep him from the waiting maw。

* * * * *

Bruenor could see nothing but the black of the drider's torso as he continued to bull in; continued to drive Dinin backward。 He could hear nothing except the sounds of flying blades; the clang of metal against metal; or the sound of cracking shell whenever his axe struck home。

He knew instinctively that Catti…brie and Wulfgar; his children; were in trouble。

Bruenor's axe finally caught up with the retreating creature with full force as the drider slammed against the wall。 Another spider leg fell away; Bruenor planted his feet and heaved with all his strength; launching himself several feet back。

Dinin; weirdly contorted; two legs lost; did not immediately pursue; glad for the reprieve; but ferocious Bruenor came back in; the dwarf's savagery overwhelming the wounded drider。 Bruenor's shield blocked the first axe; his helmet blocked the following strike; a blow that should have dropped him。

Straight across whipped the dwarf's many…notched axe; above the hard exoskeleton to cut a jagged line across the bloated drider's belly。 Hot gore spewed out。 Fluids ran down the drider's legs and Bruenor's pumping arms。

Bruenor went into a frenzy; his axe smacking repeatedly; incessantly; into the crook between the drider's two foremost legs。 Exoskeleton gave way to flesh; flesh opened to spill more gore。

Bruenor's axe struck hard yet again; but he took a hit atop the shoulder of his weapon arm。 The drider's awkward angle stole most of the strength from the blow; and the axe did not get through Bruenor's fine mithril mail; but a blast of hot agony assaulted Bruenor。

His mind screamed that Catti…brie and Wulfgar needed him!

Grimacing against the pain; Bruenor whipped his axe in an upward backhand; its flat back cracking against the drider's elbow。 The creature howled and Bruenor brought the weapon to bear again; angled up the other way; catching the drider in the armpit and shearing the creature's arm off。

Catti…brie and Wulfgar needed him!

The drider's longer reach got its second axe around the dwarf's blocking shield; its bottom edge drawing a line of blood up the back of Bruenor's arm。 Bruenor tucked the shield in close and shoulder…blocked the monster against the wall。 He bounced back; drove his axe in hard at the monster's exposed side; then shoulder…blocked again。

Back bounced the dwarf; in chopped his axe; and Bruenor's stubby legs twitched again; sending him hurtling forward。 This time; Bruenor heard the drider's other axe fall to the floor; and when he bounced back; he stayed back; chopping wildly with his axe; driving the drider to the stone; splitting flesh and breaking ribs。

Bruenor turned about; saw Catti…brie in mand of her situation; and took a step toward Wulfgar。


Waves of energy hit the dwarf; lifting his feet from the ground and launching him a dozen feet through the air; to slam against the wall。

He rebounded in a redirected run; and he cried a single note of rage as he bore down on the entrance to the distant tunnel; the eyes of several drow watching him from farther within。

〃Wishya!〃 came the cry once more; and Bruenor was moving backward suddenly。

〃How many ye got?〃 the tough dwarf roared; shrugging off this newest hit against the wall。

The eyes; every set; turned away。

A globe of darkness fell over the dwarf; and he was; in truth; glad for its cover; for that last slam had hurt him more than he cared to admit。

* * * * *

A fourth soldier joined Vierna; Jarlaxle; and their one bodyguard as they again moved deeper into the tunnels。

〃Dwarf to the side;〃 the newer explained。 〃Insane; wild with rage。 I put him down a pit; but I doubt he is stopped!〃

Vierna began to reply; but Jarlaxle interrupted her; pointing down a side passage; to yet another drow signaling to them frantically in the silent hand code。

Devil cat! the distant drow signaled。 A second form rushed by him; followed by a third a few seconds later。 Jarlaxle understood the movements of his troops; knew that these three were the survivors of two separate battles; and understood that both the ledge and the side passage below it had been lost。

We must go; he signaled to Vierna。 Let us find a more advantageous region ivhere we might continue this fight。

〃Lloth has answered my call!〃 Vierna growled at him。 〃A handmaiden has arrived!〃

〃More the reason to be gone;〃 Jarlaxle replied aloud。 〃Show your faith in the Spider Queen and let us be on with the hunt for your brother。〃

Vierna considered the words for just a moment; then; to the worldly mercenary's relief; nodded her agreement。 Jarlaxle led her along at a great pace; wondering if it could be true that only seven of his skilled Bregan D'aerthe force; himself and Vierna included; remained。

* * * * *

Wulfgar's arms slapped wildly at the waving tentacles; his hands clasped over those appendages wrapping him; trying to break free of their iron grip。 More tentacles slapped in at him; forcing his attention。

He was jerked out straight; yanked sidelong into the great maw; and he understood these newest slapping attacks to be merely diversions。 Razor…edged teeth dug into his back and ribs; tore through muscle; and scraped against bone。

He punched out and grabbed a handful of slimy yochlol skin; twisting and tearing a hunk free。 The creature did not react; continued to bite bone; razor teeth working back and forth across the trapped torso。

Aegis…fang came back to Wulfgar's hand; but he was twisted awkwardly for any hits against his enemy。 He swung anyway; connecting solidly; but the fleshy; rubbery hide of the evil creature seemed to absorb the blows; sinking deep beneath the weight of Aegis…fang。

Wulfgar swung again; twisted about despite the searing pain。 He saw Catti…brie standing free; the second drow lying dead at her feet; and her face locked in an expression of open horror as she stared at the white of Wulfgar's exposed ribs。

Still; the image of his love; free from harm; brought a grimace of satisfaction to the barbarian's face。

A bolt of silver flashed right below; startling Wulfgar; blasting the yochlol; and the barbarian thought his salvation at hand; thought that his beloved Catti…brie; the woman he had dared to underestimate; would strike his attacker down。

A tentacle wrapped around Catti…brie's ankles and jerked her from her feet。 Her head hit the stone hard; her precious bow fell from her grasp; and she offered little resistance as the yochlol began to pull her in。

〃No!〃 Wulfgar roared; and he whacked again and again; futilely; at the rubbery beast。 He cried out for Bruenor; out of the corner of his eye; he saw the dwarf stumble out of a dark globe; far away and dazed。

The yochlol's maw crunched mercilessly; a lesser man would have long since collapsed under the force of that bite。

Wulfgar could not allow himself to die; though; not with Catti…brie and Bruenor in danger。

He began a hearty song to Tempus; his god of battle。 He sang with lungs fast filling with blood; with a voice that came from a heart that had pumped mightily for more than twenty years。

He sang and he forgot the waves of crippling pain; he sang and the song came back to his ears; echoing from the cavern walls like a chorus from the minions of an approving god。

He sang and he tightened his grip on Aegis…fang。

Wulfgar struck out; not against the beast; but against the alcove's low ceiling。 The hammer chopped through dirt; hooked about stone。

Pebbles and dust fell all around the barbarian and his attacker。 Again and again; all the while singing; Wulfgar slammed at the ceiling。

The yochlol; not a stupid beast; bit fiercely; shook its great maw wildly; but Wulfgar had passed beyond the admission of pain。 Aegis…fang chopped upward; a chunk of stone followed its inevitable descent。

As soon as she recovered her wits; Catti…brie saw what the barbarian was doing。 The yochlol was no longer interested in her; was no longer pulling her in; and she managed to claw her way back to her bow。

〃No; me boy!〃 she heard Bruenor cry from across the way。

Catti…brie nocked an arrow and turned about。

Aegis…fang slammed against the ceiling。

Catti…brie's arrow sizzled into the yochlol an instant before the ceiling gave way。 Huge boulders toppled down; any space between them quickly filled with piles of rock and soil; spewing clouds of dust into the air。 The chamber shook violently; the collapse resounded through all the tunnels。 Neither Catti…brie nor Bruenor still stood。 Both huddled  on the floor; their arms defensively over their heads as the cave…in slowly ended。 Neither could see amid the darkness and the dust; neither could see that both the monster and Wulfgar had disappeared under tons of collapsing stone。

Part 5

End Game

When I die。。。

I have lost friends; lost my father; my mentor; to I that greatest of mysteries called death。 Ihave known I grief since the day I left my homeland; since the day wicked Malice informed me that Zaknafein had been given to the Spider Queen。 It is a strange emotion; grief; its focus shifting。 Do I grieve for Zaknafein; for Montolio; for Wulfgar? Or do I grieve for myself; for the loss I must forever endure?It is perhaps the most basic question of mortal existence; and yet it is one for which there can be no answer。。。。 Unless the answer is one of faith。

I am sad still when I think of the sparring games against my father; when I remember the walks beside Montolio through the mountains; and when those memories of Wulfgar; most intense of all; flash through my mind like a summary of the last se
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