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ieve that they won't; I suspect that we would be wise to keep them out of the lower tunnels梕ven though we plan to light those tunnels。〃

Dagna nodded his agreement。 〃A wise choice indeed;〃 he said。 〃The tall men are better suited to fighting along the mountainsides。 Me own guess is that the drow1!! e in around the mountain as well as through it。〃

〃The men of Settlestone will meet them;〃 added another dwarf。

From the shadows of a partly closed door at the side of the room; Bruenor Battlehammer looked on curiously。 He was amazed at how quickly Regis had taken things into his control; especially given the fact that the halfling did not wear his hypnotic ruby pendant。 After scolding Bruenor for not acting quickly and decisively; for falling back into a mire of self…pity with the trails to Catti…brie and Drizzt apparently closed; the halfling; with Pwent in tow; had gone straight to General Dagna and the other war manders。

What amazed Bruenor now was not the fact that the dwarves had gone eagerly into preparations for war; but the fact that Regis seemed to be leading them。 Of course; the halfling had concocted a lie to assume that role。 Using


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Bruenor's resumed indifference; the halfling was faking meetings with the dwarf king; then going to Dagna and the others pretending that he was bringing word straight from Bruenor。

When he first discovered the ruse; Bruenor wanted to throttle the halfling; but Regis had stood up to him; and had offered; more than sincerely; to step aside if Bruenor wanted to take over。

Bruenor wished that he could; desperately wanted to find that level of energy once more; but any thought of warfare inevitably led him to memories of his recent past battles; most of them beside Drizzt; Catti…brie; and Wulfgar。 Paralyzed by those painful memories; Bruenor had simply dismissed Regis and allowed the halfling to go on with his facade。

Dagna was as fine a strategist as any; but his experience was rather limited regarding races other than dwarves or stupid goblins。 Regis was among Drizzf s best friends; had sat and listened to Drizzf s tales of his homeland and his kin hundreds of times。 Regis had also been among Wulfgar's best friends; and so he understood the barbarians; whom the dwarves would need as allies should the war e to pass。

Still; Dagna had never been fond of anyone who wasn't a dwarf; and the fact that he wholeheartedly accepted the advice of a halfling梐nd one not known for bravery!梥urprised Bruenor more than a little。

It stung the king as well。 Bruenor knew of the dark elves and the barbarians at least as well as Regis; and he understood dwarven tactics better than anyone。 He should be at that table; pointing out the sections on the map; he should be the one; with Regis beside him; to meet with Berkthgar the Bold。

Bruenor dropped his gaze to the floor; rubbed a hand over his brow and down his grotesque scar。 He felt an ache in the hollow socket。 Hollow; too; was his heart; empty with the loss of Wulfgar; and breaking apart at the thought that Drizzt and his precious Catti…brie had gone off into danger。

The events about him had gone beyond his responsibilities as king of Mithril Hall。 Bruenor's first dedication was to his children; one lost; the other missing; and to his friends。


Starless Night

Their fates were beyond him now; he could only hope that they would win out; would survive and e back to him; for Bruenor had no way to get to Catti…brie and Drizzt。

Bruenor could never get back to Wulfgar。

The dwarf king sighed and turned away; walking slowly back toward his empty room; not even noticing that the meeting had adjourned。

Regis watched Bruenor silently from the doorway; wishing that he had his ruby pendant; if for no other reason than to try to rekindle the fires in the broken dwarf。

Catti…brie eyed the wide corridor ahead suspiciously; trying to make out distinct shapes among the many stalagmite mounds。 She had e into a region where mud mixed with stone; and she had seen the tracks clearly enough?goblin tracks; she knew; and recent。

Ahead loomed the perfect place for an ambush。 Catti…brie took an arrow from the quiver strapped behind her hip; then held Taulmaril the Heartseeker; her magical bow; ready in her hands。 Tucked under one arm; ready to be dropped; was the panther figurine。 She silently debated whether or not she should summon Guenhwyvar from the Astral Plane。 She had no real proof that the goblins were about梐ll the mounds in the corridor seemed natural and benign梑ut she felt the hairs on the back of her neck tingle。

She decided to hold off calling the cat; her logic overruling her instincts。 She fell against the left…hand wall and slowly started forward; wincing every time the mud sloshed around her lifting boot。

With a dozen stalagmite mounds behind her; the wall still tightly to her left; the young woman paused and listened once more。 All seemed perfectly quiet; but she couldn't shake the feeling that her every step was being monitored; that some monster was poised not far away; waiting to spring out and throttle her。 Would it be like this all the way through the Underdark? she wondered。 Would she drive herself insane with imagined dangers? Or worse; would the false alarms of her misguided instincts take her


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off guard on that one occasion when danger really did rise against her?

Catti…brie shook her head to clear the thoughts and squinted her eyes to peer into the magically starlit gloom。 Another benefit of Lady Alustriel's gift was that Catti…brie's eyes did not glow with the telltale red of infravision。 The young woman; though; inexperienced in such matters; didn't know that; she knew only that the shapes ahead seemed ominous indeed。 The ground and walls were not firmly set; as in other parts of the tunnels。 Mud and open water flowed freely in different areas。 Many of the stalagmites seemed to have appendages梘oblin arms; perhaps; holding wicked weapons。

Again Catti…brie forced away the unwanted thoughts; and she started forward; but froze immediately。 She had caught a sound; a slight scraping; like that of a weapon tip brushing against stone。 She waited a long while but heard nothing more; so she again told herself not to let her imagination carry her away。

But had those goblin tracks been part of her imagination? she asked herself as she took another step forward。

Catti…brie dropped the figurine and swung about; her bow ing to bear。 Around the nearest stalagmite charged a goblin; its ugly; flat face seeming broader for the wide grin it wore and its rusting and jagged sword held high above its head。

Catti…brie fired; point blank; and the silver…streaking arrow had barely cleared the bow when the monster's head exploded in a shower of multicolored sparks。 The arrow blasted right through; sparking again as it sliced a chunk off the stalagmite mound。

〃Guenhwyvar!〃 Catti…brie called; and she readied the bow。 She knew she had to get moving; that this area had been clearly marked by the spark shower。 She considered the gray mist that had begun to swirl about her; and; knowing the summoning was plete; scooped up the figurine and ran away from the wall。 She hopped the dead goblin's body and cut around the nearest stalagmite; then slipped between two others。 Out of the corner of her eye she saw another four…foot…tall huddled shape。 An arrow streaked off


Starless Night

in pursuit; its silvery trail stealing the darkness; and scored another hit。 Catti…brie did not smile; though; for the flash of light revealed a dozen more of the ugly humanoids; slinking and crawling about the mounds。

They screamed and hooted and began their charge。

Over by the wall; gray mist gave way to the powerful panther's tangible form。 Guenhwyvar had recognized the urgency of the call and was on the alert immediately; ears flattened and shining green eyes peering about; taking full measure of the scene。 Quieter than the night; the cat loped off。

Catti…brie circled farther out from the wall; taking a roundabout course to flank the approaching group。 Every time she came past another blocking mound; she let fly an arrow; as often hitting stone as goblins。 She knew that confusion was her ally here; that she had to keep the creatures from organizing; or they would surround her。

Another arrow streaked away; and in its illumination Catti…brie saw a closer target; a goblin crouched right behind the mound she would soon pass。 She went behind the mound; skidded to a stop; and came back out the same way; desperately working to fit an arrow。

The goblin swung around the mound and rushed in; sword leading。 Catti…brie batted with her bow; barely knocking the weapon aside。 She heard a sucking sound behind her; then a hiss; and instinctively dropped to her knees。

A goblin pitched over her suddenly low form and crashed into its surprised ally。 The two were up quickly; though; as quickly as Catti…brie。 The woman worked her bow out in front to keep them at bay; tried to get her free hand down to grab at the jeweled dagger on her belt。

Sensing their advantage; the goblins charged梩hen went tumbling away along with six hundred pounds of flying panther。

〃Guen;〃 Catti…brie mouthed in silent appreciation; and she pivoted about; pulling an arrow from her quiver。 As she expected; goblins were fast closing from behind。

Taulmaril twanged once; again; and then a third time; Catti…brie blasting holes in the ranks。 She used the sudden and deadly explosions of streaking lines and sparks as cover


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and ran; not away; as she knew the goblins would expect; but straight ahead; backtracking along her original route。

She had them fooled as she ducked behind another mound; wide and thick; and nearly giggled when a goblin leaped out behind her; rubbing its light…stung eyes and looking back the other way。

Just five feet behind the stupid thing; Catti…brie let fly; the arrow blasting into the goblin's back; snaring on a bone; and sending the creature flying through the air。

Catti…brie spun and ran on; around the back side of the wide mound。 She heard a roar from Guenhwyvar; followed by the profound screams of another group of goblins。 Ahead; a huddled form was
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