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Catti…brie spun and ran on; around the back side of the wide mound。 She heard a roar from Guenhwyvar; followed by the profound screams of another group of goblins。 Ahead; a huddled form was running away from her; and she lifted her bow; ready to clear the path。

Something jolted her on the hip。 She released the bowstring; and the arrow zipped wide of the mark; scorching a hole in the wall。

Catti…brie stumbled off balance; startled and hurt。 She banged her shin against a jutting stone and nearly pitched headlong; skidding to a stop down on one knee。 As she reached down to get another arrow from her quiver; she felt the wet warmth of her lifeblood pouring generously from a deep gash in her hip。 Only then did stunned Catti…brie realize the hot waves of agony。

She kept her wits about her and turned as she fitted the arrow。

The goblin was right above her; its breath ing hot and smelly through pointed yellow teeth。 Its sword was high above its head。

Catti…brie let fly。 The goblin jerked up into the air; but came back to its feet。 Behind it; another goblin caught the arrow under the chin; the powerful bolt blowing the back of its skull off。

Catti…brie thought she was dead。 How could she have missed? Did the arrow slip under the goblin's arm as it jumped in fright? It made no sense to her; but she could hardly stop to think it over。 The moment of death was upon her; she was sure; for she could not maneuver her bow quickly enough to parry the goblin's next strike。 She could not block the descending sword。


Starless Night

But the sword did not descend。 The goblin simply stopped; held perfectly still for what seemed to Catti…brie an interminable time。 Its sword then clanged to the stone; a wheeze issued from the center of its rib cage; followed by a thick line of blood。 The monster toppled to the side; dead。

Catti…brie realized that her arrow had indeed hit the mark; had driven cleanly through the first goblin to kill the second。

Catti…brie forced herself to her feet。 She tried to run on; but waves rolled over her; and before she understood what had happened; she was back to the floor; back to one knee。 She felt a coldness up her side; a swirling nausea in her stomach; and; to her horror; saw yet another of the miserable goblins fast closing; waving a spiked club。

Summoning all of her strength; Catti…brie waited until the very last moment and whipped her bow across in front of her。 The goblin shrieked and fell backward; avoiding the hit; but its sudden retreat gave Catti…brie the time to draw her short sword and the jeweled dagger。

She stood; forcing down the pain and the sick feeling。

The goblin uttered something in its annoying; high…pitched voice; something threatening; Catti…brie knew; though it sounded like a typical goblin whine。 The wretched creature came at her all of a sudden; whipping the club to and fro; and Catti…brie leaped back。

A jolting flare of agony rushed up her side; nearly costing her her balance。 On came the goblin; crouched and balanced; sensing victory。

It continued to talk to her; taunt her; though she could not understand its language。 It chuckled and pointed to her wounded leg。

Catti…brie was confident that she could defeat the goblin; but she feared that it would be to no avail。 Even if she and Guenhwyvar won out; killed all the goblins or sent them fleeing; what might e next? Her leg would barely support her梒ertainly she could not continue her quest梐nd she doubted that she could properly clean and dress the wound。 The goblins might not kill her; but they had stopped her; and the waves of pain continued unabated。

Catti…brie's eyes rolled back and she started to sway。


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Her eyes blinked open and she steadied herself as the goblin took the bait and charged。 When it realized the ruse; it tried to stop; but skidded in the slippery mud。

The goblin whipped its club across frantically; but Catti…brie's short sword intercepted it; locking against one of the spikes。 Knowing that she had not the strength to force the club aside; she pressed forward; into the goblin; tucking her sword arm in close as she went; forcing the goblin's arm to hook about her as she turned。

All the while; the jeweled dagger led the way; reaching for the creature's belly。 The goblin got its free arm up to block; and only the dagger's tip slipped through its skin。

Catti…brie did not know how long she could hold the clinch。 Her strength was draining; she wanted nothing more than to curl up in a little ball and faint away。

Then; to her surprise; the goblin cried out in agony。 It whipped its head back and forth; shook its whole body wildly in an effort to get away。 Catti…brie; barely holding the dangerous club at bay; had to keep pace with it。

A burst of energy pulsed through the dagger and coursed up her arm。

The young woman didn't know what to make of it; didn't know what was happening; as the goblin went into a series of violent convulsions; each one sending another pulse of energy flowing into its foe。

The creature fell back against a stone; its blocking arm limp; and Catti…brie's momentum carried her closer; the wicked dagger sinking in to the hilt。 The next pulse of energy nearly knocked Catti…brie away; and her eyes widened in horror as she realized that Artemis Entreri's weapon was literally eating away at the goblin's life force and transferring it to her!

The goblin sprawled over the arcing edge of the stalagmite mound; its eyes open and unblinking; its body twitching in death spasms。

Catti…brie fell back; taking the bloodied dagger with her。 She worked hard to draw breath; gasping in disbelief and eyeing the blade with sheer revulsion。

A roar from Guenhwyvar reminded her that the battle was not ended。 She replaced the dagger on her belt and


Starless Night

turned; thinking that she had to find her bow。 She had gone two running steps before she even realized that her leg was easily supporting her now。

From somewhere in the shadows; a goblin heaved a spear; which skipped off the stone just behind the running woman and stole her train of thought。 Catti…brie skidded down in the mud and scooped up her bow as she slid past。 She looked down to her quiver; saw its powerful magic already at work replacing the spent arrows。

She saw; too; that no more blood was ing from her wound。 Gingerly; the young woman ran a hand over it; felt a thick scab already in place。 She shook her head in disbelief; took up her bow; and began firing。

Only one more goblin got dose to Catti…brie。 It sneaked around the back side of the thick mound。 The young woman started to drop her bow and draw out her weapons for melee; but she stopped (and so did the goblin!) when a great panther's paw slapped down atop the creature's head and long daws dug into the goblin's sloping forehead。

Guenhwyvar snapped the creature backward with sudden; savage force such that one of the monster's shoddy boots remained where it had been standing。 Catti…brie looked away; back to the area behind them; as Guenhwy…var's powerful maw closed over the stunned goblin's throat and began to squeeze。

Catti…brie saw no targets; but let fly another arrow to brighten the end of the corridor。 Half a dozen goblins were in full flight; and Catti…brie sent a shower of arrows trailing them; chasing them; and cutting them down。

She was still firing a minute later梙er enchanted quiver would never run short of arrows梬hen Guenhwyvar padded over to her and bumped against her; demanding a pat。 Catti…brie sighed deeply and dropped a hand to the caf s muscled flank; her eyes falling to the jeweled dagger; sitting impassively on her belt。

She had seen Entreri wield that dagger; had once had its blade against her own throat。 The young woman shuddered as she recalled that awful moment; more awful now that she understood the cruel weapon's properties。

Guenhwyvar growled and pushed against her; prodding


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her to motion。 Catti…brie understood the panther's urgency; according to Drizzt's tales; goblins rarely traveled in the Underdark in secluded bands。 If there were twenty here; there were likely two hundred somewhere nearby。

Catti…brie looked to the tunnel behind them; the tunnel from which she had e and down which the goblins had fled。 She considered; briefly; going that way; fighting through the fleeing few and running back to the surface world; where she belonged。

It was a fleeting thought for her; an excusable instant of weakness。 She knew that she must go on; but how? Catti…brie looked down to her belt once more and smiled as she untied the magical mask。 She lifted it before her face; unsure of how it even worked。

With a shrug to Guenhwyvar; the young woman pressed the mask against her face。

Nothing happened。

Holding it tight; she thought of Drizzt; imagined herself with ebony skin and the fine chiseled features of a drow。

Biting tingles of magic nipped at her every pore。 In a moment; she moved her hand away from her face; the mask holding fast of its own accord。 Catti…brie blinked many times; for in the magical starlight afforded her by the Caf s Eye; she saw her receding hand shining perfectly black; her fingers more slender and delicate than she remembered them。

How easy it had been!

Catti…brie wished that she had a mirror so that she could check the disguise; though she felt in her heart that it was true。 She considered how perfectly Entreri had mimicked Regis when he had e back to Mithril Hall; right down to the halfling's equipment。 With that thought; the young woman looked to her own rather drab garb。 She considered Drizzf s tales of his homeland; of the fabulous and evil high priestesses of Lloth。

Catti…brie's worn traveling cloak had bee a rich robe; shimmering purple and black。 Her boots had blackened; their tips curling up delicately。 Her weapons remained the same; though; and it seemed to Catti…brie; in this attire; that Entreri's jeweled dagger was the most fitting。


Starless Night

Again the young woman focused her thoughts on that wicked blade。 A part of her wanted to drop it in the mud; to bury it where no one could ever find it。 She even went so far as to close her fingers over its hilt。

But she released
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