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napoleon bonaparte, v12-第13部分

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passing from one apartment to the other; was seen through a glass door
which separated this apartment from that in which the duchess then was。
The Empress; having also seen her; hastily advanced to meet her; and
insisted on her entering。  Before passing in; Madame Lefebvre turned to
the usher; and said to him in a mocking tone; 〃Well; my good fellow; you
see I got in!〃  The poor usher blushed up to his ears; and withdrew in

Marshal Lefebvre was not less good; less excellent; than his wife; and it
might well be said of them that high honors had made no change in their
manners。  The good they both did could not be told。  It might have been
said that this was their only pleasure; the only compensation for a great
domestic misfortune。  They had only one son; who was one of the worst men
in the whole Empire。  Each day there were complaints against him; the
Emperor himself frequently admonished him on account of the high esteem
he had for his brave father。  But there resulted no improvement; and his
natural viciousness only manifested itself the more。  He was killed in
some battle; I forget which; and as little worthy of regret as he was;
his death was a deep affliction to his excellent mother; although he even
forgot himself so far as to speak disrespectfully of her in his coarse
speeches。  She usually made M。 de Fontanes  the confidant of her sorrows;
for the grand master of the university; notwithstanding his exquisite
politeness and his admirable literary style; was very intimately
associated with the household of Marshal Lefebvre。

In this connection I recall an anecdote which proves better than anything
that could be said the kindness and perfect simplicity of the marshal。
One day it was announced to him that some one whose name was not given
wished to speak to him。  The marshal left his cabinet; and recognized his
old captain in the French Guards; in which; as we have said; the marshal
had been a sergeant。  The marshal begged permission to embrace him;
offered his services; his purse; his house; treated him almost exactly as
if he had been under his orders。  The old captain was an emigre; and had
returned undecided what he would do。  Through the efforts of the marshal
his name was promptly struck out of the list of emigres; but he did not
wish to re…enter the army; and yet was in much need of a position。
Having supported himself during his emigration by giving lessons in
French and Latin; he expressed a desire to obtain a position in the
university。  〃Well; my colonel;〃 said the marshal with his German accent;
〃I will take you at once to my friend M。 de Fontanes。〃  The marshal's
carriage is soon at the door; and the respectful protector and his
protoge enter the apartments of the grand master of the university。
M。 de Fontanes hastens to meet the marshal; who; I have been informed;
made his presentation speech in this style:

〃My dear friend; I present to you the Marquis of 。

He was my former captain; my good captain。  He would like to obtain a
place in the university。  Ah!  he is not a man of nothing; a man of the
Revolution like you and me。  He is my old captain; the Marquis of  。〃
Finally the marshal closed by saying; 〃Ah; the good; excellent man!  I
shall never forget that when I went for orders to my good captain; he
never failed to say: 'Lefebvre; my child; pass on to the kitchen; go and
get something to eat。' Ah; my good; my excellent captain!〃

All the members of the imperial family had a great fondness for music;
and especially the Italian; but they were not musicians; and most of them
sang as badly as his Majesty himself; with the exception of the Princess
Pauline; who had profited by the lessons of Blangini; and sang tolerably
well。  In respect of his voice; Prince Eugene showed himself worthy to be
the adopted son of the Emperor; for; though he was a musician and sang
with fervor; it was not in such a manner as to satisfy his auditors。
In compensation; however; Prince Eugene's voice was magnificent for
commanding military evolutions; an advantage which Count Lobau and
General Dorsenne also possessed; and it was consequently always one of
these whom his Majesty appointed to command under his orders on great

Notwithstanding the severe etiquette of the Emperor's court; there were
always a few privileged persons who had the right to enter his apartment;
even when he was in bed; though the number was small。  They consisted of
the following persons:

M。 de Talleyrand; vice grand elector; de Montesquiou; grand chamberlain;
de Remusat; first chamberlain; Maret; Corvisart; Denon; Murat; Yvan;
Duroc; grand marshal; and de Caulaincourt; grand equerry。

For a long time all these personages came to the Emperor's apartment
almost every morning; and their visits were the origin of what was
afterwards called 'le petit lever'。  M。 de Lavalette also came
frequently; and also M。 Real and Messieurs Fouche and Savary while each
of them was minister of police。

The princes of the imperial family also enjoyed the right to enter the
Emperor's apartment in the morning。  I often saw the Emperor's mother。
The Emperor kissed her hand with much respect and tenderness; but I have
many times heard him reproach her for her excessive economy。  Madame Mere
listened; and then gave as excuse for not changing her style of living
reasons which often vexed his Majesty; but which events have
unfortunately justified。

Madame Mere had been a great beauty; and was still very pretty;
especially when I saw her for the first time。  It was impossible to find
a better mother; devoted to her children; she lavished on them the sagest
counsels; and always intervened in family quarrels to sustain those whom
she thought in the right; for a long time she took Lucien's part; and I
have often heard her warmly defend Jerome when the First Consul was most
severe towards his young brother。  The only fault in Madame Mere's
character was her excessive economy; and on this point astonishing things
could be said without fear of exaggeration; but she was beloved by every
one in the palace for her kindness and affability。

I recall in reference to Madame Mere an incident which greatly amused the
Empress Josephine。  Madame was spending several days at Malmaison; when
one day one of her ladies; whom she had caused to be sent for; found; on
entering the room; to her great astonishment; Cardinal Fesch discharging
the duty of a lady's maid by lacing up his sister; who had on only her
underclothing and her corset。

One of the subjects on which the Emperor would listen to no raillery was
that of custom…house duties; and towards all contraband proceeding he
showed inflexible severity; and this reached such a point; that one day
M。 Soiris; director of the custom…house at Verceil; having seized a
package of sixty cashmere shawls; sent from Constantinople to the
Empress; the Emperor approved his action; and the cashmeres were sold for
the benefit of the state。  In such cases the Emperor always said; 〃How
can a sovereign have the laws respected if he does not respect them
himself?〃  I recall another occasion; and I think the only instance in
which he permitted an infraction of the custom…house regulations; but we
shall see the question was not that of ordinary smuggling。

The grenadiers of the Old Guard; under the orders of General Soules;
returned to France after the peace of Tilsit。  On their arrival at
Mayence; the custom…house officers endeavored to perform their duty; and
consequently inspected the chests of the Guard and those of the general。
Meanwhile; the director of the custom…house; in doubt what proceedings to
take; sought the general to inform him of the necessity he was under of
executing the laws; and of carrying out the direct orders of the Emperor。
The general's reply to this courteous overture was plain and energetic:
〃If a single officer dares to place his hand on the boxes of my old
mustaches; I'll throw him into the Rhine!〃  The officer insisted。  The
custom…house employees were quite numerous; and were preparing to proceed
with the inspection; when General Soules had the boxes put in the middle
of the square; and a regiment detailed to guard them。  The director of
the custom…house; not daring to proceed further; sent to the director…
general a report to be submitted to the Emperor。  Under any other
circumstances the case would have been serious; but the Emperor had just
returned to Paris; where he had been welcomed more heartily than ever
before by the acclamations of the people on the occasion of the fetes
celebrated in honor of peace; and this old Guard was returning home
resplendent with glory; and after most admirable behavior at Eylau。  All
these things combined to quell the Emperor's anger; and having decided
not to punish; he wished to reward them; and not to take seriously their
infraction of his custom…house regulations。  General Soules; on reaching
Paris; presented himself before the Emperor; who received him cordially;
and; after some remarks relative to the Guard; added: 〃By the by; what is
this you have been doing?  I heard of you。  What!  you really threatened
to throw my custom…house officers into the Rhine!  Would you have done
it?〃〃Yes; Sire;〃 replied the general; with his German accent; 〃yes; I
would have done it。  It was an insult to my old grenadiers to attempt
to inspect their boxes。〃〃Come; now;〃 said the Emperor very affably;
〃I see just how it is。  You have been smuggling。〃〃I; Sire?〃〃Yes; I
say。  You have been smuggling。  You bought linen in Hanover。  You wanted
to furnish your house handsomely; as you imagined I would appoint you
senator。  You were not mistaken。  Go and have your senator's coat made;
but do not repeat this performance; for next time I will have you shot。〃

During our stay at Bayonne; in 1808; every one was struck with the
awkward manners of the King and Queen of Spain; and the poor taste
displayed in their toilets; the disgraceful appearance of their
equipages; and a certain air of constraint and embarrassment which was
general among all the persons of their suite。  The elegant manners of the
French and the magnificence of the imperial equipages furnished such a
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